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Anyone else taking Clomid for the first time?

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Hi Everyone. I am on cycle day 23 today and I believe I am 4 days past ovulation (though my OPKs have said I am ovulating every day for the last 4 days).
This is my first cycle taking Clomid (days 5 - 9) as my Dr. says I have very mild PCOS. I read on here so many other things that girls taking Clomid are doing but I was given the pills and told to take it every day from 5 -9 and start BDing every day 9 - 16. Because my OPKs didn't show a positive, my hubby and I kept BDing every day until yesterday when I finally decided that we both really needed a break!
I feel like I have done everything I can this month - Clomid, Robitussin, Preseed, tried 13 days in a row and Instead cup. I really hope everything works.
If any one has any Clomid tips, suggestions, knowledge, and especially success stories, I would love to hear them!!

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286 Replies • 13 years ago



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Pooker...sorry have to make this quick. You have a great memory as well! Yes, I have no thyroid, endometriosis and fibroids and I'm 37 and have had 3 m/c, hence the concern but I have the progesterone now so we'll see.... round of clomid and I had my first!!

So glad there are pg safe meds you can take to clear up the infection!!

Teacher!!! I agree...veigny is a good sign!

Love keeping up with you guys but gotta dash right now.


DMP - TTC #3 after several chemical pregnancies. May we all have success! God Bless!  BabyFruit Ticker pregnancy week by week

13 years ago

Aisha - LOVE the sock idea!!!! Glad to hear it wasn't bacterial as well. But BOOOOO for yeast infections!

I get veiny right before my period too and since my skin is super pale its not abnormal to be veiny...but this is VERY veiny...hmmmm.

Oh yeah, I am 8 DPO today too and had a temp spike also beginning yesterday! I went from 97.5 to 97.8.....not sure if it's just a fluke though so we'll see.

I'm still not sure when I'm gonna test....Probably Saturday though...if not Sunday. I got a positive at 10 DPO when I had my miscarriage so my thinking is that if I WERE preggers it would be positive again at that time (even though I know this is not always the case). I'll let you know as soon as I test and what it says! Keep me posted!!!!

13 years ago

DMPage- thanks for the encouragement! I'm glad you got your progesterone and I will pray for the continue health of you and your growing little peanut!

Victoria- yay for twin cycles and temp spikes! Mine today was slightly lower than yesterdays, but still higher than all the past ones .Plus I woke up at 2 am this morning (I usually wake up and do my temp at 4) and was convinced it was time to get up, took my temp and then started getting ready for the day! By the time I realized that I was insane and got back to sleep, it was 2:30 so my 4 AM temp may not be as accurate since I was asleep for less than three hours before I took it. But I've been curious about my temps in general since I started charting and I've taken my temp several times throughout the day just to get an idea what my normal temp was because I always thought I ran low. Well, before O, I was always in the 96 range throughout the day, for a week after O I was in the 97 range, but the last two days I've been in the upper 98 and low 99 range (and I'm not sick) so I'm really really hoping this is a good thing but trying not to get too excited about it because I don't want to be let down if it doesn't turn out.

That's interesting that you get veiny before your period. I'm super pale too (my friends tease me about being transparent). Good ole Irish/Scandanavian skin! But I only really get veiny when I'm hot!

Let me know if you test this weekend how it goes!!!

Love to you all and "May the luck of the Irish shine upon ya!"

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13 years ago


I am excited for all your symptoms. Please keep my updated on what your results are this weekend. I am sending TONS of good luck to both of you!!!

I am on CD8 (doeses of clomid taking). Next week will be time for BDing again. No new symptoms of Clomid on the 2nd cycle. Hot flashes are back - but I had them last time too.

Can't wait to hear how evertyhing goes for you this weekend....

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13 years ago • Post starter

OK ladies - I AM SO UPSET!!!!

My doctor called today with the results of my ultrasound and said that I have two large cysts on my right ovary. The worse part is that I can't have any more clomid until they go away! I go in for another ultrasound in May and if they are gone they will re-prescribe the clomid. I am just so sick of all these setbacks! In May we will have been trying for a YEAR!

If I'm not preggo this cycle it is REALLY going to suck. And that bad part is I don't think that I am. My temp didn't continue to rise like it has over the last two days. It is back down to 97.5ish. Still well above the coverline but certainly not going up.

Thank you so much Margaret for your well wishes! I may need a shoulder to cry on in a few days....I think I would rather just see AF rather than get a BFN if I test this weekend so I may wait. I'll keep you posted though.

13 years ago

Oh Victoria!!! That is terrible!!! I was really hoping that your ovary was fine! I'm so sorry to hear that! I really really pray you get your bfp this cycle!!!!

I may be MIA tonight and tomorrow because I will have company but on Sunday I will be alone again and you will find me on here if you need me!!

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13 years ago

Victoria - arg!!! SO frusterating. I am sorry to hear that. I am hoping for a BFP for you this month. I agree that sometimes just waiting to see if AF arrives rather than testing may avoid a bit of heart ache. I really hope it happens for you though.

Are the cysts just supposed to go away on their own? Or are they doing something to make them go away?


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13 years ago • Post starter

Thank you Margaret and Aisha! You guys are so sweet!

They said the cysts SHOULD go away on their own but I'm having that other ultrasound in May to check. I'm not sure if that means they have to remove them if they don't go away or if I just can't ever have clomid again. I will ask my doctor at my appointment on the 28th.

I'm glad you're not having too many symptoms from the clomid! Hopefully this is your month!!! Praying for your BFP!!!! You deserve it!

13 years ago

Well ladies - I woke up this morning at 1:30 and had to pee so I broke down and took a test. I knew I shouldn't have tested.

13 years ago

Hi ladies! I hope you don't mind me joining in. I will be starting my first round of clomid on monday. I will be taking it cd5-9. I am a ball of mixed emotions.

DH and I have been trying for a while with no luck. I am done with pregnancy tests because it is such a let down to see a BFN!!!

I was diagnosed with PCOS and and elevated prolactin hormone! I am so sick of taking pills...haha to fix all these issues. I am tired of set backs also so I am prying for a miracle with this clomid. I just get bummed when something that is so easy for some to do is so hard for us!

Thanks for letting me chime in. It is nice to have a support group when going through difficult situations not everyone understands.

Baby dust to all!!!

13 years ago

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