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October Testers Part 2!

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New thread required! Come on in girls :)

AFM CD 15 waiting to O!

503 Replies • 10 years ago



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Good afternoon ladies,

I made the jump, but had to take a moment to get caught up from the last one, so much going on!!

Cam, hey there, thanks for checkin on me! You go gettin it in with everything else going on ;) Praying good things this month for you!

Luv, thanks for the new page! I won't rehash anything...but I think we all know our hearts and minds :)

SMH, CONGRATS!!!! So happy for you!!

3LIL, I hope you are able to stay around once Ollie makes it! Your insight and the strength you have with everything...

Law, I pray your appointment goes well tomorrow, I am sure it will!! How's school??

Holly, welcome back and GL this month!!

Shawna, congrats to you!!!!

Cloveless, glad to hear from you and that all is well :)

1stTTC, so happy to hear you are doing better and that you are going to keep trying! FX'd for you...

Natalie, welcome to the family and best of luck to you!

Amag, Hey lady! Glad you are feeling better and I hope AF leaves and stays away for a long time..., if you are still checking in, I do hope you are feeling better and know that people still think of you!

AFM, all is good....only on CD9...will start my OPKs tomorrow. Excited for all of the possible BFPs to hit our board this month :)

10 years ago

ugh.. i hate when the boards are acting up had a nice long reply and then got kicked off...!!! Round two

lawbride: i understnad your concern for the HSG then i have a pretty high pain tolerance or at least thats what i have been told so hopefully things go very smoothly and quickly for you!! i was also told there is a higher chance of a BFP for the first three months after an HSG too with everything being flushed out hopefully this is the case for you!!

Luv: thanks at least someone is on the same page as me. i swear i think i said this to my mom and sister and they both looked at me like i had 10 heads...!! i guess they just really dont understand the emotional rollercoaster we go through when TTC to really understand thats why i am glad i found you ladies to talk to !!

AFM this weekend has nothing really planned!! a whole lot of relaxing and possibly cleaning...DH and i both start vacation as of 5:oo pm on friday for a week. out 2nd wedding anniversary will be next tuesday so we are thinking if the weather is nice going horseback riding and doing a little picnic or something but we will see. if not we will most likely go to the casino for the night and feed the indians as i like to say!! the closest casino to us is in connecticut at least for the time being! well off to go finish the rest of the day at work ill check in with you all later!!

10 years ago

cloves: congrats on the boy!!! i know DH and i are really hoping for a boy but i will be more than happy with either as long as the baby is healthy and happy that is all that matters in the long run!!

10 years ago

Luv: I normally bake all my pies but I think I will have to buy a special one for this idea lol. Oh well less work for me on T-Day!

afm: Got an Ice Cream maker today on clearance :) woohoo!

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10 years ago

clove Ezra is a lovely name! Very old-fashioned which I am a fan of. :)

lawbride not doing anything for halloween, except giving out candy to the trick or treaters :) how about you?

JLH good to see you! I agree that we are due for BFPs this month, it's seriously been forever since we had more than one BFP in a month. Back in July we had several!

amag your anniversary plans sound great! Our 2-year is in December and we won't do anything half that fun ;) I totally get the IUI thing, when we started having trouble I was half hoping that it would be a huge disaster and require IVF so that I would feel like "hey I have a solid chance here!" ;) I don't feel that way now, though, because if I have to get IVF then I have to delay getting a new car. heehee

MamaK mmmmmmm ice cream...fresh-made is the best! Tell us how it turns out :)

AFM just went to the eye doctor for the first time in six years. I got scolded a bit haha :) Now I gotta ride the bike trainer and rewatch The Walking Dead!

10 years ago • Post starter

clove: WB hon!!

JL: Depends on if I can type one fingered on a tablet while I feed.

Surgery is scheduled for Friday at 8 AM. Have to be there at 6. I am typing right now cause I needed a break from the laundry which never ends.

Luv: Even if I don't stay full-time I will lurk until I see you with that BFP.

12/08 + 1/10 + 07/11, Had to do a lot of for baby #4. Yuck!!!! User Image

10 years ago

I got off on time today sooo I was able too pick up one daughter from cheerleading practice and now I'm sitting in on my other daughter's violin lesson...I have two tests tomorrow...I NEED TO BE STUDYING BUT MOTHER DUTIES ARE A PRIORITY. Hello ladies 3lil are you a soldier. I love Amos. Arich and mama I believe will have boys.

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10 years ago

JLH--it's going. Can't wait for school to be over. I'm anxious.

CAm--what grades are your daughters in? I was a cheerleader from 6th grade until I graduated high school. Fun fun!

3lil--how exciting! I bet you can't wait to have baby Oliver here!

luv--we aren't doing anything. I don't think we will even pass out candy--I've never had trick or treaters in this apartment.

amag--I've heard the same thing so I'm praying that's the case--it also helps that I will be getting injects during the next 2 cycles or so. yay for wedding anniversaries. Both plans sound like fun!

10 years ago

3lil you are so awesome to think of me and root for me :) I can't wait to hear about your Adventures in Childbirth #4!

Cam yay for getting off on time! Boo to having two can do it, you're supermom :)

lawbride that is kinda lucky that you don't have to deal with Halloween candy, it's nice not to have that temptation laying around ;)

10 years ago • Post starter

5th and 7th it's the 7th grader Camellia whose doing cheerleading and Asia 5th grader is doing violin.

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10 years ago

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