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May 2018 Babies

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I didn't see a group for May 2018 babies; so figured I'd jump in a start one!
Let's chat and support each other during this cycle.
I'm currently CD#2; this would be my 2nd cycle of TTC after a 2nd trimester loss in April.

Here's to lots and lots of and for all of us!

And lots and lots of BFP's!!!

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762 Replies • 6 years ago



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Finally have a dating scan appointment. 3rd Nov. Day before my birthday.

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6 years ago

@Thasuurr- I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better today and that you finally got a date for your scan! The day before your birthday? That's the best birthday present ever! I'm happy that they printed a pic for you since your partner was unable to be there at the time.

AFM, I am doing well. I'm still just mainly dealing with the major breast soreness. My nausea has mostly changed to now it's only from smells and sometimes when I try to eat things. Like I have been eating Greek yogurt almost every morning since o found out I was pregnant because I'm not a big morning eater, so the other day I get my yogurt, go to take a bite and as soon as I put it in my mouth I realized that if I didn't spit it out immediately I was going to vomit. No reason why. I wasn't nauseous before or anything. It makes no sense. Other than that though the only other really noticeable sign at this point is the exhaustion. That's pretty constant.

How are you 2 ladies doing with symptoms?

6 years ago

That's good they did a photo for your partner Tashuurr and also lovely timing for your 12 week scan! A brilliant present! :) Hope you're feeling ok.

Yes it is a small world, considering so many of the ladies on her seem to be from the US and Canada etc!

I'm feeling ok, still some nausea although its definitely easing off, but starting to feel more exhausted lately. I had dreadful exhaustion with our daughter and guess it's never ended with all the broken sleep since she was born so I'm just used to it lol!

3 days until our 12 week scan, I am really looking forward to telling people now (although close family and friends know). I can't hide my bump anymore unless wearing a loose fitting top or scarf so will be nice to get out my maternity clothes!

@prayingfor1 I know what you mean about the weird food thing, haven't had that this time round but did with our daughter, anything apart from toast or chocolate made me want to throw up, it was bizarre!

DD born 18th April 2015 DS born 1st May 2018

6 years ago

Thank you ladies. Looking forward to having a proper look at baby as the scan the other day was only a quick one.
Nausea has subsided a lot. It seems to show up now when I am starving or if I think of certain foods that turn my stomach. There are a few things that I’ve gone off. I used to have porridge everyday for breakfast and now I can’t touch it. Hopefully that ends soon as I love porridge for breakfast.
My biggest problem at the min is indigestion. Hasnt quite manifested into heartburn yet but I’m living off mint tea and gaviscon to help relieve it.
The tiredness has improved massively! I am feeling a lot more alert at the end of the day.

@gemstone. Exciting that it’s only 3 days until your next scan. Hoping everything is still well. Keep us updated.

@prayingfor1 looks like you’re battling the same things as I did in the early days. I hope it all improves for you soon

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6 years ago

@ gemstone hope your 12 weeks appointment today goes well.

@ prayingfor1 any new appointments for you coming up?

Update from me, the ovarian pain has come back in full force. Luckily I’m off work this week with my daughter for the school holiday. So im managing to get some rest. But not really cool for her that I’m unwell. I can’t really see how they’re going to allow me to live with this pain for the next 29 weeks. I’m going to see the dr this evening to discuss what can be done.

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6 years ago

Yes it went well thanks! Measuring 12+2 so due date is now 7th May :) had all my bloods and flu jab done too, so that's all done. It's such a relief to share the news now!

Oh no sorry to hear the cyst is causing you pain again Tashuurr it sounds very bad, really hope they can do something to help you. Let us know how you get on at the doctors, maybe stronger pain relief, but guess it's long time to be on them with 29 weeks to go?

How old is your daughter? Sorry think I totally missed you had a daughter already and thought this was your first! Have you said anything to her yet about having a little brother/sister?

How are you Prayingfor1?

DD born 18th April 2015 DS born 1st May 2018

6 years ago

So glad the learn that your scan went well. Have you spread the good news now?
Did they give you any future appointments?
My daughter is 6 years old and she is very much looking forward to becoming a big sister.
How old is your daughter?

@prayingfor1 I hope you’re well

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6 years ago

We've told most friends and family now, it is exciting to share the news at last! When at the 12 week scan they gave me an appointment to see the consultant on 13th November, as I had a complication during labour with our daughter and needed an emergency c section need to discuss options. Hoping for a natural birth this time as recovery from the CS was not fun but open minded as long as baby arrives safely.

That's lovely your daughter is excited! Our daughter is 2.5, we have told her now and she's very excited about being a big sister, but told her baby is still very tiny so we have to wait a long time until he/she arrives lol.

How are you feeling now? Did it go ok at the doctors?

DD born 18th April 2015 DS born 1st May 2018

6 years ago

Hello ladies, Tashuurr I'm so sorry to hear that you are having to deal with pain again. Unfortunately, pain meds are all they usually do for mine even when not pregnant. Unless it is large enough to need surgery there really isn't anything that can be done except wait and see if it will rupture which is what you hope for when you have one.

@Gemstone2907- I bet it is such a relief to be past the first trimester! We were trying to keep it a secret until after then as well but most of the people at my work have already figured it out. When you work with a bunch of nurses it's hard to keep pregnancy secret. I am glad that your scan went well and that everything is progressing as it should be.

I saw my Dr yesterday who said that my ultrasound showed 3 uterine fibroids instead of just the 1 I knew about so she is sending me to a high risk specialist so that I can be monitored more closely. That was a shock and has been stressing me out. I am staying positive that everything will be fine but it's difficult right now.

6 years ago

@prayingfor1 that’s such rubbish news. Sorry to hear that but I do hope your pregnancy progresses well.

@gemstone sorry to hear that your 1st pregnancy didn’t go well and they want to keep an eye on you.

Doesn’t seem that between the 3 of us this is going to be pain sailing lol what are we like?!

You’re right @prayingfor1 Dr said they can’t give me anything stronger than codeine. Even that I can’t take after 28 weeks due to harm to the baby. So for now just have to take the meds’ when needed. Looking forward to our 12 week scan on Friday. I’ll keep you guys uodated

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6 years ago

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