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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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@rebecca - I think I've determined the itching is a pregnancy related rash. I noticed the there were bumps on my stretch marks and little tiny bumps on my wrists, arms and feet. So I looked it up and there was one pregnancy related rash that seemed to fit the description. It's most bothersome to my belly, but I won't have to deal with it for toooo much longer. My next appointment is tomorrow, they will be doing the non-stress test. I'm the other way, all I had experienced was the breath taking hardening of my stomach, now i'm starting to have the menstrual cramp feeling contractions. I've experience times of GREAT pressure combined with sharp pains in my lady parts and the contractions I had the evenings of the 11th and 12th were steadily 5 minutes apart and lasting 1 minute for over an hour... and I still haven't gone into active labor yet. So, your doctors are right, early labor could last for a while! lol Hang in there!

@miracle - Ugh. My shop won't be seeing ANY action. All my listing are expired at the moment and I need to get around to taking pictures of my left over merchandise before I can re-list. I really OUGHT to try and get them up in time for Christmas shopping, but we shall see... As I told @rebecca, the itching appears to be a rash and if I make it to my appointment tomorrow they will do the non-stress test to make sure he doing fine in there. If the test were to show he was in some kind of trouble, I imagine induction would be discussed. If everything is fine in there, they will schedule me for my 42 week appointment and they would talk about induction at that appointment. I'm feeling very close though, I may make it to tomorrow's appointment, but I doubt I will make it to the 42 week appointment.

@jandk - What's happening, has the bleeding stopped?

@LSchrader - How very strange! I hope you find out what's going on soon. Hopefully things aren't messed up for IUI. I hope you have an awesome camping trip!

AFM - He's going to be a September baby, that's for sure now. I think it will be this week, I'm feeling very heavy and have been having loose stools for the past couple of days (sorry if that's TMI lol). My non-stress test is tomorrow, I feel him moving around a lot, but it will be nice to know for sure he's doing okay in there. I can tell the amniotic fluid is getting lower. Nothing much else to report for now!

Happy Labor Day! Hope everyone is chillaxing. :)

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9 years ago

Hey everybody, I have gone back two pages to try and catch up as best that I could. Some of you I have been stalking on social media or IG...LOL. I did get all teary eyed to see that even in my absence people did still send me well wishes. I apologize for my absence, this has been a very trying year for me...

@sky I can not believe that you are still I saw your 40w pic, I was certain that you wouldn't make it another week. Don't worry about the rash, It could be a combination of the pregnancy and the heat. I am certain you will not make week 42. Eat some eggplant, I heard that it initiates labor.

@football what I would give for that florida weather right now. I am from Texas and I live in DC/Maryland and this summer has been rather cool. I guess the last couple of years they have been having a "heat wave" and I was enjoying it. almost all of August I have been carrying a light jacket in the mornings, I feel so robbed of the summer. How cute is that your baby had hiccups.

@athena I am glad you got your pack n play and everything at the baby shower. You looked awesome, you have that pregnancy glow on your face. just glowing. Beautiful

@Rebecca Great News that Titis has flipped!!we need that little head down and ready for labor action. Sorry that you went to the hospital and they sent you back home, but we will just call it a dress rehearsal. I had quite a few with my oldest, seems like I was in L&D once a month from 5months on & then he had the nerve to be 2 weeks late.

@miracle great news that you BD'd at the right time and even better is that your shop orders are taking off for the fall. I am going to get a few hats from you this fall. Its time that I embrace that I am not getting to Hawaii or leaving DC anytime soon so I may as well actually buy fall clothes, hats n scarves and stuff.

@lsch Hiking sounds wonderful and like you I am not ready to let go of summer just yet. Your story reminds me of this lady that I work with and she had trouble conceiving so we talk often. she said that when she arrived for her IUI, they were not able to do it, because she was already pregnant. I hope that happens to you. I myself am going to move to IUI if I am not pregnant by January.

@Jandk where are you in your cycle?

To all the new ladies, welcome. you don't know me but I have been in this forum for a long time, just haven't been around lately because its hard to have a baby when your husband is in another country.

Sorry if I missed anyone, you know I would never ever do it on purpose.

AFM: Lots of changes, LOTS and LOTS
My husband is coming home early in November
but don't get too excited, I don't know for how long he will be home. it may only be until February. if he is leaving , we agreed to freeze sperm and move to IUI....I guess by any means necessary. We are no longer moving to Hawaii, we are staying here in the DC area at least for another two years. Thats all I have for now.

9 years ago

Happy September Ladies.. This is my favorite time of the year. I love the weather and knowing that fall is approaching makes me so very happy! I can't wait for crisp mornings and gorgeous ocean sunsets.. I'm a few days past ovulation. Still taking the chill attitude which feels good. ;)

@Jank ~ Did your light spotting stop or turn into AF? Wondering what is happening.. hmm? Check in with an update when you can.

@Lschrader ~ I hope you get answers soon to what all this spotting could be. Fingers crossed for you that this is your lucky bfp cycle. Hope you are enjoying your camp out.

