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First time TTC; going crazy!

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Hello all, I have found this site while going crazy during this two week wait. I am inexperienced with symptoms and waiting and what to expect...I would appreciate anyone's advice...

My LMP was 2/11, I'm sure I ovulated between 2/25-2/27...I began with breast heaviness & soreness on 2/28 which is unusual for me to start with that early before AF. And it as continued - still sore boobs/swollen. I have noticed I've been a little more tired; requiring a nap the other day and going to bed earlier. And finally, on 9 or 10 DPO, (yesterday) I started with some dull lower abd cramping/pressure on & off all day... I have tested the last couple days because I am so impatient!!!! And obviously BFN... I know it is too early... Does it sound like I may have a chance?? Maybe I'm making up these symptoms?? AF is due 3/11... and I'm thankful for working 12 hour shifts the next couple days to distract myself! Please advise!!!

323 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi ladies! Hope all is well! I'm on cd 21. I've been using opk's and according to them, I O'd yesterday. We are bd'd out! Haha! So hopefully we caught it this time. My cycles have been around 32 to 34 days long lately so that's what I'm expecting this time. Ready for this TWW to pass on by!! Enough about me....
Ashleylauren, hoping that this July will be your time! And even if you have it next July that means you will be pregnant soon after this July anyways. So maybe you will not be waiting much longer! Fingers crossed for you!
Reneee, hope you get some answers after doing tests. Maybe you will get your BFP before you see the specialist! You never know! Good luck sweetie!

11 years ago

Hey ladies

I'm also ttc#1 and going crazy. I was pregnant 8 years ago by accident and ended in mc at 10 weeks. Now I'm actually trying it seems to be a lot harder. I came off bc feb this year and had first AF on 17/3, that ended up being 41 day cycle which is strange. My last two have been 28 days. So at present I'm roughly CD20 and 6DPO we done the deed in time I think so hoping I'm not out for this month too, finding this very stressful. At present having weird cramping pains on right side but not sore that type of pain that feels like stretching, sore boobs and nipples :( TMI.

It's nice to see I'm not the only one TTC#1 and hopefully we can all bounce problems and symptoms off each other

11 years ago

Welcome to the forum lou_85! We all try to encourage each other through this because it can definitely be stressful! So sorry to hear about your mc back then. Hopefully your time will be coming soon! Keep is updated. Good luck!!

11 years ago

I think we are all going to get our BFPs sometime this summer! We have been waiting long enough! I still have no symptoms at 4DPO today. My temps are creeping up, so FF still won't confirm O. I have no doubt, so it is okay!

Apparently, elephants are a sign of fertility. I bought a cute elephant necklace on etsy last night (trunk up) and changed my wallpaper on my laptop to a baby elephant with his mom and dad. Hey, it can't hurt! Not to mention, I was obsessed with elephants as a kid. My first stuffed animal was an elephant I named L.E. (Little Elephant) or Elle.

Welcome, Lou! Hope your TTC journey is a short as possible. Reneee- That is interesting you had us all read. I think we will be fine too! ABennett- Hope you caught the egg this cycle. Now the waiting game. I wish I could test today. I'd rather be in the TWW than at the beginning of my cycle any day. It's getting annoying keeping track of timing BD & waiting for O.

User Image Ashley&Bryan 6.1.12

11 years ago

Aw thank ladies :)

I am now 7DPO and up early on sat morning had nightmares all last night (not like me at all) dull cramps in lower abdomen and headache. Not feeling too hot and now going to go work in my dads pub for first time (he's defo stuck today lol had bar 6 years and I've never done one shift) don't like listening to drunk people. oh and found out last night my bf has shingles, not good I've never had chickenpox so will not be seeing him now for well over a week he's at his mums for a while. hoping and praying il not get it. we were away all last weekend and he got this rash two days ago.

AF due next weekend so I'm going to hold out til then and see if it comes.

Hope everyone is doing good in their journey x
Think il invest in an elephant ornament or something if it would help :)

11 years ago

HI ladies, Welcome Lou and so sorry for ur loss. CD20 here and still no O. so thats wat we are waiting on. but my temps are dropping really fast, so it might not be very long till that eggie pops.

good news is the specialist sent us a letter with our first appoint and its 28.8. 1 day after my 28th birthday. i am so happy its not while we are on vacation in July, so August is just rite for us. Who knows maybe the baby gods will decide to even bless us b4 then.

so the sad game i am playing with dp is the "wat if game". wat if hes found to be sterile? wat if i just cant give birth? But hes too wise a guy to even answer those games and tells me " we will cross that hurdle when we get there". hmmmm Know i shdnt be doing that, but we aint better than others here who are going thru it. so WHAT IF........?

I know yeah... am so crazy. Babydust to every1 and i pray we get some goodnews in this group soon !!!

11 years ago

TTC for 6 months and finding I am obsessing too much over every little possible symptom. I absolutely hate it when people say "just relax and it will happen!" or "it always seems to happen when you aren't trying!". How am I supposed to just turn that off when we are actively trying and I am excited about wanting to be pregnant?? Any tips, ladies? Just started my TWW today, and I am finding it is easier to be negative about everything, like thinking I won't be pregnant this month, I won't need to take a HPT, etc., rather than being optimistic. Negativity definitely doesn't help, but neither has optimism!

11 years ago

Hi Mizdez I am the same I look into my symptoms way too much and we have only been trying for a few months now. I think it's because I'm so excited. It has been easier this month as I have had no symptoms other than cramping on day 9 so it is easy to think I am out this time. I found it harder last month as I had a lot more symptoms.I'm sorry i don't have any advice but I can relate.

11 years ago

Welcome to the group mizdez and trying4angel1! I can definitely relate to both of you! The first few months of ttc I thought every little symptom could possibly be something. I am now on cycle 6 of ttc and I feel like I have been let down so many times. It's very hard to just NOT think about it! Sometimes I just have to get on here and vent! Haha. I have felt pretty good about this month so far. I am 5 dpo. I will probably start testing around 8 dpo. Yes, I am one of those poas addicts! Haha. The only "symptom" i have had is nausea, but im not reading very much into it. Let us know how things are going. :))

11 years ago

Welcome ladies! It is great to have more people on this thread! Craziness needs company! Although each month that passes will make me appreciate my pregnancy more, I am ready to just be pregnant! Bring on the morning sickness! Gas! Constant urination! I'll take it any day over peeing on a stick, symptom tracking, charting BBT, use of Soft Cups, etc!

As for me, I am CD23/9DPO and feeling good! I have NOT spotted which is a miracle. I hope to continue not to since I usually spot for about 5 days leading up to AF. My cycles have varied a bit, but I am averaging a 28 day cycle. Based on that, AF is due June 25th. Tomorrow would be the day for the beginning of the dreaded blood.

I am staying happy. Life is good and each day gets better. I am on week 2 of Insanity and Shakeology (the best meal replacement shake...ever). Living in south Florida makes almost every season bikini weather, so I am working on looking great in that bikini asap. After all, who doesn't want to be a MILF? Working on getting in the best shape for my baby. I know he or she is coming to me soon. I can feel it!

Time for some BFPs! Hopefully, my next post is exactly that.

User Image Ashley&Bryan 6.1.12

11 years ago

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