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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Sheesh i am sorry ladies! I have been MIA for a bit. I was out with one heck of a cold, and still fighting it off as we speak. I finally am feeling normal, but my nose is still runny, eyes watery and sneezing a lot!! I was really lazy and took some days off because I just cannot be sick with my injections! I won't do it! So i am getting better. I have my suppression check this Wednesday which is where they make sure birth control is doing what its supposed to be doing, and i am not ovulating. That will also be my last day of bc. I had my mock transfer last Friday. It was a little uncomfortable, mainly because we couldn't get my bladder full since i was so dehydrated from being sick, but it was totally bearable. Just excited for this process to begin. I got my meds on Friday and omg ladies, you would laugh so hard if you saw them! I will try to post a picture of all of it! Its crazy!!!

@miracle-I am sorry about your yeast infection! I only hope it means something good though! I remember you had a cold sore with your BFP, so maybe this is something good! I am also very excited for your appointment to be here.

@football-WOW is all i can say about Wintson's birth story. I hope it's something you can look back on and smile about, and when he is older he will get a kick out of hearing about it i am sure. How are his tests? Any word on his levels? Praying for you guys.

@pisces-You had a birthday lady! We miss you! Please pop in and let us know how you are doing!!

@zyara_luz- My finger's are crossed for you! Praying AF stays away and you get a huge bfp! BFPs seem to come in waves, so hopefully you and Miracle start them off! I will be glad to join that as well! Not to get your hopes up, but lotiony, thick, white cm was my SIL's first give away of being pregnant. She had never had it before.

I hope everyone is doing well! I am sorry i am not responding to everyone. I am getting caught back up at work and trying to not sneeze!! Have a great day friends!

9 years ago

Hello everyone! Hope you had a great weekend...
@LSchrader thank you so much for all the good wishes, it means a lot to me. I don't know how I would handle this stress if it weren't for all of you who constantly cheer me up!!

Well, bad news, the witch got me this morning. I had severe (really really bad like never before) cramping all Saturday and Sunday. Last night it stopped and I was kind of hopeful it was a good sign but then I woke up and that sneaky evil witch was here and she came with vengeance! I'm having the worst cramping I had in my entire like and back pain too... I guess is signal my body is finally ovulating and working so at least I have that to make me feel a little better. I had a conversation with DH. It's funny cuz all this time he is being doing as told, pretty much he knows when I took my trigger and we baby dance those days but he is kind of not well informed about how fertility works. He comes from an all men family and his mom past away years ago from Cancer so (funny as it sounds) he use to believe that just by not using protection we would get pregnant.. I decided to take the time and explain him how a cycle works and why I am stress about not achieveing our gol (I'm getting close to 35 years, I'll be 34 on December) so he was surprised it is actually so complicated and only having few days window per month. The reason behind me giving anatomy classes semester one was first because I want him to know why I am taking so many medications and also to understand that I stress about it since I know for us IVF won't be an option at least not now and the main reason was that this month we will have our first IUI. I am kind of fearful and excited at the same time. He will have his sperm check and washed and then they will do the insemination. I am excited because I know it means more chances to get pregnant but also fearful because I am afraid of how he will be on the test (motility, quality and quantity and all those things they check) and I also know him, he is like a big child and this will be stressful for him!! I am really hoping this is what we need to be able to become parents. I start Femara again on cycle day 3-7 with 5mg and I'll go for scan on the 13th. Then I will know when we need to trigger and how and when we do for the sample for the IUI.

Anyone has done this before? Does it hurt? How long it takes? What about man, how is for them?

Thank you ladies for all the support and love. I'm sending you big hugs and best wishes!!

9 years ago

@zyara- I am so sorry the witch got you :( boooooo! Well yes, I know all about IUI's! I've done two actually. The hardest thing is honestly the shot, and you've got that down! It's not painful at all. Has DH ever given a sample before or had his numbers checked? If so, it's no different for him. For us, my DH had severly low counts. His motility was the only normal number. It just wasn't likely we would get pregnant, which is why we of course moved into to ivf. Feel free to ask me as many questions as you need!

9 years ago

Sorry @Zyara the witch showed her ugly face, I am waiting for her tomorrow. I already feel the signs that she is knocking. I am currently 13dpo, with tests, Im hopeless and extremely discouraged. This was my last chance to to ttc. I give up. I do sometimes get motivated by reading your posts, but I loose it sometimes.

