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TWW for a March 2017 BFP!

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Hi all! I am somewhat new here and on the journey of TTC for the first time around! This is our second active month to TTC. I have been off BC for a year now, and we did the pull out method until we decided we were ready to stop preventing last month.

I have always been nervous that I would have issues TTC and so I put it off for some time. Now that we are actually on the road to hopefully conceiving I am getting more and more excited and more and more stressed about it! Last month was a BFN, which I half heartedly expected especially since it was our first active month of TTC.

This month I am really hopeful and afraid I'm setting myself up for disappointment! I am currently 4 dpo and have had increased CM for longer than usual so I am hoping that is a good sign! If I were to conceive this month the estimated due date would be Mar 4 which is my mother's birthday! I would love that! And she would love it too, she has been waiting quite some time for a grandbaby.

This TWW is going to be downright miserable, but having a little company would help it pass quicker! :)

183 Replies • 8 years ago



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Nikki I did a first response and a cheapo. Just hoping one would show a sign, everything I'm feeling is strong signs of my typical pms. I'm really shocked. Really thought we nailed our timing this cycle. 3 straight days before O. Temps were right. I practically stood on my head after each time. Major let down. Have 2 more hpt, I'll test just out of pure hope.

8 years ago

Chick we tried for awhile & with perfect timing & everything & i was always let down. I honestly feel like fertilaid helped me get pregnant i dont think i would of fallen preg without it.. or at least id still be trying for a while i think..
But this is the 1st time i took an hpt before af was due usually always wait til af was late.. but since iwas taking fertilaid this cycle i started taking hpts early because im supposed to stop taking the pills immediately once i am preg..
I hate that we have to struggle to fall pregnant i know its the most devastating thing ever.. i really hope all of u fall preg real soon. I dont wish heartache upon anyone. Its not fair

8 years ago

More spotting and lower backache. I want to bust out In tears and beat the hell out of someone all at the same time. I'm no doubt going to be out? The evil witch is lurking.

8 years ago

Well once she comes in full force you should treat yourself to your favorite meal & a nice drink. :(
I hope its just spotting though..
I prepared myself if af were to come this cycle. I bought ribeye steaks to cook & a bottle of wine for when af showed. I knew id be devastated so wanted to make sure i had something to perk myself back up..

8 years ago

Aww I'm so sorry chicks. I'm pretty sure I'm out this month as well. I knew it was a slim chance with the late ov. Next fertile window doesn't fall on the weekend for me so I'm gonna see If I can get some vials from a sperm bank. Not sure if they will deliver to a home but I'm hoping.

8 years ago

I am feeling strangely optimistic today. Not really any "symptoms" other than I had a strange pain in the left side of my lower abdomen today. Only lasted just a minute or so. Had a brief stint of nausea but hardly even noticeable- passed quickly. The DH and I did a little BD last night, and often when I am this close to AF I will spot afterwards a little- and I didn't, not even a little bit. I think I have myself psyched up thinking my test on 10dpo could have been a false negative. Who knows. I don't want to get my hopes up to be crushed if AF shows, but today I feel hopeful and I am good with that feeling for now. Tomorrow is 12 dpo and AF is due either Tuesday/Wednesday so the next couple days will speak volumes. All I have left are digital HPT's so I hate to use them until I'm actually late because I know it may take a little longer for them to pick anything up.

I hope all you ladies are holding strong. Chicks, I am so sorry that you feel close to being out :( and you too Fruit Loops. It's not a good feeling and most likely I will end up in the same boat. Hang in there and know that we are here for you to vent to!

8 years ago • Post starter

Yeah i got a stronger bfp today but digi still says neg... just thought id put my input on digis. Im mad i wasted mine already lol.

Fx for u maybe try pink dye tests too just in case.

8 years ago

Hi All

This is my third month trying and I am 10 Dpo, I used Vitex this month and used OPKs for the first time and ovulated 2 days after my period, which is possibly why I haven't got pregnant before as i was going by the normal 14 days before period was when I ovulated, well that's what i thought..

I have not experienced anything different to a normal month. Other than a constant headache which could be from the Vitex.

I am unsure when i am supposed to get my period as i ovulated early. I want to start testing as I have seen some people get BFP at 10dpo but scared of BFN.

Has anyone heard of Vitex success stories? or early ovulation success stories?

8 years ago

I took fertilaid it has vitex in it.. & i swear it helped me conceive it also made me ovulate early. I usually ovulate on cd 19 but this cycle i ovulated on cd 14. I got a faint bfp on 10dpo cd 24

8 years ago

Well temp is back down to 97.7 this morning so I think the witch will be here by tomorrow or Wednesday. At least with it coming early it will shift my next fertile window to the weekend which works better for my donor coming out. A little disappointed about this month but knew chances were slim with my late ov

8 years ago

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