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Anyone else AF due 6/21? want to buddy up?

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Hey ladies,

Just wanted to see who was due for AF on 6/21 and when are you testing? Wanted to buddy up so if you're interested let's chit chat

Good luck ladies

[i]*PinkTAE*[i] User Image not trying, not preventing "who are these kids, and why are they calling me mom"

67 Replies • 13 years ago



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61 - 67 of 67 Replies

ok so we went to the doctors today the visit went as such:

i came in took the test and on my paper work ALL I noted was that i did not recieve a period since may 27th (it was july 5th) ok so they called me into the room (i guess it was a nurse and a trainee) and said ok so your NOT pregnant(with a smile on her face) and then says but since u did not get a period for june then come back in two weeks if it still did not show and we will test again, when you come back you can get birth control until then from sex! so i said i do not need bith control but thank you! they both looked at me as if i was the stupidest person in the world! and one of them said soooooo r u going to use condoms? and i said no, WELL there was that look again, she says what do you mean no condoms? are you going to abstain from sex? and i said no i am not the room got silent while they just looked at me puzzeld and she said well i dont understand what are you going to do? in which i replyed i never mentioned that i DIDINT want to get pregnant you jus assumed so the older nurse goes oooooo im sorry i didnt know. the younger one goes on to say well since your trying definetly come back in two weeks since u have such irregular cycles because it might b something wrong, u might not b ovulating in which i replyed OH i ovulated i test using OPK's and i dont have SUCH and irreular cycle u dont even know my cycle thats y i am here becuase missing a period IS NOT normal for me!!!!!!needless to say i WONT be returning there

12 years ago

AF due on 19th for me...only 1 DPO so no symptoms to share yet. Good luck!

Mandy 33 Married ~4 years and finally TTC User Image

12 years ago

Happy, What EFFIN IDIOTS!!! Im sorry they were so useless in helping you find out why you're not getting your period.. Im not due for my AF for another 9 days. I think Im going to have to go to my OBGYN because I dont think Im ovulating anymore. I had a m/c in Jan and ever since then my body hasnt cooperated the same.

[i]*PinkTAE*[i] User Image not trying, not preventing "who are these kids, and why are they calling me mom"

12 years ago • Post starter

cycle day 59 -___-

12 years ago

this is crazy cycle day 69!!! i just dont know!! i googled "the hook effect" and it has my mind going

12 years ago

Omy goodness Happy!! Have you taken anymore tests? My mom said it took 10 pregnancy test to get a positive with me & she also had the early bleeding with all 5 of us girls(like a period) so it was hard for her to find out she was pregnant.. I'd make them do an ultrasound!!

User Image Hoping for a

12 years ago

i actually got an ultra sound today ughhh it was a very long wait but uterus is empty no cyst no fibroids no explination sooooo she gave me meds to induce a period im kind of iffy about it

12 years ago

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