Im seeing the Gyna next week to fight endo's, they killing me especially during AF. But I am no longer going to do anything to boost fertility, if AF shows up tomorrow, that will be it.

@miracle, where are you, I really am curious to know the latest with you.

You are so closer to my heart ladies even though I am jumping off the kart of TTC, but wont stop praying for you and checking how you guys doing.

@football give my little one big

TTC and to those still hopefull and trying

to you all

9 years ago

Bhanna- That makes me so sad to hear. I truly hope AF does not show for you. Forgive me, but I do not remember your situation or story. How long have you been TTC? You have endo? Have you had surgery for it? I hope you change your mind, but understand the point where you are at. Good luck to you.

9 years ago

Hi Ladies, I am 12 dpo cd 28 today. Just waiting for AF to show up tomorrow or the next day. Been having pre af cramps yesterday and today really light like I usually get a few days before AF arrives. Still battling the yeast infection which sucks. I have only had 3 or 4 yeast infections in my life. They are no fun. I had to have a second mammogram yesterday to do a 6 month follow up for my benign lump in my breast and luckily it's all good, no changes. I am grateful for the good news.

@Zayara - I am sorry that AF showed up in full force for you. :( I don't know a whole lot about IUI's but Lschrader does. She did 2 of them recently. I hope your DH stays open and willing to all the this ttc process. You guys will have to stay strong and be there for one another to help nurture each other and hold each other up. I hope that your dh's sperm count is healthy and good. I pray that this IUI is what you needed to get your bfp. Fingers crossed for you. I also hope the cramps and back pain from AF go away quickly.

@Bhanna - Hey there. Nice to hear from you. I KNOW all about feeling discouraged and DONE with ttc believe me. Waiting and waiting and waiting is not for everyone. :( I can't remember how old you are, but if you are still young, than time is on your side with ttc and taking a break from it all is okay too. I have read that if you drink red raspberry tea with red clover blossom tea that it can help heal people with endometriosis. Maybe you will consider drinking it for 3 to 6 months? Whatever you decide, I hope you find peace around it all.

@Lschrader - I remember my bestie who did ICSI (IVF) had sent me a picture of the boxes that showed up from ups of ALL her meds, injections, ect she had to take before she did the procedure. My jaw dropped is disbelief. I feel for you, but hey if this is what you have to do to bring your little baby home to sweet mama, than bring it on right?

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9 years ago • Post starter

@Bahnna thank you for your beautiful message. I totally get how you feel, sometimes I feel like giving up too but then I see a woman carrying a baby in her arms and I just want the same thing for me so I go back on track and I keep trying. It is frustrating every time I get a BFN, every month after month and not even a hint of my body reacting, I never seen a possitive test in my life, don't even know how they look like. Don't lose hope girl, if you want to take a break then go ahead and take it, sometimes the body needs to take the stress out but don't give up, I am sure that God will send us our dream babies!!

@LSchader thank you so much for replying to me! I feel so much better after you told me the IUI don't hurt, I'm kind of scared hehehe. DH has never done a test, he never had his sperm check so we do not know if his sperm is good or what. I am praying he will have healthy one so we would be able to get this IUI done. My question might be dump but, is there anything men can do if their sperm is not very good (count, motility, morfology??)... I'm just wondering since you mention your situation...

@miracle. I'm hoping you are doing great, can't wait for your RE's appointment, keep us informed :)

@Football, how everything is going? Sending prayers for you!!

@Rebecca hope you are doing great!! Miss u

@Pisces how you been? Sending u a big hug

Thanx again for all the love and support, this month is my 2 year anniversary for my civil wedding and for my start TTC, hope this month will bring good news!!

9 years ago

Ladies, hope you well. Just wanted to pop by and vent my frustration to people who understand.

@miracle, I am 42 and chances are slimmer and fading away, hence i throw the towel, lol.

Just wanna say I am still waiting for AF, and she is playing tricks on me. My body is sore, my boobs are killing me, yet no sign of her. I believe there is too much progesterone playing its normal deceiving tricks.

I cant focus at work, I feel like napping now and then, by hey I think is mind preggos.

Since I tested @ 12dpo, today I am 14dpo and not having guards to face that one line test. In a way I think I enjoy this fake/mind preggos, hahaha. Testing will confirm BFN and that will make me not to nurture this fake feeling, kikiki.

