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September 2015: IUI/IVF

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Here we go ladies! Let's have a positive month!

170 Replies • 8 years ago



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Baby - What a crazy night you had. How scary. I'm so sorry you had to manage all of that. I'm glad you got some reassurance that the baby A was doing well. I hope you receive good news at the end of this week on both your little ones.

I'm sorry so many of you this month didn't get positive news. I'm hoping September brings you more hope and optimism. Much love xo

8 years ago

Hi Ladies!! I am following along and just got all caught up! A LOT has changed! I am happy to read about the progressing pregnancies and sad to see the BFN's. I am glad there is this group to lean on for all the emotions that coming along with this journey. @baby - your night sounds scary. I had that at 12 weeks, although it just was just a lot of bleeding, no clots. Seeing blood while pregnant is so effing scary. There is no other way to put that.

I am having a hard time believing that everyone is so far along now! It's insane, and that only means that i am that much closer to my DD. I am 28 weeks this Thursday...officially entering my THIRD trimester. We have just about 12 weeks left until we met our little (still nameless) lady. DH and I have been so preoccupied with life that we haven't really focused on her name. We have been very busy with our pup and getting him adjusted to home and what life looks like for us all now. He is still paralyzed but we are praying every day for a full recovery.

We have been getting her nursery done which feels awesome. Just to have a few showers to fill up her closet and we will be good! I just signed up for our birthing class, which i was so not wanting to do ha. DH was feeling quite nervous about not doing one, so we just decided to do the one-day class. I am feeling her move all the time and you can even watch my belly move too. It's pretty incredible.

8 years ago

Baby, i hope everything is ok and no more scary days for you! I wish you the best!

Ls, i am always happy hearing that you are doing well!!!

I hope for more bfps!

8 years ago

Baby - what a night... ugh. Sorry! But glad all is well...

LShrader - yay... exciting - almost time. I hope your pup recovers soon too!

Shan- thanks for the explanation of the BC. I should start that next month.

I think DH and I are just too tired to try naturally in Sept. We are ( i have decided) just taking the month off. Honestly last month just felt like TTC was work - hard work. I am ready to close that chapter of our lives and try enjoying each other again. It feels like it's been a long time since we have had sex without TTC. To be truthful, the thought of sex makes me exasperated. That needs to change, so no more TTC naturally for us. ready to rekindle our relationship. Am I alone in this?

Thanks ladies!

8 years ago

Hey ladies

Bens - I totally get that TTC is hard work. I hope your BFP isn't far off once you start TTC again.

Kethryes - you must be getting excited your IVF cycle starts soon.

LS - Wow. I can't believe you're already In your third trimester. It's so cool. I hope your pup starts getting better.

Baby - that sounds really scary I'm glad the babies are alright. I'm looking forward to hearing about your next U/S.

AFM - I'm finally home. I made it through the week with limited alcohol but finished it off with a cold/flu. I started my Clomid last night so today I've been experiencing the battle between fever chills and clomid hot flashes. I have an appointment for my mid cycle U/S on 22 Sep. Hopefully we'll get the timing right this month.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

8 years ago

Bens - good luck in October. Have fun this month.

Baby path - sorry you had to go through that. Hope all is well. And that you continue to receive good news.

LS- things must be starting to feel real. How exciting to have a nursery ready. Your almost there!

Margie - I also got a cold, not too bad right now just stuffy/runny nose and a sore far the Clomid hasn't really given me too bad of symptoms. Hoping it stays that way.

I also decided that I would try and temp this cycle, that way I will hopefully not waste too many HPTs. Haven't temped in a couple years. My temps were always all over the place, except for maybe one month. So far it has been consistent. Though today it was higher, probably because I am sick and also didn't sleep well last night.

One more week until my Follicle check.

TTC#1 DH: 29 Me: 27 Married 2009, officially TTC since 2013 July 2015: Decided to talk to OB. HSG was good. Blood work good. SA showed low motility. OB recommended IUI. August 26 2015: IUI #1, 50mg clomid, hcg shot, 2 follicles, bfn Sept. 24, 2015: IUI #2, 50mg clomid, hcg shot, 4 follicles, bfn October: took a break, to talk to a RE, bfn November 22 2015: Intercourse, 50mg clomid, hcg shot, 1 follicle

8 years ago

Jeska and Margie, I am so sorru for the colds. I hope you recover soon!

Jeska, temping cannot predict ov. If you want to catch the day you will need the tests. Teming would only confirm the ov when it would have been already occured. Good luck dear, I hope the best for you!

Margie, I wish you catch the time and things will go as you wish! Thanks for remembering that I am close to IVF... this process is so slow for me that I am about to forget it! On 28th of September I have my appointment with the clinic, to see all my test results and also to tell me when to start the drugs. I dont know how I feel, sometimes I cry that I have reached that point, others I cant wait to start and others that I dont want to start. Things will be be better when I go to the clinic and feel that the process has begun. Now I feel that I pass a wasted time!

Bens, we sure all need that! Enjoy it!

Shan, I am happy that your experience with seeing the baby was so fantastic! I have passed it once and that was really a very special moment.

8 years ago

Keth, I know it won't tell me when I ovulate, until after. I am not trying to catch ovulation. I am doing it so that when it gets closer to my period, I will know not to take a test, if my temps drops.

TTC#1 DH: 29 Me: 27 Married 2009, officially TTC since 2013 July 2015: Decided to talk to OB. HSG was good. Blood work good. SA showed low motility. OB recommended IUI. August 26 2015: IUI #1, 50mg clomid, hcg shot, 2 follicles, bfn Sept. 24, 2015: IUI #2, 50mg clomid, hcg shot, 4 follicles, bfn October: took a break, to talk to a RE, bfn November 22 2015: Intercourse, 50mg clomid, hcg shot, 1 follicle

8 years ago

Hey All!

Glad to see everyone preparing for a new month! I hope to see some BFPs in a few weeks!

We had our 12 week ultrasound yesterday, everything looked good and NT measurements were right where they should be. HR was 151 and little nugget was squirming around everywhere. I think it's a boy, and he's a little diva lol.

I'll put an ultrasound pic in my HPT images if anyone is interested.

Also sent off blood work for the MaterniT21 test, should hear something back from that next week.

Basia, have you heard anything?

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8 years ago

Chaff - I did not hear back. I should get the results by the end of next week for sure.

So to keep you girls updated:

On Labor day I went to ER as I had some spotting and cramping - that was at 13 weeks pregnant. I was spotting for a second day in a row and it looked like it was picking up a bit. At ER they told me that baby is doing good and they could not point the source of the bleeding. That day the bleeding stopped. Yesterday I had a follow up with my OBGYN and guess what - I woke up with the same thing - spotting. She also checked everything and could not find the reason why I am bleeding(spotting). Today the spotting continues but THANK YOU GOD baby is doing good and hopefully the spotting will stop today.

I am stalking you girls on a daily basis and I am wishing you BFPs will all my heart. I know they are coming your way very soon.

Me: 31 DH: 32 TTC #1 September 2014: 1st IUI - BFN October 2014: 2nd IUI - BFN December 2014: laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - RE removed endometriosis and septum in the uterus. January 2015: 3rd IUI - BFN March 2015 - 1st IVF - we transferred 1 embryo and froze 1embryo - chemical June 2015 - 2nd IVF - we transferred 2 embryos and froze 2 embryos - User Image

8 years ago

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