@Skyline ~ Yes, you should list some items for christmas after the baby is born and you get some free time (ha not sure you will though with a newborn). Your rash will go away soon. Looking forward to hearing how your appt goes tomorrow. Your baby is going to be a little virgo baby.. sweet, thoughtful, loving, logical, practical, witty and much much more wonderful qualities.. Almost time. You seem so calm, well at least you appear that way when you post your check ins. how are you feeling emotionally/mentally?

@Pisces ~ There's my long time ttc friend. I missed you. So nice to hear from you. Your post made me smile. Oh and thanks for the compliment on IG on my newest hat creation. I am all proud of it. I finally listed it this evening and now I'm finishing up an off white one just like it. I am thrilled to hear your dh is coming home in November until Feb. That gives you 4 months to get busy baby dancing lady. Freezing those swimmers is an excellent idea. Bummer you didn't get a summer where you live.. quite the opposite here in Cali with our heat waves and drought. I am so ready for fall/winter. Yep, I got some bedding in around Ovulation time, but just taking a more chilled out attitude about ttc lately. I have to for my sanity sake lol. Thanks for staying connected.

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9 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies, I hope everyone is doing well! Hope everyone had a great Labor day weekend!

I still need to go back thru and catch up on everyone's stories, I've been trying to keep my mind off TTC since my body decided not to cooperate!

I took the Provera the doctor prescribed and got AF (or withdrawal bleeding) 3 days later. Strangely enough, I thought it would be a heavier flow than it was. I've made my appointment to see Dr. on CD 10 (next Monday) for an US as he requested. I hope my body is ovulating on it's own so this is the month we'll find that out.

I'm going to give my CBFM another go around this month, I just hope the 45 day cycle didn't mess it up.

Married 5/10/14, TTC #1, off BCP January 2014, TTC since June 2014, using CBFM, CBD OPK and tracking cycles.

9 years ago

I just wanted to drop in and let you all know what's been happening with me, I'm very sorry for skipping replies at this time, I had hoped to have more time.

My appointment was at 1:45 yesterday and the non-stress test went well. Baby Boy was doing fine. The exam was very disappointing though, after all this time I was only 1cm dilated and 25% effaced! Then she said she recommended scheduling me for an induction today! I was completely not expecting to have to make that decision at this appointment. So we scheduled the induction. I had a meltdown in the car on the way home, I was blindsided by a bunch of crazy emotions and poor DH was pretty confused. lol

After we got home I was going through my papers and realized that you can't have pitocin and be in the water. Induction would rule out the water birth, I felt very regretful for agreeing to a Wednesday induction instead if a Thursday induction. So I talked to
DH and he said I should call first thing this morning and find out more information on how the induction would go and then decide if I wanted to reschedule.

I called and they were totally fine with letting me reschedule, so I'm going in tomorrow evening instead. I have a sonogram at 11:30 AM tomorrow to check and make sure everything is still fine before the induction. In the evening, after I check on, they will give me the cervical cream to try and get things ripened and start dilation and Friday morning they will start the pitocin if labor hasn't started before then.

I felt very good about getting the extra 24 hours to see if labor would start on it's own. I have been drinking raspberry leaf tea, eating raw basil and oregano (gag! lol), walking, and "other" things. I really hope labor kicks in before Friday morning!

Oh, and my water MAY have broken... Yesterday morning I got out of bed and felt a small gush and it was enough to get the sheets a little wet. When she examined me she check for amniotic fluid, but it was negative. She said the watery discharge was just cervical fluid. So overnight there was more, and I had to wear a pad today because every now and them there would be another small gush. Well, from 6-6:30 there was so much coming out it filled a whole pad, so I called L&D to talk to the in call midwife. She said I could go ahead and come in a get it tested, or wait for my appointment in the AM, that it would be fine until then. So I decided to wait. If it was my water, labor might begin tonight. Fingers crossed!!! I'd really like for labor to start on it's own!

That's what's been going on with me... I had better try and get some sleep in case it does start soon.

Hope everyone is doing well!

(Very happy to see you check in with us @pisces!)

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9 years ago

@skyline ohhhh I am keeping my fingers crossed that labor starts on it's own before tomorrow so you can get to do the water birth, I have been so intrigued for years about water birth. I had to get a suppository called cervidil (it may be mispelled) with my son, he was two weeks late. Once the have it to me, I started labor naturally, so maybe the cream will have the same affect.

@miracle heyyyyyyy you know I can't stay away from you guys too long, I start to suffer from withdrawal and have unexplained well inspire too soon about the summer, my air con broke in the office on the first two consecutive days of 90degrees **yikes** it was not pleasant at all. And I know I have no right to complain when you guys have suffered this summer but good Lord, Thank you for air conditioner, I decided today that living in the 1800's wouldn't have been my air con, no way. Lmao

@raquared I have met you but hello there. I hope you are ovulating on your own. @athena went through something similar (I'm sure y'all have talked) but I admired her taking the bull by the horns and getting the clomid in her hand. It worked for her!!! I was so proud of

@athena 4weeks left!!! Whoop Whoop!!! It will pass before you know it!!! I remember when you, sky, and rebecca all found out you were pregnant, seems like yesterday.

