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January 2016 iui/ivf

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For anyone who is doing iui/ivf in January.
Lots of baby dust for a fresh new start in 2016!

Me: 30 DH:32 TTC since Oct 2014 Dec 2014 - Chemical Pregnancy Diagnosed with hashimoto's thyroiditis on synthroid 75mcg 3 Rounds of Clomid and IUI - (April, June, July) Laparoscopy in July 2015 - mild endometriosis, lots of scar tissue 4 rounds of femara with TI - (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec) Jan, Feb 2016 - super ovulation cycle/overlap - femara/gonal-f with trigger/back to back iui/progesterone - March/April - break from it all May - femara and TI intercourse - one last chance - BFN June - IVF prep month July - IVF!!!

111 Replies • 8 years ago



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NT scan showed both babies ok and the stats are very good.

Babypath, i was supposed to have the amnio on Feb. but the doctor told me that as the NT scan is ok, if the abruption is not recovered, i better not do it. It is something i wanted to do and i hope the abruption is fully recovered by then.
We couldnt see the genders, maybe in a later stage.
I am so happy you start again and your kids make you proud! My best wishes for all of you.

2moms and Jmolo, i am glad that your HSG were ok! You should know that HSG also helps to conceive. My only natural conceive was a month after my HSG. Good luck to both of you!

Hoping, thank you for asking. I feel happy as babies are ok. I still have brown blood but i am not worried anymore. The doctor told me that the pregnanfy will have no problem. I still have to stay on bed. It is rather boring and i have to be with someone all the time. My mother and aunt help me.
I hope you are more comfortable with the injections. I am on 12 th week and i still do them, the anticlot ones. I am used to it.
Nice idea not to know your numbers! I wish you the greatest success, your growing follicles look promising and i am sure they are going to mature on time.

Chaf, your baby is so cute! Thanks for sharing her photo! Keep going well!!!!

Margie, i know how you feel! Try to relax. I am sure soon you will be able to enjoy your pregnancy!

Music, progesterone sups are ok, dont worry. With all these iuis and the ivf i had them often and i have no side effects. Sometimes it makes me feel unfomfortable with the stuck med on my vagina. But it is ok.

8 years ago

Hey Ladies!
Music - I've done them in the past - they aren't that bad - i got some bloating, sore boobs, and some discharge (TMI?) the bloating is the worse but i guess worth it for a BFP! I was always told to come in 14 days after the trigger - and then depending on that stop the prog. because it can prolong AF from coming

Margie - i know the feeling all to well! I feel like every day I'm hearing a new announcement! Just keep to your plan and it will happen. Dfon't give up hope!!

Keth - do you work? how was it with taking time off! That's nice someone is there with you to help the time past! I was okay with injections - i take some for low b12 so it is easy! Have you told others u are expecting?

JF - glad it went well!! YAY how'd the iui go???

Baby - how was the weekend away??

2moms - how are you doing??

AFM - well cycle day 12. went in this morning one is at 19 (yay! they want at least 18) and the rest stopped at 8, 10, and 12. At first i was a bit upset because I thought the injections were suppose to produce more eggs but i keep reminding myself ONE good egg is better then 3 crappy eggs. I'm back in tomorrow since LH didn't spike yet. I had to buy another gonal-f pen - 400 bucks later!! and i feel like ill only be using 75iu out of the 450 so i feel like its a waste of money but again looking at it - i spent the money and I will get a BFP or i can save it for next cycle. The nurse even told me if i do get a BFP i could sell online because people are always looking for deals on it! I should of looked there before buying mine! LOL I'm feeling okay just super bloated and upset stomach - must be the nerves!!

Hope i didn't miss anyone - sorry if i did - getting sleepy here

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!

Me: 30 DH:32 TTC since Oct 2014 Dec 2014 - Chemical Pregnancy Diagnosed with hashimoto's thyroiditis on synthroid 75mcg 3 Rounds of Clomid and IUI - (April, June, July) Laparoscopy in July 2015 - mild endometriosis, lots of scar tissue 4 rounds of femara with TI - (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec) Jan, Feb 2016 - super ovulation cycle/overlap - femara/gonal-f with trigger/back to back iui/progesterone - March/April - break from it all May - femara and TI intercourse - one last chance - BFN June - IVF prep month July - IVF!!!

8 years ago • Post starter

Well ladies this morning I went in again and after being a bit fustrated I prayed and told myself God has a plan and what do you know there are 3 good sized eggs! 21 and 2 at 16 so if horomones indicate ovulation the 16 ones will catch up enough plus hcg. I should know by 7pm ish

My lining jumped from 10.5 to 16. I hope that is not too thick! I know there's always a worry if it's To thin but I haven't done too much research if it's too thick. They were surprised that it went so sick but she also thinks that it might be the way the ultrasound was measured but from what I've been reading online it's mixed reviews but most people say there's no such thing as too thick.

Baby dust!

Me: 30 DH:32 TTC since Oct 2014 Dec 2014 - Chemical Pregnancy Diagnosed with hashimoto's thyroiditis on synthroid 75mcg 3 Rounds of Clomid and IUI - (April, June, July) Laparoscopy in July 2015 - mild endometriosis, lots of scar tissue 4 rounds of femara with TI - (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec) Jan, Feb 2016 - super ovulation cycle/overlap - femara/gonal-f with trigger/back to back iui/progesterone - March/April - break from it all May - femara and TI intercourse - one last chance - BFN June - IVF prep month July - IVF!!!

