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Last Round of Clomid. HCG Shot. Cycle Buddies??

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I am on my last round of Clomid, and things are... interesting...

I went to my dr today for an ultrasound to see how far my follicles have dilated (my dr is looking for 1.8cm). Curiously enough, he found two eggs cysts (right at 1.5 and left at 1.2). My DB and I decided to go through with the HCG injection since we have been trying (since last year), but to no avail. So, my dr. wants me to come back for another ultrasound Wednesday morning and if one of follicles is 1.8cm dilated he will administer the HCG shot... However, if the they are both at that size, as he puts it, my chance to have twins "is not insignificant." I'm kind of excited about the idea actually :)

SO - I guess if I get the shot on Wednesday, I will ovulate on Thursday 5/23. Any I am certainly welcoming any cycle buddies :)

Also, if you have any questions about Clomid, and have any information about the HCG shot, I'd love to chat!

Best wished to everyone!

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200 Replies • 12 years ago



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I've caught whatever my bf had... Glad he had it first, or I would totally have the wrong idea.

I have to admit - I had my first TWW drink this cycle. Just one though! If anything, I was hoping that one would de-stress me a bit.

Congrats on the opk+ Miss Court! That is wonderful!

As for the pinterest - my username is myssilynn - Just a warning, I am very opinionated about many things... but I am open-minded and non-judgemental about those who think otherwise. As many boards and pins I do have (and that's lots!) I don't have a lot of baby stuff. I just don't even want to imagine things that might never be... I'm sure yall knows how that goes.

Lisestte, are you still up for testing on 7/3?

12 years ago • Post starter

Yay Court on your positive OPK. Thats great news!

Missy I dont think 1 drink really does anything. Yesterday we had dinner with the inlaws and I almost had a drink. They bought a bottle of white wine just for me so I felt bad having to say no multiple times. I hope they didnt think Im already pregnant.

My username on pinterest is wsupharmer. I mostly pin foods, crafty things and i love DIY stuff. I wish I could pin lots of baby stuff but I dont want people having the wrong idea. I am waiting until I know for sure and Im pretty far along.

I am still planning to test on 7/3. My hubby is the one who always pushes me to test early. With my m/c I tested positive 9 DPO, so my husband thinks i should start testing as early as 8DPO every month. But he doesnt understand that usually this is not the norm. But I hate seeing that BFN, waiting it out is always the best on my emotions.

12 years ago

Hey ladies. You are both SO much better than me with the alcohol thing. I feel like maybe I have a problem! I almost never say no anymore. I just got so sick of the odd looks and side to mention, watching my DH enjoy a cold beer without me. Oh well, we're all different, right?

So, we did the BD this morning thinking that we had a few minutes before everyone woke up in the house this morning. Of course, as soon as we started, I could hear my mother and my aunt trying to work the coffee maker in the kitchen. SO AKWARD! But we got it done. ;)

Looks like I'll be testing 7/10. I wish I had it in me to save my money and just wait for AF. Here we go again...tww.

12 years ago

I wouldn't worry about a few drinks during the tww, Court. At this point I think it should be a requirement! And, I am pretty sure that I made up for a lot of what I missed out on with Nyquil the past few days. Summer colds are the worst! (Plus, with March babies - fingers crossed - there won't be a crazy St. Patrick's Day :) and maybe it would do us well to get in a drink or two now :) )

Lisette, I am so excited to have seen you on Pinterest! You are so pretty :) ! What a beautiful baby you are going to have! :)

Glad you were able to keep on schedule even with the company, Court! I had a brief little argument and was a quite perturbed with my bf on one of our BD days -- we both had to get over it really quickly so we could stay on schedule. It's a little funny now :) I guess with a year of trying, that was bound to happen.

I still feel like I might be in this month, which I usually don't by this point. But, then again, I'm thinking it is because I've been having such bad cold and flu symptoms that I can't tell up from down at this point. It is tough, but I'm trying to stay positive. It is really hard not to over-analyze every tiny possible symptom, and I am really bad about doing that.

One more week until testing Lisette! July is going to be our month, ladies!

12 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies

Heard back from my doc today and I ovulated, so I know for sure that my clomid is working. :) Missy I didnt even realize that next tuesday is already testing day! That is awesome since I pretty much work everyday till then so my mind won't be on it as much. Aww and thanks for the sweet comment. Its pretty neat to have a face associated with each other. I really want to go thru your pins, your collection looks super!

Court all that matters is that the deed was done and it brings a little excitement to the whole situation.

I hope we all have a stress free tww and get our March babies!

12 years ago

Missy, I'm sorry to hear you've been so sick! Drink all the NyQuil you need while you can! I just made a huge mistake and totally forgot to take my prenatal vitamins yesterday, sitting right out on the counter in front of me! Oh well, we can't obsess.

And're always in it until the very end! This is such great news that we all o'd this month! Lisette- the clomid is going to be your answer! That was it! I'm really hopeful for you both this month!

12 years ago

ps- I couldn't find you on pinterest! Missy, there were two Melissa's that popped up. Are you the one with brown hair and a handsome fella in your picture?

And lisette, I couldn't find you at all! I think my screen name is ccw4246. I think! grrr...

12 years ago

Nevermind, found you lisette! So great to put a face to a name!

12 years ago

So happy that you ovulated, Lisette! As someone who has had issues with annovulatory cycles, sometimes it is nice just to know that things are working properly. I've had a few months that have been a complete wash, and that is far worse than the tww - you have no clue how long until AF and you know there is no chance of a bfp. So, congrats on that good news!

I'm SO excited to have been able to put faces with yalls names! And, I am the brunette Melissa with my bf (Jeff) - he always looks like such a goofball in his pictures, so this is one of my favorite pics. I opted to look like a weirdo with the flippin tiara b/c I like the pic of him so much. He keeps talking about having little red-headed children, and it STILL trips me out. I could have never imagined myself with little ginger kids :)

(Court - A-MAZING pin boards, what a great sense of style! Lisette - I am getting ready to re-pin a bunch of your recipes - YUM! :) )

12 years ago • Post starter

How are you ladies doing with your tww??

As always, I am stressed and over analyzing every itty bitty little thing. The bf is being a big support. I wish I could have more of his confidence and positivity.

Back in March, I was thinking of how I would tell him if/when we finally get a bfp. I decided to go on etsy and get a custom-made little onesie with his favorite sports team (Redskins) on it, but I couldn't follow through with iit since I'm such a Steelers fan. I ended up finding someone who did 'house divided' onesies and got a split Redskins/Steelers one. It has been sitting unopened still in the box from the post office. I finally decided to open it and look at it one day when I was home sick this week -- omg, did I cry. This is so difficult Have either of you planned anything?

I'm really trying my hardest to wait until 7/3 to test. I'm at 9dpo today, and how I want to get up tomorrow and check! Trying, trying, trying to stay positive and hopeful...

12 years ago • Post starter

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