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February 2018 babies!!

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Hello ladies! Let's begin our quest for February 2018 babies!!! All are welcome! Even if you are already prego!!! Here's to another cycle together girls!


283 Replies • 7 years ago



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Good for you Kerrist! Let's stay positive like our doctors! I swear mine is more determined than me to get me knocked up lol!!!

Ladybug- I'm glad you o'd yesterday I should o tomorrow so we are only a couple days off again this cycle!


7 years ago • Post starter

@nelle yes I am so excited as this was the first time I used OPK and since I have a 27-28 day cycle, I o'd on cycle day 13. I am that 3 days of od enough. Here to feb 2018 babies.


7 years ago

Hey ladies,
I loved seeing the positivity in the latest posts! I really feel like we are all going to have to share!!!
I had pains yesterday which were a little odd, comparable to AF cramps. I thought maybe I ovulated early. If so, I am happy we did the BD yesterday morning. I am due to ovulate on Friday, CM has be ridiculous too. I am hoping and PRAYING HARD that this month is our month. TTC is hard!
I am thankful to have you all to go through this journey with!!!

7 years ago

I am on 10dpo so not truly a February due date. But my other little one was a week late and I had to be induced so this is more realistic. I'm feeling pregnant this cycle for sure but every single cycle I get it in my head that I am!! I ordered pregnancy tests online yesterday so that I won't test early and just have to be patient and wait for them to get here. My boobs are usually sore after O but this time they stayed sore, my cervix is high and hard and very closed, and I feel so "full", I have to force myself to eat right now but other times I'm so hungry I will eat so much! I'm not really more tired than usual ( I'm a nanny and work long hours with all the kids), but I cramped incredibly bad on my right side three days ago. Oh and lastly I have (TMI) very loose stool. ???????? How's everyone else feeling??

7 years ago

Yes, loving the positivity. @nelle and ladybugsmom i am very excited for you both this month. I am just waiting for AF to come so i can get back on track. Doc prescribed metformin and vitex and clomid...damn its alot. so i am bound to get pregnant

I am doing better and looking forward to June when i see DH. By then i am hopeful some of you will be on your way to happy and healthy pregnancies.

7 years ago

@kerrist- wow that is a lot! So will u be able to try this month or you will have to wait until June? I'll pray your baby bean sticks!

Welcoming all the new ladies!!!!

@ladybug- so I got ANOTHER blinking smiley today!!! In all the time I have been tracking I have never gotten 1 blinker let alone2 or ovulated past day 12 that I can remember! My temp isn't even down yet or anything! I need to ovulate! I promised DH we would only BD yesterday today and tomorrow assuming I would have ovulated today! So much for my plan!!!

I'm convinced that there is something different this month! I have forgotten on more than 1 occasion to chart my temps and would have to go back later that day or the next and put them in, I didn't start using my opk until day 10 and usually I start at like day 5 just bc I'm worried about missing it lol. Maybe I'm just over trying or maybe I've finally calmed down and now the ovulation thing... I don't know but things are just weird this month... hopefully it turns out to be good!


7 years ago • Post starter

@Nelle I am not good with OPK as I used the dollar tree brand assured to be honest and followed the directions on the box. since I my cycle is 27-28 I started testing on cycle day 10 as the box said and from cycle day 10 -11 no line showed up. On cycle day 12 I got a faint line but couldn't bd because DH was tired from working all night ( I was mad at him I wanted to BD LOL) on cycle day 13 the test line got really dark and then 5 hours later I had o pains on my right side and cramping that's how I knew I ovulated and cycle day 14 no more o pains or any pain at that so we BD'ed just to be safe. I am not really getting my hopes up this month because I literally only had the chance to BD for 3 days :( due to DH schedule. So the only thing I can say for comfort is to just BD on the days you told DH to be safe and keep testing and then sneak in some BD with DH make him think it's for just because lol. Also, since O I have been having some little breast tenderness but I am not looking to much into it. If it happens it happens. Also, when is the due for you. She is scheduled to arrive on the 31st so we will see


7 years ago

The 31 is for me too


7 years ago • Post starter

YEAAAAA TWINSIES LOL. Do you usually spot before af ? I know for me I usually spot 2 days before so I am hoping that I don"t and I get my


7 years ago

I will get light brown when I wipe late at night and it will be full force the next day no actual spotting where I would even need a liner. And I'm glad I have a twinsie!!!


7 years ago • Post starter

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