8 years ago • Post starter

Hoping, dont be stressed. I am sure everything will be ok. Try to have a good time, spend your time with friends and things you enjoy. Let the docs do the calculations! This is always my advice! I know that being calm always helps. I know it is difficult, that is why keep yourself busy with things you like.
On Friday the doc of NT scan told me that the blood i have will not hurt my pregnancy, but the worry I have about the blood might hurt!
Due to the abruption i dont go at work, as i was given a leave for medical reasons. So now everybody at work knows, as i couldnt keep it a secret. Some of them knew for the ivf too. I had to tell them, so to be protected. My close family knows, not my cousins, aunts, oncles and friends outside the work. My mother wants to announce it so badly... She might have done it already, telling them not to tell me they know!
Keep going well dear! Good luck!

8 years ago

Hello ladies!

Keith- glad the babies are doing ok. Bed rest must be boring and stressful at the same time.

Hoping- yay for good size follicles!

Afm iui went well yesterday. I can't believe how quick the procedure is. I had some cramping after but that has gone away. Now I just have this heavy feeling in my uterus. They next have me getting a blood test 12dpiui to check for pregnancy. They won't be doing any blood work to check progesterone like musiclvr but I'm assuming that's because I've had my progesterone tested in the past and it was normal.

Baby dust to everyone! I'll probably be on here less frequently as I don't want to obsess over my tww symptoms but I'll let you know the blood test results. Fingers crossed!

8 years ago

Keth~glad both babies r gd :))

Jf~so glad ur IUI went well :) fingers crossed!

Hoping~those sound like great follicles! :)

AFM~nothing really new. I'll b in my 3rd trimester Tues! So crazy how time flies! Me and the hubs r going on a Babymoon a week from today so that will be nice :) still thinking about u all and praying for u all!

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8 years ago

Margie - I hope you are doing well! I can understand your reluctance to not wanting to go to the brunch. I hope that if you do go, it goes fast and it's not too bad for you! XOXO

Keth - such wonderful news to hear that both babies are doing well! Glad that you are doing ok on bed rest and hopefully you find things to do to help occupy your time! Do you like to read? Do puzzles?

Hoping - our weekend was great and much needed, thank you! We got back yesterday afternoon and continued to relax and watch football. :) Great time!

Jf - woohoo on the IUI! FX for you!!!

Shan - babymoon! Good for you guys! Where are you going!?

8 years ago

Hey Ladies,
How's it going???

Babypath - how was ur weekend away??

Shan - that's great - where are you guys headed

jf -fingers crossed for you!

keth - makes sense u had to tell work its hard to keep it hidden - my mom would be the same way telling others!

AFM - we had IUI today and we will have on Wed morning as well. Turns out it was a typo on my lining it was only 10.5/11 which iw as told was great and to further that we got 2 or 3 follies at a good size!! 16, 18, 21! I'm so happy with that! the iui was a bit uncomfortable but not bad we stayed there for a good 25mins and just said a few prayers and mediated. my hubby wanted to know the #s but i got them in an envelope so we will open in two weeks or after HCG test. I've been cramping pretty bad all day and had some spotting. I did acupuncture today and it was really relaxing. However the evening came and the cramping came HARD! i've been in a lot of pain but i think it's ovulation pain plus cramping. i usually get it but i think because 3 eggs are trying to come out my body doesn't know what to do! It will all be worth it in the end!!

whats the average time for the trigger to leave ur system??

Me: 30 DH:32 TTC since Oct 2014 Dec 2014 - Chemical Pregnancy Diagnosed with hashimoto's thyroiditis on synthroid 75mcg 3 Rounds of Clomid and IUI - (April, June, July) Laparoscopy in July 2015 - mild endometriosis, lots of scar tissue 4 rounds of femara with TI - (Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec) Jan, Feb 2016 - super ovulation cycle/overlap - femara/gonal-f with trigger/back to back iui/progesterone - March/April - break from it all May - femara and TI intercourse - one last chance - BFN June - IVF prep month July - IVF!!!

8 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies,

Hoping - good luck with your IUI tomorrow. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you caught the egg.

Baby - I decided it would be in my best interest to avoid the brunch. It turns out two of the ladies there were entering the second trimester as well as there being a new born.

Shan - congrats on getting to the third trimester. I hope you enjoy your babymoon. Where are you guys heading.

Jfmolo - FX that you caught the egg. I hope the TWW goes quickly for you.

Kethryes - I'm so glad to hear the babies are doing well. I hope the bed rest isn't too horrible for you. When do you next get to see them?

AFM - I found out today that not only is one of DH'S coworkers pregnant, there are two of them that are and are due around the same time. Plus friends just announced their pregnancy and a woman in my office is likely pregnant as well, I've been told she is but she hasn't confirmed it yet. I'm so frustrated and angry with this infertility. It doesn't help that I'm also working on detoxing from sugar. I'm a little extra cranky. Poor DH. Plus a good friend of mine just had a baby girl so my FB feed is filled with pregnancy announcements and baby pictures. I think I might need a break from FB. What I want to know is where is the water that these ladies have been drinking from and can I get some?

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

8 years ago

Hoping, the weekend was so relaxing and much needed! Had a great time,thank you!
Great news on all fronts on your IUI! Sorry you're cramping but I hope it goes quickly! As for the trigger, it depends on how much you took. When I do the 10,000 I believe it's out 7 days later for me but I know everyone is different.

When is your beta? Will you POAS?

8 years ago

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