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April IUI/IVF 2014

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Anyone trying for IUI or IVF in April 2014?

344 Replies • 10 years ago



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Sorry red and amk about your bfn :( it's hard to get those month after month.

As for me, we got the update from the embryologist and have 5 mature eggs that ALL fertilized :) we are super happy with these results as this is the best case scenario for us. We'll get more updates tomorrow to see how they are doing and when my transfer day will be. Hope all of you ladies are having a nice weekend.

10 years ago

I am sorry red. Man this month has been rough on our group.

10 years ago

Awhittaker 5 embies, yay, best of luck with the implant - baby dust, baby dust, baby dust

ooh Texas are you feeling any sypmtoms now or has everything settled down?

Amk and red, sorry for no bfps. I'm having a month off but will taking the Femara. I'm cycle day 7, get to try again naturally. My hubby is convinced it will just happen - I think my chances are the same natural and iui because of my age? Dunno

10 years ago

amk0327 and red78701, so very sorry for your BFNs! It just never gets easier, but I'm sure your BFPs are right around the corner!!

Awhittaker, 100% fertilization!! Woo hoo!! Can't get any better than THAT!!

opalfoxy, IUI chances are always about the same as unassisted, unless you have hostile CM or difficult sperm levels or some other issue in which case IUI is, of course, better odds.

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

10 years ago

I really have no symptoms. Besides sore breasts and still have creamy cm. Even though it is WAY to early to test at 7dpo I am going to tomorrow since it will put me 5 days till my af should come. Lol I am sure it will be bfn.

10 years ago

As far as the timing of testing, it doesn't matter how close you are to when you would normally expect AF - the date that is important is how many days past ovulation you are. An embryo cannot implant before 6 days past ovulation - it simply can't, it has to have gone through the multi-celled, blastocyst and hatching phases in order to implant. Average implantation doesn't take place until 9-10dpo. And then it takes a few days for there to be enough hcg shed in your urine (blood test will pick it up immediately) to trip a pregnancy test.

I'm not saying don't test, just saying don't be discouraged if you don't see a second line. It's highly highly unlikely. :)

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

10 years ago

Oh! So your saying even though I am closing in on my missed period I am still ok? I figured since I am 6 dpo with 5 days to go my time is running out. Well check I feel better if I am only 6 dpo and it has to at least be 6, then they my baby's still cooking then.

10 years ago

Do you normally only have an 11 day luteal phase? I do - and although supposedly that's not technically a luteal phase defect, my doctor says it is borderline. A 10 day luteal phase is definitely too short, 11 days is iffy. So I always do luteal phase progesterone just to give any embryo a chance to implant before my lining starts shedding.

But no matter how long your luteal phase is, you can't make the embryo develop any more quickly. It won't implant until it is physically capable of doing so. Like I said, 9-10dpo is the average. 6dpo is the very earliest, 12dpo is about the latest (that's why they generally tell you to test at 14dpo, any embryo that's going to implant should have done so by then and your hcg levels should be high enough to measure with a hpt).

The two week wait sucks giant hairy monkey balls, though!!

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

10 years ago

12 days.

10 years ago

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