In my absence have any of our first round babies dropped in? @tiff @desertchic and Joslin?? I hope all is well with our 1st babies. One boy & two girls

AFM: I was running out of Maca Root and found some on Puritin's Pride but when it came, it said Maca for men ??? The only ingrediant is 500mg of Maca ...nothing else. I'm Leary to take it...what do y'all think? Also I read Vitex Chaste Tree helped with fertility and when I got it, bottle said for menstral and menopausal health??? ...I haven't taken that one either. Need to do some reading.

9 years ago

Not much to report. Just tired of the heat here in Cali. I'm so over it. I want it to be cold. I need to go be in the snow for a few weeks lol. I think I am 5 dpo, not sure.

@Skyline ~ I pray your body goes into labor tonight on it's own so that you can have your baby all natural with water birth. I know how much you have wanted this all along your pregnancy. You and your little one is in my prayers for a safe, smooth and health birth. I hope you are getting your rest as best as you can. Keep us posted.
Oh and castor oil I heard sends woman into labor.. google it.

@Pisces ~ I know it's hard to stay away from us awesome ladies.. :0 Tiff, desertchic, Jxst, and the other woman who gave birth already have not come back in many many moons. Hopefully all is well them. That sucks that your air con died. I would be irritated, miserable and cranky for sure. I don't think it's an issue taking the male maca root. I never even knew there was one for men & woman. I thought it was for everyone. I took it for 3 weeks once and it turned my regular clockwork period into a 60 day moderate bleed. I actually had to get a uterine biopsy done to see if I was ok. Turns out I screwed up my cycle and messed up my hormones by taking it. I had never heard of that happening to anyone. I have only heard rave reviews about the product. I hope it's what your body needs.

AFM ~ Can't believe we are going to have some newborns very soon @skyline, @Rebecca, followed by @Athena and then @Football.

Speaking of you ladies ~ Hope all is well.

@Rebecca ~ How are you? Did you go into total labor? Thinking of you. You and the baby are in my prayers.

@Football ~ How are you? Haven't heard from you in a while? Check in when you can.

@Lschader ~ Not sure when you'll be back from camping. I think you said a week. Wondering how the spotting is going? When is af due? Any news?

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9 years ago • Post starter

@pisces & @miracle - Thank you both! It's 3AM (EST) and I have not been able to sleep, contractions are keeping me awake. Yay! I finally got the nerve to sit up (afraid to change positions and make the contractions stop) but I just had another one. I think I will be calling L&D in just a bit. Eeeek!

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9 years ago

@Pisces You can find MACA on Amazon. I order mine from there. The seller is The Maca Team. They are AMAZING. DH is taking Black Maca to help with male fertility and sperm count and I take Red Maca to help with female fertility, CM production and stress reduction. Both give tons of energy too. They offer it both in powder and capsules. I personally like the capsules better because I can't stand the smell and a quick taking of pills is so much better than having to drink it down lol

@Skyline I feel your pain. With DS i was in active labor for a week before they finally induced me. I too was wanting a water birth, but with the pitocin it was out the question. I got really emotional about it and felt jipped. I labored 12 hrs on pitocin without pain meds (GODZILLA CONTRACTIONS) but was getting so tired that the dr really recommended that i get some pain meds so i could rest and have enough strength to push otherwise I ran the risk of needing a C-section. I finally gave in and got an epidural and dialated from a 3 to a 10 within 10 minutes. I had my son 3 pushes later. Seeing how one intervention led to another (Pitocin to epidural and missing out on an unmedicated water birth) is the only regret I have with my sons labor. I am hoping when we get pregnant again that I will be able to have a water birth. I switched OBs and hospitals this time around and this OB specializes in unmedicated births and each room is a private room with a jacuzzi. Best wishes on a safe complication free birth and hope you get to meet your bundle of joy soon.

9 years ago

Skyline....sweetie I'm praying you're at the hospital having your sweet baby right now! And that you get to use the birthing pool. Please let us know how you are when you feel up to it. Much love and prayers for a safe,healthy delivery for you!, so good to hear from you. Sorry your ac broke. That would totally suck. I hate the heat and always have, even though i grew up in SC where it was over 100 and humid all summer. I think i read something somewhere about maca for men being different and women shouldnt take it, but you know I'm not up on that stuff.

Miracle. ...they've talked on the news about the heat in California, and the drought. I pray you get some rain and relief soon! I seem to have just completely stalled out on this labor thing. I still get cramps, and they've gotten stronger, but nothing consistent, and my contractions are just a pain in the butt. My dh gets upset with me when he finds out I've been having them off and on all day and haven't said anything, but I figure why bother? Until they get down to business, I'm just ignoring them.

I'm trying not to worry about a c section. The closer Iget to my due date with nothing happening, the more likely it becomes. I just want to hold Titus and know that he's safe.

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9 years ago

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