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May 2018 Babies

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I didn't see a group for May 2018 babies; so figured I'd jump in a start one!
Let's chat and support each other during this cycle.
I'm currently CD#2; this would be my 2nd cycle of TTC after a 2nd trimester loss in April.

Here's to lots and lots of and for all of us!

And lots and lots of BFP's!!!

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762 Replies • 6 years ago



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@gemstone i am waiting for the 1st midwife appt which is the booking in appointment where you get the pregnancy notes.
I'm waiting for the letter with the appointment for the dating scan. I too think it will be around end of Oct.
I already have my 16 week appt which is 1st Dec.
I just wish it would all hurry up.

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6 years ago

Hello ladies. For those of you still in this group that wanted to hear, I got my bloodwork results today. I had already figured out that I was not pregnant but I did find out that I also did not have a chemical or anything. Apparently my positive test was wrong. Most of the rest of my blood tests were normal, except for testosterone which was high so my OB/GYN wants me to start seeing a reproductive endocrinologist to determine whether I am going to need help to be able conceive.

I hope everyone is doing well and maybe I'll some more of you in the June group. Although I hope not for your sakes!

6 years ago

I have no Idea what's going on with me
so I got 2 faint positive HPT then negative blood test at 5 weeks after the very light spotting and did an ultrasound she said everything looked normal
i'm almost 6 weeks now, still my breast are sore and nipple are so sensitive , I been feeling pinching feelings on both sides of my abdominal , headache and tired
and on Tuesday I had very painful AF cramps that became that come and go during the day then next day nothing and today I got the cramps again
that never happen to me to get AF cramps with no bleeding and breast pain
well test tomorrow and see

6 years ago

Hi ladies, not sure if you're still getting notifications for this forum but thought I'd say hi, how is everyone?

Have you got the date for your booking in appointment Tashuurr?

How are you Sharky?

As for me will be 8 weeks tomorrow and have booking in appointment at home. Still super nauseous mornings and afternoons and tender boobs (which our toddler seems to be constantly grabbing/elbowing!), otherwise ok. Oh and I've had 2 dreams about twins!! Which has us worried as our house/car just isn't big enough, hoping it's just me being silly, hurry up scan so we will know lol!

Let's hope these next few weeks fly by for us all!

DD born 18th April 2015 DS born 1st May 2018

6 years ago

Hi Gemstone, lovely to hear from you.
I have the booking in appointment next Wednesday at the local birthing centre.
I have yet to receive a date for 1st scan.
I'm 6 weeks and 5 days. Nausea is in full force all day. Tiredness is also ruining my life haha. I actually cannot wait until this passes and I start to feel human again.

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6 years ago

Great to hear from you Tashuurr, sorry you're dealing with all day nausea that's hard when there's no rest from it, the only good thing is you know it's all the hormones doing their thing! Hopefully once you're about 13 weeks the nausea and tiredness will pass and you feel like yourself again

So I got a letter from the hospital yesterday saying I have a scan on Tuesday at 4pm! The midwife said this would likely happen as going by LMP I'd be 14 weeks by then, but I'm 99% sure I'll be 8+5 by Tues. Very much looking forward to it and seeing if there's just 1 or more! Think I've convinced myself there's 2 in there and husband is really panicking!

DD born 18th April 2015 DS born 1st May 2018

6 years ago

How exciting that you finally have a date for your 1st scan. I bet you're looking forward to that.
I keep hoping that I come home to such a letter but I'm not sure if the midwife will book that in after the booking appointment next week.
I hope your booking app was informative.

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6 years ago

Hello Gemstone2907 and Tashuurr! I just wanted to stop by and catch up on how you two are doing. Gemstone you must be so excited to have your scan scheduled! Tashuurr, I know what you mean about the all day sickness, I am now 4wks,3days myself and have had horrible nausea at random times for the last few days. It's mostly a general queasiness but then there are the bouts of bad nausea and sometimes even gagging. Hey have either of you had colostrum leakage yet? Just wondering because I weirdly had that before I got my BFP 3 days ago. It hasn't stopped. Anyway, I hope you are both doing well and continue to have a happy healthy pregnancy!

6 years ago

Hope you will get the letter through soon Tashuurr and these next few weeks fly by! :)

Wow congratulations Prayingfor1!! That's great news, you'd had an odd cycle before hadn't you? Guess it shows anything can happen! What's your EDD? Not had any leaking but also didn't when pregnant with our DD, boobs are getting mega painful and swelling now (usually 32a so notice it lol!). The nausea is hard isn't it, but meant to be sign of a healthy pregnancy, so trying to see it as a good thing although feel so sick!

DD born 18th April 2015 DS born 1st May 2018

6 years ago

@Gemstone2907- I did have an unusual cycle before but this cycle I had confirmed OV based on bbt and digital opk. My EDD is June 8th.
I guess officially I am only 15dpo, but when I enter that it says I'm 4wks 4days now. Thankfully my tests are looking great and everything seems to be progressing well so far. I don't see my OB/GYN until Thursday. My breasts have been my main symptom. I am 36D normally and am already having trouble with fitting my bras. My breasts have been so painful since before I got my BFP that I went yesterday and bought a sleep bra to see if that helps. Oh and preggie pop drops! They work really well for the nausea!

6 years ago

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