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Two Week Wait Support

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Hi Ladies,
My TWW is about to start and I would like friends to cheer, support & accompany each other through these dreadful (and exciting few weeks). Who wants to join me?

244 Replies • 7 years ago



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Thank you for the kind words ladies, I appreciate you all being so supportive and kind. I would love to keep in touch as we continue on our journeys. Having women like you all who understand and can relate makes this process a little less painful I think. So many thanks and hugs!

Ash, thank you greatly for that poem. Brought tears to my eyes. Truely beautiful I'm so sorry for your loss as well. I held my daughters baby blanket that I crocheted for her all day yesterday. I feel like I have nothing of her to hold : ( but onwards and upwards we must go ... or at least try to go.

Alaska... I'm sorry honey that you got false positives. I had one last cycle on a first response! It was clear as day too... please try not to feel defeated though, we will get our bfp! Blood work will confirm though, when do you go? Fingers still crossed you may not be out yet!!

Mollsk yay for no AF !! Your symptoms seem promising and definitely hopeful! 3 days late warrants blood work for sure! When can you go?? Fx for bfp!

Afm.. today is a little better. I called the gyno office though bc this is two cycles in a row now my AF is only here for 3 days. Prior to my pregnancy she was 5 to 7 days and heavy for the first 3. Now much lighter and shorter. The nurse said she'd call back after speaking with doctor. I hope there isn't a problem and that's why we haven't conceived again. I'm from PA by the way.

How are you all doing?

TTC after my beautiful angel was born sleeping

7 years ago

did blood work this morning, im a nurse...sooooooooo ya. I can just do blood work, waiting for the results from the lab.

I held off because well I don't want to be the crazy lady drawing blood work every month crossing my fingers.
people at work see the names of people who got blood work, they do not see what is ordered but they see the patients name. Im a private person so Its not something I want the entire office to know.

but 3 days late...warrants blood test.

7 years ago

Not pregnant..womp womp.

im really sad, I was extremely hopeful. I have never been late.
3 days late is huge...but I guess my body is just frustrating and confusing and its just a difficult result.
I was getting excited.

7 years ago

Alaska let me know if you guys start a new form topic for the TWW, I will join you guys.

7 years ago

Mollsk I'm so sorry honey... ((hugs)) for you. Why would you be 3 days late I wonder? Your symptoms seemed spot on. We will get those bfp, I know it!! Let yourself cry and be sad but make sure you keep your head up bc we will do this!
((Hugs)) extra for you

TTC after my beautiful angel was born sleeping

7 years ago

Oh, Alaska - how freaking frustrating!! I think I missed it - when is AF due? You've still got a few days, yeah? Things could still turn positive!!
Sorry for the negative, Mollsk! Hopefully AF comes soon for you so you can get started on next round. Sending big hugs your way!!

I like the idea of all staying together and keeping in contact. So I'd like to share some about myself:
My name is Ashley, I'm 27 and have been married for 3.5yrs. I have a beautiful 15 month old daughter, O, and two super dogs. As I've previously stated, I lost my son, Edward, when I went into preterm labor back in August of this year. We are now starting ttc cycle #2 for this go around. We live in beautiful Oregon state.
You guys are welcome to add me on FB, too, if you'd email to look me up is akbakkensen @ yahoo

Hope today finds everybody alright.

Married DH 08/31/13 DD 09/07/2015 Started April 2016 ttc baby #2

7 years ago

Hi ladies! How is everyone doing??

I'm on cd 4 and just starting to get excited for ttc again. I started my clear blue advanced ovulation kit again... low today as expected. I'm determined to try temping too...Im hoping to hear from my gyno tomorrow about maybe helping us concieve. At least some advice I hope.

Id really like to stay in tough girls if you'd be interested!

Don't bail on me now! Haha we can do this!
Im hoping you all are well!

TTC after my beautiful angel was born sleeping

7 years ago

I'm definitely interested in keeping in touch!
Hope - Let us know what the doctor says tomorrow, good luck!

CD 3 for me - trying soy iso (160mg cd2-6) and evening primrose oil this go around. Hoping they can help me have a higher chance!
Ready for AF to be over so the fun part can begin :)

Married DH 08/31/13 DD 09/07/2015 Started April 2016 ttc baby #2

7 years ago

Good morning ladies! (or good evening)

I am indeed from Alaska, but currently i am living in the Netherlands.
I am very glad that we will be able to continue supporting each other.

Today is going to be cycle day 1 for me. After several more false positives it seems like the Bi*$! AF is on her way. *sigh*... And of course, this weekend there were 4 more pregnancy announcements.

My cycles have been really long since my miscarriage... so its probably another 3 or so weeks until i ovulate. When do you expect to ovulate?

Also do you DTD every day? Every other day?

Have a great day! We will have our babies soon enough!

warm regards,

7 years ago • Post starter

Hi everyone, well over the weekend AF just waiting to start again. I just ovulate on Dec 31...NEWS YEAR So that should be a fun night, and maybe I will be graced with a news year eve baby. lol.

So here we go again...typically we DTD every other day during the fertile week and on day of ovulation. I ordered ovulation kits, so im anxious to try those and see if I ovulate later than I think I do, I also have preseed which I heard good things about, I will be eating pineapple too...anything to help.

Im 30, I have been married since Oct. my husband has two kids from a previous marriage 11 and 13, so they are older and I do not have any children of my own. We both are very excited to be trying for a baby.
I like in Michigan. I work as a nurse...and yes I wanna stay in touch since we are all TTC and close in cycles.
ash, I tried adding you on FB, it couldn't find your email address...odd.
you guys can look me up.

Molls Kramer

7 years ago

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