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40 and TTC # 2 after 19 yrs

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Hello Ladies,
I am 40 and DH is 50. We are trying to conceive our first together. I had a TR in August of 2013 and we stated trying in November 2013. I would like to share this journey with you ladies.

709 Replies • 11 years ago



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I picked up all my lab work that I have done since November yesterday as I wanted to ensure that it is all normal.
I compared it all and apparently all my labs are normal.
FSH, Progesteronoe and Estradiol.
My Glucose is now normal 79.
Husbands tests are all normal. I just feel so frustrated at a diagnosis of unexplained infertility.
BD is starting to stress us out , this whole schedule thing takes the fun out of it. I find myself going just get them lil things in there and get a baby made.
I started having some mild cramps today but nothing like I used to get so I am hoping that maybe my cycles are just stabilizing themselves and our BFP will be soon.
I have 3 more cycles of Clomid left and then we are on our own. We are military and stationed overseas so our health coverage will not pay for a fertility clinic we have to do that all out of pocket, which we both are not sure we have the cash for.
Lots of luck to all this cycle and hope to hear of some BFP.

10 years ago

Good Morning Ladies! Hope this post finds everyone well this morning.

Tigerette- I know how frustrating it can be. Everyone tells me to be patient that it will happen. That it sometimes takes up to a year of actively trying to conceive. My response in my head is "Yeah that don't work for me. I want to be pregnant now." Lol. Just giving you a little view of what is in my head. I'm 37 and I don't have a year to wait to conceive lol. My fiance is great he's my encouragement a lot. As well as my SIL and best friend they all keep reminding me I'm not to old to get pregnant. And I get what your saying about bding, it got the same way for us and I decided last cycle that I was tired of being stressed over when to do the deed. So this cycle we have made bding more exciting. We play little games, and a lot more foreplay. It keeps it from being like a job, which was how I was starting to feel. And I have to say that this cycle I didn't have all the stress I normally have. And it can all get very expensive. When do you plan to test again. I'm keeping you in my prayers and I know you will get your soon. Just keep the faith and don't give up hope. . Keep us posted.

Zuberi- Hey girl. How have you been feeling. Had you on my mind last night.

Traci- How is your TWW going. Have you tested? Keep us posted on how you are feeling. Miss hearing from you.

Afm- My temp has remained high for 3 days so according to my calculations and my chart on here and FF I ovulated cd18. YAY!!! So we got bding in 3 days before and the day of ovulation. So now the TWW obssesion has begun. 3dpo today. And so far I haven't felt any symptoms. Usually I'm dissecting everything I feel by this point. But I just feel more calm and relaxed this cycle. I know God will bless me if I just hold on to his promise and have faith.

Chat with you ladies soon!!

Love hugs prayers

10 years ago

We have been off any form of birth control over 5 years now.11 dpo today and my usual cramps started today that I get around day10po.I really had high hopes till that happened and been crampy all day. I know so e say they get implantation pain but this is like the cramps i get every month 7 days before af is due. I am curious if something is preventing implantation.
I feel like you I dont have time to wait!
I did take someone elses advise and bought omega 3 for DHA and EPA. Looking into preseed as well.

10 years ago

Hi guys.. AF arrived today ð??¢ I'm going on a fertility holiday for a month. No temperature taking, no ovulation kits no natural remedies, no POAS!
I'm getting married in 5 weeks and want to put my heart and soul in planning our big day. Wish you guys could be here for it.
I'm going to have a few drinks on my hen night and I don't want to feel guilty about doing that.
So I'm checking out.
Will keep reading your posts. Good luck guys, sending lots of love, hugs and good karma.
Chat next month.
T xxx

10 years ago

Good morning ladies.
Tigerette: I am 40 so I know how you feel. We were trying for 8 months ( tubal reversal) was August 2013. We started in September ttc..... before we got our bfp. That cycle I was taking the following supplements. Soy isoflavone, prenatal vitamins, primrose, folic acid, preseed and soft cups. I believe that the soy isoflavone preseed and the softcups did the trick because I was taking the other supplements before and nothing happened. I started taking royal jelly/beepollen ( help rebuild the uterus lining) prenatal vitamins and mucinex. If you have any questions you can ask and I can try to help you if I can.

10 years ago • Post starter

Good Morning Ladies!! Hope everyone is doing well this morning.

