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Over 40 & TTC anyone in my boat???

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Hi Everyone,

I am 44 this year and am TTC, I got married back in 2012 to my DH... We had a MC back in 2011.

I have 2 daughters for my previous married aged 20 & 16 with we love dearly.

I had been on the POP Cerazette/Cerelle for about 2 years and have hear so horror stories about not having AF etc...

Well I had been one of the lucky ones so far, I came off POP Jan 29th 2014 & O on the 13th.
Then on 15dpo AF came.

I guess I had mixed feelings as we are TTC but was still happy that we are in the game.

Anyone in the same boat?

Please share your stories

746 Replies • 10 years ago



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691 - 700 of 746 Replies | Last Page

Grace - Welcome and love the name! If I have a girl her name will be Grace! Not kidding... Notice I'm not saying IF I get pregnant because I'm hoping I will. :) So sorry about your miscarriage there aren't any words so I'm just sending you a hug with a prayer for your future baby.

beaedghill - well hello there lady! I agree that it's all in God's timing. Sometimes we grow impatient because we feel that our prayer isn't being heard, but it is.

ShazzaRazza - well don't you have a fun name? I love it! Good luck to you!

Here's to hoping we all get our ! Currently I'm on 6DPO and my temps have taken a small dive since O. I have cramping, sharp pains in my breasts, and have had restless nights the last two nights, but am so tired. Don't know if these are good signs or not, but only time will tell.

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8 years ago

5dpo temp has been rising everyday

8 years ago

chicks - Sounds good! for a for you this month!

ATM - I am on CD4. AF arrived WAY early and very heavily I might add. Maybe it was all the detox teas and pills I was taking. Well my dh wanted a March baby to coincide with his birthday anyway. :) Here's to keeping the hope alive!

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8 years ago

6dpo had a temp dip this morning. Hope it jumps back up tomorrow.

8 years ago

Could be an implantation dip.

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8 years ago

The Bible has a great deal to say about waiting for God, and the teaching cannot be too strongly emphasized. We so easily become impatient with God’s delays. Yet much of our trouble in life is the result of our restless, and sometimes reckless, haste. We cannot wait for the fruit to ripen, but insist on picking it while it is still green. We cannot wait for the answers to our prayers, although it may take many years for the things we pray for to be prepared for us. We are encouraged to walk with God, but often God walks very slowly. Yet there is also another side to this teaching: God often waits for us.

Quite often we fail to receive the blessing he has ready for us because we are not moving forward with him. While it is true we miss many blessings by not waiting for God, we also lose numerous blessings by overwaiting. There are times when it takes strength simply to sit still, but there are also times when we are to move forward with a confident step.

Many of God’s promises are conditional, requiring some initial action on our part. Once we begin to obey, he will begin to bless us. Great things were promised to Abraham, but not one of them could have been obtained had he waited in Ur of the Chaldeans. The ten lepers Jesus healed were told to show themselves to the priest, and “as they went, they were cleansed” (Luke 17:14 [emphasis added]). God was waiting to heal them, and the moment their faith began to work, the blessing came.

When the Israelites were trapped by Pharaoh’s pursuing army at the Red Sea, they were commanded to “move on” (Exodus 14:15). No longer was it their duty to wait, but to rise up from bended knees and “move on” with heroic faith.

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8 years ago

Wow Beaedghill .... that was an awesome reminder. Thanks so much for taking the time to post it!

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8 years ago

I am sorry and wish you next positive outcome x

8 years ago

Kizmo1121- I am sorry for your loss. I cant help with my personal experiences, but I have read that ladies undergo ivf with PGD/PGS NGS at overseas clinics as it is cheaper. All inclusive genetics ivf with NGS costs 5 000 Euro at the best Polish invitro clinics, just an example. Good luck x

7 years ago

xenianew - Thank you so much. I am currently waiting for AF again. I've had one cycle since the miscarriage, by my own choice. The doctor said we could try again right away but I needed to take time to feel physically and emotionally ready again.

We are ramping up for our next and last transfer. I started my daily injections about 5 days ago to stop my own ovulation process when AF shows up, and will continue them but at a lower dosage for the following 14 days, then switch to the progesterone, and for the first four days also take Prednisone. I also will start taking Estrogen tabs when AF shows up. Depending on my body, we are looking at a transfer date of around Aug 6 or so for our last two embryo's. I'm honestly scared to death. I have to keep thinking positive thoughts but its so hard, and this will be our last chance.

Praying for each of you on this journey. Thank you so much for your support through this.

7 years ago

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