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Hello all,
I am looking for some buddy's that are TTC for we can go though the wait together ;) add me or message
Throwing baby dust to everyone;)

95 Replies • 9 years ago



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SAHARADAWN I got at CVS on sale for $27.00. He wasn't happy either but he did anyways. We were trying for 3 months and nothing happened yet! I'm new with all this. On my first one I got pregnant on pill.

I'm CD5 today and I will start with Mucinex in the next 3 days and after ovulation I will start with baby aspirin! And I'm also checking my BBT, using OPKs and softcups.

I hope this is my month because I get so mad when my AF comes! LOL

9 years ago

We've been trying on and off for 3 years, without any luck. When we weren't hardcore trying- charting bbts, opks, all that stuff- we were NTNP. My test this morning was a BFN. Horribly depressed me. I don't know whether or not to hold on to the hope that I ovulated much later. AF still isn't here, and I have absolutely no sign of her, either. But, we kind of quit BDing for a week and a half, before the day I seen a ton of ewcm- which was Thursday. Was under the impression I already ovulated, so I was just trying to relax and take it easy. We're going to try to BD again today, but part of me doesn't feel like that's enough, if this is my fertile patch.

Laura, on Monday I started taking a B Complex vitamin for my b's and folic acid. I think I'm going to give evening primrose oil a shot, too, and S.O. and I will be taking zinc, as well. Decided last night, I'm going to start back up on the baby aspirin, but I'm still unsure about mucinex.I'll be charting my bbt, and I haven't decided if I'm going to use the OPK's next cycle, or wait until my cycle after seeing my doctor. I hate how expensive OPK's can get. I think it's harder for me to see a BFN then to see AF. I don't know. That may just be me, though. /:

Zoe, I know exactly what you mean about the people who can't take care of themselves. It makes me sad, because then I can't help but worry about those little babies. I still have no babies of my own, but I'm hoping that can change very quickly. 5 dpo is early, but I'm definitely cheering for you! I'm glad I commented on this. I normally don't, and I try to just bear through my cycles by myself, but I'm glad I did. Definitely makes it easier having other ladies to discuss things with. Makes me feel less alone. xx

9 years ago

Saharadawn I'm sorry for your BFN I is just that you ovulated late. Looks like we are on the same type of cycle. I swear by pregnacare I took them with my last pregnancy and it was my only successful one. I hope you see that bfp real soon xxx

9 years ago

Yeah. I'm strongly convinced I'm o'ing, or gearing up to O. Just had a ton of ewcm after a bm, and I read that's the best time to check. So, this is day two of ewcm. I bd'd yesterday, but unfortunately S.O. doesn't get off of work until either 10p.m. or 12p.m. tonight, depending on whether or not he works over time. We'll definitely BD when he gets home, though. I have never recorded this much ewcm... ever. In any of my cycles, so maybe this is a good sign, and this is my lucky cycle. However, I promised S.O. I wasn't going to get my hopes up over this cycle anymore, so I told him I wouldn't take any OPK's until next one. Gotta keep my word. /:

I'll have to look into Pregacare. At this point, I'm definitely willing to try anything and everything. Well, Zoe, I may be joining you in the TWW, again. Haha.

9 years ago

SAHARADAWN hang on there. You are not until your AF comes.
This month I'm just trying Mucinex and baby aspirin and if doesn't happened I will try something else.
I get my OPKs on ebay it is much cheaper I get 50 OPKs and 20 pregnancy test for $16,00 they are called wondfo

I got for my husband the GMC fertility vitamins it has everything. He takes 2 in the morning and 2 at night.

Zoe- my husband it is not one of the best of taking care of himself. I have to give him whatever I want him to take and I also try to make healthy food and also some that helps with fertility.

9 years ago

Yes your not out until af arrives Saharadawn. I don't feel any symptoms yet so not looking good for me even though it is still early.
Laurarosen my partner wouldn't take anything even if I forced him. He is so stubborn. We will all get there though ladies I really believe this xxx

9 years ago

Zoe you can google foods that can help and make at home. I do that too.

9 years ago

I will try that but to be honest it's not the getting pregnant that is the problem it is staying pregnant. I was lucky that I had my son 16 months ago. But now we're trying for baby number 2.
Well I'm 7dpo today and I'm experiencing mild breast tenderness and now a dull pain in my lower left side of my abdomen. Hmm I hope it is a good sign xxx

9 years ago

I'm counting myself out this cycle, but I'm surprisingly okay with it. Eh, I'm so anxious for this cycle to be over, though. BD'd yesterday, spotted for an hour, after. All night, I was fine. Woke up this morning, and I've been spotting all day, but it's not consistent- like AF. I just want to hit the restart button, and try again. I've never been more anxious for AF to get here.

I started taking my evening primrose oil today. Started a multivitamin last night. S.O. started taking a multivitamin, too. So, right now, what I know for sure we'll be doing next cycle is:
-Multivitamins for both of us.
-B Complex for all our B-needs.
-Evening Primrose Oil for more, and better, cm.
-Baby aspirin to help blood flow/circulation
-BBT charting to confirm ovulation
-OPK's to help pinpoint ovulation

I'm not going to be charting cp since it confuses me, or cm because it's not a fully reliable source. But, since I'm not really guarantee'd to ovulate every month- sometimes only three or four times a year- I think I'm going to try out soy isoflavones, too. Help me ovulate, and strengthen my eggies. I'll probably take them CD 2-6. Been reading up on it a lot, and hear a lot of positive things. A lot of peoples stories ended with them pg within the first 4 cycles of soy iso's. So, I'll probably go pick up some zinc and the Soy Iso's tomorrow.

I know Zoe mentioned the Pregacare. Anyone have any other tips and tricks I could use in the future? I won't be trying anything else this cycle, so I can give my body time to adjust to the new vitamins I started without feeling like I'm over doing it. Hopefully, my next cycle is the one, though. S.O. and I haven't been this into TTC in a very long time.

Zoe, definitely sounds like a good sign. I've kept you in my thoughts over the weekend. Crossing my fingers that this is your time! xxx

9 years ago

Zoe, I had you in mind and started doing some TTC research. I found a couple things that are said to help women who don't struggle getting pregnant, just staying pregnant.

Royal Jelly-
It's made by bees, so if you're allergic, that's out. It has benefits for both men and women. It strengthens eggs, protects eggs and sperm from free radicals, and increases male sperm count. It can also help to regulate irregular cycles. It comes in a jelly form, as well as capsules, but I've read it's not really that good.

Personally, I'm kind of scared to try this out, which is why I never got around to trying it. Not really sure how it works, or what it does, but quite a few women swear by it.

It helps with the lining of the uterus. A good uterus lining makes for a secure implantation.

Progesterone is responsible for preparing and supporting the growth of an embryo. Maybe your body doesn't produce enough?

Baby Aspirin-
In case it's a blood clotting problem, which is a common cause of m/c, it'll prevent them.

I don't know what you've tried, or what you're trying, but these are just a few of the things I was reading about from multiple people. I enjoy research, so I do a lot of it. Haha.

9 years ago

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