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October 2015 IUI/IVF

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Let's have a positive month! Hopefully we'll see a lot of BFPs.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

184 Replies • 8 years ago



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Keth~I mean 2 different docs (my OB and the dr at the perinatal place where I did my genetic testing) both said and it sure looked like it haha! I'll post a pic and u ladies please let me know what u think :)

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8 years ago

@keth-You are moving right along! I was doing gonal f and menopour together the entire time. Then i added in cetritide which prevented my body from actually releasing the eggs too soon. How have you been feeling while doing the injections?

As far as working goes, i am still working full time and will do so until I basically can't anymore. I have my last day of work set at December 4th with my due date on the 10th. We will see if i make it that long! My work does offer maternity leave, unpaid, but i am not coming back to work after she is born. I work as a legal assistant for a family law attorney and its very busy. I cannot come back full time as daycare is so expensive that i will be basically working to pay for day whats the point. They don't offer part time. If they allowed me to come back part time, i would do it in a heart beat. SO DH and i decided that me staying home with her was the best move for us right now. I also feel like we worked so dang hard for this baby that I am not really ok with going back to work if i dont have to.

8 years ago

Ok ladies I posted it! Let me know what u think!

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8 years ago

LS, the injections of ARVECAP (triptorelin) are quite difficult to prepare because I have to mix the liquid with the powder, I use the classic syringes and I have to change needles before the shot. My work's nurse is helping me at the workdays and at weekends I do it myself.
LS, that is nice decision to stay at home and be with your baby. Maybe after a while you find a more flexible work and start again.
I think it is two months more to go, isnt it? Have you gained weight? How do you feel?

Shan, I cant uderstand the gender from the pic. The pic is wonderful! It is so nice you can see the baby inside you! Hoping the best for you dear!

8 years ago

Happy Friday Eve ladies!

Margie- hope your appointment is great today! Time to see lots of follicles!

i<3kids- day 2! only 12 more to go!

bridget- that does sound a little early to jump straight to injectables, but I'd honestly love if our doc wanted to pursue other options. Checking the blockage can't hurt (would you rather know than waste more $ on failed cycles?), but you could always ask about other meds before the jump to injectables. Originally our doc wanted us to try several unmedicated cycles before moving up, but my gyno actually referred us FOR the meds because of my crazy ladypart propblems. If it was just IUI due to no dude parts, my gyno said she would have given the IUI a shot a long time ago.

afm- 14dpiui and another bfn. I'm actually doing fine today since 12 was the hard day and gave us a pretty good idea that we'd see a big white space where we hoped for a pink line this morning. RE tells us to test on 14 and doesn't order a beta until the hpt is positive. They said if it was negative today to stop taking the estrace, wait for the witch to arrive, and try again with a call into them on day 1. So, it looks like I'll be on the November board when it starts up. Does anyone have any experience with how long it takes af to arrive after stopping estrace?

8 years ago

@keth-Yes that is how my injections were also. My husband actually did them all. That was one thing my doctor said was to give that responsibility to him if possible so he is a part of it all too. He is a numbers person so he had it all calculated out and he enjoyed that part. I give anyone credit who is doing this on their own. I would have been terrible at it. I am excited for you! Do you have a tentative retrieval date? How many follicles are you looking at right now?

I am 33 weeks today so i have 7 more weeks! It's only 49 days! 49 days seems way less than 7 weeks ha! Well as of my last appointment at 32 weeks, I hadn't gained any weight from the time before. I am sure i have now, but my total weight gain that i know of is 17 pounds. At my 36 weeks appointment I will get a final ultrasound and we will get an estimate on how much she weighs and how long she is. So that will be fun. I am expecting to deliver an 8 pound baby since that is what my sisters and I were. We shall see! DH was a 6 pounder, so maybe that'll help even her own :) Feeling pretty good. I still have a quite a bit of braxton hicks and my pelvic pain is awful. I have had it since about 24 weeks. It's just very uncomfortable. When lying on my side at night if i move my leg it feels like my leg is dislocating. Oh the joy!!!

p.s. One massive perk about doing IVF is you are highly monitored with ultrasounds up until 20 weeks. I was getting them at every appointment, when most get maybe four their entire pregnancy!

8 years ago

2mom2be, hahaha!!! Yeah, 12 days. I Imagine they will go quickly with all that is going on around here.

8 years ago

LS~that's SO exciting!!! Yay!!! It will fly by :)))

Keth~the pic is like if u were sitting on the toilet and a camera took a pic of u from inside the toilet. So it's like the bottom of the baby's butt and what appears to b a penis sticking out haha! Can u c it now? Or still no?

Will all of u other ladies please take a look :))) I'm just curious if anyone else has an opinion?! Thanks!

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8 years ago

@shan-sorry, i meant to comment on this too! I am really bad at reading u/s. I have no clue at what i am looking at! I would trust your doctors though and if they are saying Boy, i would go with that! I have heard many times, you can tell if its a boy early on, but if its a girl, its much harder to see until closer to 15-20 weeks, We found out ours was a girl at 16 weeks.

8 years ago

Thanks for all the advice! We're definitely going to do the dye study, and probably the injectables too. I'm just bummed that we were supposed to do our third IUI tomorrow, but instead we have to wait for the next cycle to start to do the study, and we probably won't end up doing a cycle with injectables until January. I was just really hoping to be pregnant by the end of the year, but I guess it's on to 2016 for us :(

8 years ago

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