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Who wants to try an experiment?!

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TWO people that I know of (on this site!) got pregnant recently on their FIRST month trying EVENING PRIMROSE OIL! After TTC for over a year and starting my 3rd clomid cycle, I am ready to give this a whirl! I'm on CD 2 and took my first dose tonight. Anyone else want to see if we can get some more s?!?!?!?

304 Replies • 13 years ago



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Peas: any good news yet?
Joy: things goin smoothly I hope!
Every1 else: where have u been?
Afm: cd 18 and still no definitive o! Arg! I guess the stress did get me after all. We are all moved in to our new place and slowly getting organized. So for the last 2 days I have not taken the epo, but this morning I (finally) noticed ewcm. Not sure if it wasnt working 4 me or if it just wasn't time yet? O is days off from the norm, if it even comes at all! This is only my 1st cycle charting tho, so I guess I dont really know the norm. Just keep charting + bd'ing, hopefully something happens eventually! Lol!
Hope every1 is doing well!

12 years ago

Hi Ladies!

I've missed you guys! It's weird to be away from here for a few days but we've been busy busy with 4th of July family stuff.

I am super tired so I will be selfish too and give a quick self update and write you all tomorrow.

CD 17 and I should ovulate in a few days so has started. The softcups are working pretty well. I like them a lot and really help with the mess problem. I have been really emotional and sensitive to smells especially since going on clomid. I had a meltdown at dh's family BBQ last night as his aunt was smoking like a chimney and it was making me nauseas. I voiced my inability to tolerate smoke and dh's dad yelled at me and told me to be quiet! I lost it. He is such a hillbilly and is SO off base about things. He said, "No one ever died from secondhand smoke." As a health teacher I just wanted to kick his ass but instead I cried. Why do the smoker's rights take precedent over my right to breathe clean air? Finally I told his aunt and everyone I would have to leave if she didn't stop or move. She moved for about the next 4 cigs but then got tired of leaving to smoke so she just came back and smoked right by me. I made dh take me home. Am I off base to tell dh's family members I can't handle smoking? It literally makes me ILL. Sorry for the rant. Talk to you guys tomorrow!

12 years ago • Post starter

HI ladies!

Any good news????

Victoria- i dont think you are off base at all! i completely agree with you...what happened to respect? I have been in similar situations but normally when i say something they take it outside...and leave it out there. Im sorry the BBQ didnt go so great but you are deffinatly in the right.

AFM- iIm not really sure if i Od satuday or sunday or even at all. Hopefully i Od sunday but if not i will be taking a break from ttc for about 2-3 months before i start clomid.

Praying for all of yall!

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Hi ladies!!

Nursejones - thanks sweetie! So far things are going pretty good! I can honestly say this is the first time I have been excited about being nauseous! LoL! How are things going with you?

Liz - So far all good on my end! Have you O'd yet? I usually O'd around cd15-17, but this last cycle it wasnt until cd 18-20. Hopefully a late O day is lucky for you too!!

Victoria - OMG! Some people are so rude!! You were definitely NOT out of line!!! I think smokers believe they have way too many rights, I am sorry but if you want to poision your body fine, but stay the hell away from mine!! I dont know if you have ever seen this commercial or not, but I saw it the other day and started laughing cause it is SO true.

A guy and a girl are in a car together (girls driving normally) huy lights a cig and starts smoking, so the girl starts off roading in her little car, almost hitting trees etc until the guys smoke flys out of the car, then she gets back on the road and drives normally. Guy says "What the hell was that???" Girl says "You're indangering my life.." LOL I LOVE it!!

As for me, not much is new. Finally booked my 1st apt, not until Aug 4th tho.... looong wait!

Hope you ladies are all doing well! I look forward to hearing about some bfp's in a week or two!!

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12 years ago

Shea: I hoped we both o'd this cycle! Praying 4 u!
Joy: i've heard the nausea is a good sign! Lol, lucky u! I had it through my entire 1st pregnancy and I learned to plan meals around it (divide my meal into 2 or 3 smaller portions, eventually one would settle,lol!) Victoria: I think you had full rights to voice your opinion about the smell and effects of 2nd hand smoke! Especially when its affecting u! Even more so when u r doing so much to try to be healthy! Good for you for removing yourself from the situation, you don't need people like that causing u unecessary stress!
Afm: if u have the temp spike are u officially in luteal phase? 3 days of elevated temps so far. Does that mean I o'd 4 sure? Sorry, im still tryna figure all this out, lol!
Wishing the best for u ladies!

12 years ago

Hi Ladies!

It's been slow around here for a while!

Joy - Yay for nausea! Your little bean is certainly making a nice cozy home for him/herself!

Liz - Yes, 3 days of elevated temps means you ovulated. Yay!!! for you!

AFM - CD 20 and no temp rise yet or + opk. I usually O CD 20 or 21 so I hope it happens soon! Getting tired of !

12 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!!

Victoria - Got my that you O tomorrow!! Have you found the EPO did anything this cycle? I hope it does the trick!!

Liz - LoL, yep I am all about lots of small meals these days! Haha! As far as your bbt, 3 raised temps means you did O! So congrats you are officially in the 2ww!! Can't wait to hear about your bfp soon!!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago

Hi ladies

Liz i hope we Od yoo and thank you so very much for your prayers.

Victoria i hope that the big O doesnt keep you waiting much longer.

Joy im glad you are still sticking around on the ttc site. Sorry you dr appt is so far away id probably drive myself crazy

AFM its 1am here and im up cooking tacos lol. im still doubting that i Od or not only because im not having any post O symptoms and i have a faint line on my OPKs. I had started temping this month but my sleeping habits are a little out of whack so i decided it would not be accurate anyways.but if i did o its getting close to implantation.

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

nursejones - I am keeping my for you hun! I really hope the EPO does the trick for all of us.

Has anyone trying this experiment gotten the ? I can't remember. But I am really -ing that everyone trying EPO for the first time gets their lucky bfp!!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago

CD 21. Still no O and no positive opk. I have all the symptoms of O but its just not here yet! Maybe the EPO HAS delayed things! More !

12 years ago • Post starter

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