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October Testers Part 2!

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New thread required! Come on in girls :)

AFM CD 15 waiting to O!

503 Replies • 10 years ago



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Luv thanks I try.
I just made spaghetti and strawberry cake for the kiddos.they think I'm sooo cool right now lol.

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10 years ago

Didn't get to make ice cream tonight. LONG LONG day! Plus its freezing cold outside lol.

SMH: Did you watch y&r?!?

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10 years ago

@mamak: Yes... I'm watching it right now.. How horrible. I can't even imagine. I don't want to imagine. It makes me sick to my stomach. So sad.

To all of you other fine ladies - I am pooped tonight so you probably won't see a response from me until tomorrow. Sorry :(

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10 years ago

hi ladies, been a busy thanksgiving weekend up here in Canada, and then on to a horrible day back at work today...

i was over on the other post reading everything that i missed over the weekend, so now i have to catch up on the 4 pages over here!!!!

bad news this weekend, first medicated cycle, bfn on Sunday followed by a confirmation on my blood test at the RE today (not that i disagreed with the digital test i took) more of a formality and wanted to make sure i stop the progesterone so that i can get the af going and onto round two.

hoping to catch up tomorrow and talk to you all again...

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10 years ago

Hello all!
Sorry it's been so long; a little birdie told me I was being missed lol. Everything is good: 16 weeks today and we found out last week that we're having two boys!
Since I have an u/s every 4 weeks, next one is at 18 weeks, which is also the anatomy scan. For those that see my bump pics, I really need to have them taken straight from the side from now on...much bigger in person haha. Been showing since about 12-13 weeks, and it seems much bigger now. I miss sleeping on my stomach!
Hope everyone is doing well!

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10 years ago

At the gyno/Obs ATM waiting for my app. My AF is killing me. Sooo much pain ;(

Gr28: Yay, Congrats Hun. Two boys. Awesome

2005 2007. 2008 1/2013 6/2013 User ImageMake an ovulation ticker

10 years ago

congrats gr28.

Ok ladies.. Oliver has dropped to the point that I can no longer sit up in a chair. So, my responses may be slow in coming. I am not in labor. I am just in too much pain to sit upright. Will type on my tablet but messages will be short cause I hate this thing.

12/08 + 1/10 + 07/11, Had to do a lot of for baby #4. Yuck!!!! User Image

10 years ago

Sorry for the late replies Hubby and I finally celebrated our anniversary yesterday. Went to Dinner and a movie,

Shawnna Congrats on the BFP!!!! So excited for you!

SMH- Congrats on the Girl!! I felt the same way you did. My Hubby really wanted a boy. But let me tell you our little girl is such a gem and a little spit fire, she acts just like her daddy and he loves her to pieces.

So I am 11 dpo, felt like barfing everywhere yesterday and have mild cramps and gas LOL but that is about it. I tested this morning and I do not see anything but some people are voting positive on the pic, so I dunno if I am missing something. Guess will just wait and see in a day or 2.

10 years ago

3lil--only a few more days. Did you say why you have to get a c-section? I wonder what factors go into it when people know really early on.

Dobbs--sorry hun. Hoping this cycle gives you your LO.

AFM--just up walking before DH wakes up. I usually go walk and then do a shorter workout later. Appt is in 3 hours and I'm just excited to be one step closer to treatment.

10 years ago

Will be thinking of you today law!!

10 years ago

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