Tigerette- How are you doing? Are you still cramping. And I know some people say implantation cramps can feel like AF cramps but I'm not really sure. When I was pregnant with my son I don't remember having any cramps. I just had extremely sore boobs and my period was late but that was also 19 years ago and I wasn't trying to get pregnant so I was watching for symptoms. I also take a prenatal vitamin w/folic acid & omega 3 daily, use preseed, mucinex, metformin, and dostinex (the last two are to keep my cycle regular and make sure I ovulate). And this last month I started taking a baby aspirin once a day. I'm not sure if it will work or not but have read that it improves the uterine lining and makes it thicker. I guess we'll see. I like you wonder if my problem isn't with implantation as I only have a 10 day LP. But my OB/GYN doesn't seem concerned with that so I'll give it another cycle or two and if I don't get my I may insist she put me on Progesterone.

Traci- Sorry AF showed her ugly face. . Congrats on your upcoming nuptials. I wish we could be there with you also. You'll have to post all the details when you get back from your fertility sabatical.. Enjoy you time it may be just what your body needs to rejuvinate. We will miss you bunches.

Zuberi- Hope all is well with you. Have your levels come back down to normal yet?

Afm- I'm 4 dpo and totally relaxed. I can't believe that. Greg gets off his 72 hr tour today and I can't wait to see him YAY!. This weekend his Vol. Fire Dept. is having a fundraiser and as the Cheif's fiance I'm naturally in charge of all fundraisers lol. But I love helping with that kind of thing and I'm such an organizer, Greg calls it obsessive lol. And the guys on the Dept. are really great even if they do aggravate me lol. Jarred (my son) is ready to move into his Dorm in little over a week, I'm not so ready. I hate the thought of him being there without mommy to take care of everything for him. Greg keeps reminding me that he is 18 yrs old and that the college is only 30 mins away lol. But I still worry.

Chat with you Ladies later!

Love hugs prayers

10 years ago

Dr just called and she said i defo ovulated. She mentioned that maybe our timing is just wrong . I usually ovulate on cd14 so what days would you say best? We been going woth 10,12,14 but i wonder if should switch to 12,14,16?

10 years ago

Hi Ladies
This was my third cycle of Clomid.I am debating taking a break from it for a cycle and starting back up the month after. I already have my next prescription in to the pharmacy for month 4. What do you all recommend?

10 years ago

Good morning lovely Ladies. Hope everyone is doing good this morning. Sorry I haven't been on in a couple days we had a busy weekend.

Tigerette- You were wondering about when to bd in your cycle. First of all do you temp or use OPK's. The reason I ask is because I always thought I was ovulating around cd14 or cd15 but when I started temping I learned that I don't ovulate till later in my cycle (like cd18-cd19) even though I have a 29-30 day cycle. So I was basically missing my most fertile days because I thought I had already ovulated. But this also causes me to have a shorter LP which I think is some of my problem even though my OB doesn't believe so. We try to bd on cd14, 16, 18, 19, & 20.
And as to your question about the clomid I know it can be very hard on you system, and taking a month off from it may not be a bad idea. In fact my OB said if I have to go that route, she would do me 3 cycles on 3 cycles off before trying it again. I think that may be our next step as this is our 6th cycle since she has gotten my other problems straightened out and I have been ovulating regularly. Hope this helps some.

Zuberi- How have you been feeling. How are your levels?

Traci- Hope your having a fun sabatical

Afm- I'm 7dpo. My temp was climbing nicely then yesterday (6dpo) it dropped .3 of a degree so I thought maybe implantation dip. YAY! But my temp was the exact same today . So go figure. I also had some AF like cramps this morning, cramping in my hip and back. My boobs are a little sore and I'm super cranky and exhausted. YUCK. In general I've went from feeling really great and full of energy, to feeling BLAHHHH and exhausted. Oh well. AF is due in 4 days so I guess the wait continues lol

Chat with you ladies soon.

Love hugs prayers

10 years ago

Hey ladies

Tigerett: I agree with with Scarlet. It sounds like a good idea to me too.

Hi Tracy! How are you girl???

Scarlet:The dip can still be implantion especially with the cramps. So dont start giving up just yet. Hopefully in a day or so you will start spotting and that will comfirm the fact that it was implantation! I'm praying for you.

Afm: I have started having brown / cm type discharge again and mt Hpt Are still positive. My last hcg blood test (which was last monday) was 364. So it's dropping like 1/2 a week. AS SOON AS I THINK THE spotting has stopped i wipe and its on the tp. Grrrrrrrrt. Im so tired of this. I am ready to move on. ....
I just got back from getting my blood drawn. I will take another hpt tommorow to see if it has gotten any lighter.

Hope you guys had a great day-!

10 years ago • Post starter

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