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November 2015 Babies!!

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It's a little early to start this forum, but since I'm skipping October because of a CP I figured I'd go ahead and start this anyway.

750 Replies • 9 years ago



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hah! It was pretty bad, 2 miles in 30 minutes. I'm doing the ease into 5k app/program, I've been using it off and on for nearly 5 years. I have a BAD habit of quitting... However I did run with someone that hasn't ran in probably 12-14 years. Funny thing is she lives out in the country, and right at the end when it was starting to get really dark we heard the coyotes cackling and FLIPPED out. We went from running what would be a 17 minute mile (I'm embarrassed to admit that) to 7.89. HAH!

I WISH I had a treadmill for nasty days, but there is NOTHING like running outside!

Jessica Married to Jeremiah 05/10/2003 Mom to Alyssa 11/14/2003 Autumn 05/15/2008 and our 10/30/2014 Asher Jeremiah due 11/30/2015 User Image

9 years ago

I agree. I love running outside. I find the teadmill boring and it's hard to read a book or watch a movie on a tablet when you're bouncing up and down. I was back up to 5km in 30 min(give or take) in january but now I'm walking 5km in an hour and my back is not happy with me for it. I'm still kinda hoping that I'll be able to get up to a half marathon this fall.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

Good Morning Jess & Margie-

on the run Jess!

The treadmill gets old fast, I've taken to listening to an audio book.
You can only hear the same songs so many times.

Did you hurt your back in the accident Margie?

Its a good morning so far, DH takes good care of me, but you know when you can tell any slight irritation is going to tip the scales... yeah can feel it setting in. .... Maybe I should go run (=walk in my world)


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9 years ago

Margie, that's awesome! I use to be able to do that, and was working towards that again when I got pregnant then I was TOO exhausted to even walk up the stairs to my bedroom. Then along with the depression, and funky weather I am just not getting back at it.

I hope you are able to run your half marathon, but if not I think it's great that you are doing any kind of exercise at all. I understand how difficult it can be to stay in the habit! And then with your back injury, I can't imagine! Just try not to force your body to do anything that it isn't ready for yet! But good for you for pushing yourself!

Talula, are you talking about eating your emotions? I'm pretty good at that, and unfortunately have gained way too much weight. URG! You don't have to run, walking is good. I lost a bunch of weight a few years ago and all I did then was walk. Well I did weight watchers too. Anyway how are you feeling?

Jessica Married to Jeremiah 05/10/2003 Mom to Alyssa 11/14/2003 Autumn 05/15/2008 and our 10/30/2014 Asher Jeremiah due 11/30/2015 User Image

9 years ago

Talula - Yes I hurt my back in the car accident, but my shoulders have been bad for years and I find that if I over do it running they'll hurt like crazy too. I've never thought about using an audio book. it would probably be a great compromise as I love to read. Realistically if I could just read and eat candy and stay healthy I would but unfortunately I don't.

Jessyann- I totally get what you mean about the funky weather. I've been meaning to get out and work out a bit more but all I want to do this time of year is sleep until it's sunny again. I'm not pushing myself hard yet, though my body is still adjusting to the little bit that I'm already doing.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

I meant more of tipping the scale of nice sweet vs irritable bitchy. I decided I'd work from home today and spare everyone at the office, so far feeling pretty good. How are you feeling?
I dont eat for my emotions, I eat cuz food is yummy and I have that zero willpower thing going on. ;)

I usually walk regularly and when I stopped last fall, my arse made its statement loud and clear, its NEVER been this big.

I wonder if your shoulders are hurting when you run from tension?? Maybe a book would help to relax you, let your mind escape.


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9 years ago

Margie, that's great! Glad you are adjusting well! I don't know where you live but we are FINALLY having pretty days again, it doesn't get very cold here in a Alabama. Although you know when it does cause we wind of up on the news LOL. We just tend to have a LOT of rain during the "winter".

Talula, your post made me snort!! How great that you can work from home, must be nice

Jessica Married to Jeremiah 05/10/2003 Mom to Alyssa 11/14/2003 Autumn 05/15/2008 and our 10/30/2014 Asher Jeremiah due 11/30/2015 User Image

9 years ago


9 years ago

Good Morning... Well Afternoon Ladies.

I wish I was a runner. I just plum suck at it. I can never get my breathing right. I've gotten better since I started working out, but I am far from one of those people who can run miles on end without breaking a sweat. Now lifting weights and kick boxing I am good at :) I enjoy all that jazz just not the cardio portion.

AFM. Well I've made it to 9 DPO. As I said earlier in the week I spotted bright red Sunday (7 DPO) and had a little bit of dark brown spotting yesterday! Today, however, NOTHING. Maybe that's a good sign. However, I feel like I am out this month. I am cramping really bad in my back and some in my stomach, the pre period poops started this morning, and my boobs have, well feel like they have doubled in size. All normal signs of the witch coming soon. Blah.

Enough of my sobiness. What about you ladies? Everyone feeling ok? Any new/different symptoms. We are getting there ladies. Our TWW is almost over.

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9 years ago

Jessyann - I'm in the D.C area But I'm from Canada. I can deal with a bit of cold but I hate the cold and wet. I started running in the winter because I overheat quickly but I hate being wet.

Talula - lol I'm in the same boat with a lack of willpower. If a book could cure my shoulder they wouldve been 100% years ago. Sadly no such luck. It's a combination of stress, poor posture and an old injury, no one thing seems to make it better. Most days it's ok though.

Bsmith - I'd try testing tomorrow.

MMcalli - I don't run well or even overly fast but it gives me some time to be alone with my thoughts. I found that it's just gotten easier to not focus on my body when I'm doing it regularly and believe me I sweat like a pig while I'm doing it even when it's below freezing.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

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