You ladies you make this journey much lighter even though is hard, sharing is a healer of deeper wonds

Love you ALL and all the BEST

9 years ago

@BHanna - I am 42 yrs old and trying to conceive as well. My time is coming to an end with regards to ttc. I get it completely. It makes no sense "WHY" some woman get to have babies biologically and others do not. I just don't get it at all. I have gone to the depths of my pain with anger, sorrow, despair, disbelief, confusion and all the above mixed emotions. I have eaten countless pints of ice cream while crying and cursing. I never dreamt it would be this DAMN HARD. I just thought GOD would bless me with one little baby one day, only to end up empty handed. :( I think what sucks even harder is that my body teased me over a year ago to show me a positive hpt and blood hcg test at dr's office only to end in a m/c shortly after. I feel your pain and I am here for you. Is this your first baby that you are trying to conceive? Forgive me if you have mentioned in the past already about it. I keep praying for peace, release and understanding about it all. I keep trying to trust the process. Just when I think it's time to throw in the towel, my ovaries let me know that they are ovulating, on fire and ready to do what they were born to do. Every month the roller coaster of emotions start up all over again. My heart aches for all the woman out there that want a baby and suffer from infertility. I wish someone would give me 50,000 and tell me to try an ivf or 2 to see if that will work. You are NOT alone. I am here for you.

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9 years ago • Post starter

@ zyara_luz- No question is dumb first of all. DH was diagnosed with what is called a varicocele vein in one of his testicles over a year ago. We discovered this after his first SA (semen analysis) showed super low everything (count, morphology, and motility). He was referred to a urologist and had surgery to repair the vein. Despite his very slowly rising numbers, they were nit significant enough to get the job done naturally. Each IUI we did, his numbers were super different. What happens at an IUI is they take the guy's sample, wash it (it's a more complex procedure than just "washing", but they essentially take the bad ones out and leave the good ones), and insert the good guys into your cervix by a catheter. Like i said, its an easy thing to do, and non-invasive. Both of mine were un-medicated cycles.

To get back to your main question (sorry for rambling), there are a lot of things you can do for sperm. Morpholgy is really the only thing that doesn't change much regardless of what is done. Here's a little break down on sperm: Sperm count is obviously how many sperm he has. For comparison, my DH had 2 million his first SA...seems like a lot right?! NOPE! Normal can be anywhere from 20 million, to 150 million! Morphology is the shape of them (i.e. if the sperm can penetrate an egg to fertilize). Motility is how the sperm travels/swim. This was the only normal thing for my DH. With that being said there are MANY things that kill tubs, extensive biking, cell phones in pockets (or near his goods), smoking, abundance of alcohol, BACON! Haha, Avoiding these things can help. Keep in mind sperm regenerates every 90 days -- unlike women being born with their eggs, men are constantly producing new swimmers. You can get your DH and a bunch of different vitamins that are known to help with counts and sperm quality. Look into Fertilaid's products. These made DH sick, so he stopped. Currently, and for the last 9 months, DH has been taking Coq10, L-Arganine, and L-Carnitine. If you hubby will take them, get him on these or at least a multivitamin.

No clinic will do an IUI without testing his sperm first. They just won't, and I would never advise you to do that. It could be a total waste of money if you learn that his counts are awful or that they are just amazing. I am actually surprised you have been doing a trigger without having had a full work up yet. Or maybe you have? I just think getting tested is super important before taking any actions like this because there may be an underlying issue that a trigger shot is not going to help with. Just something to think about! Sorry for this LONG post!

@Bhanna - FX for your BFP!!!!! Stay away AF!

@Miracle- I just KNOW your time is going to come. I can feel it. I don't know why, but I just have so much peace about it for you. I really really think your upcoming doctor's appointment is going to be incredibly helpful for you. AND IVF is not $50,000.00. Trust me, we wouldnt be doing it if that were the case! It is $9,000 at our clinic, with an additional $3600.00 for meds. I know its a lot, but still, it's doable. I know this is crazy, but I keep reading of people "vacationing" to the UK or to France for IVF treatment. They learned that traveling out of the US, they could go to a super reputable RE, stay there for two weeks, do their meds, retrieval and transfer for around $6,000.00, also including hotel and flight. Just a thought! I think it's becoming more popular right now. Regardless, I hope AF stays away for you too!

AFM-Sorry for the super long post everyone. I also wanted to update on me. I had my suppression check this morning. Basically they want to make sure birth control did its job and i didn't break through ovulate. Well, everything looks awesome and we have 27 follicles!! Wheeeeeeew! So excited! Hoping all of those follies grow and we get 27 eggs from my retrieval! Meds start this sunday! It's getting real people!!!

9 years ago

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