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Where are you Aussie gals?

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Where are you all? I am hoping I am not the only one!!!
Here to share and support our ttc journey.
I am Queenslander who moved to NSW. Lol who does that?
Ttc num. 3 for a year now! I am 10 dpo waiting for the witch.Waving to you all.

687 Replies • 10 years ago



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661 - 670 of 687 Replies | Last Page

How just occurred to me that I can test on mothers day! If I get my BFP what a wonderful mothers day present....or to spare myself of the disappointment of it being the dreaded negative....I might test Saturday!

Hope all u lovely ladies r doing well

Love love

Me- 28 DH- 35 DS- 2008 DS- 2010 EDD 6/12/15 M/C- 13/3/14 (@ 5wks) EDD 19/1/15 M/C- 11/5/14 (@4wks) EDD 14/2/15 M/C- 11/9/14 (@13wks) DD- 2015 Our little family is complete

10 years ago

Any news tiff?

10 years ago

Hey girls....

I cant believe this has happened for the 2nd time in less then 2 months.....
I took a first response hpt on the 10th (as hubby didnt want me to b upset on mothers day) and I got the brightest BFP ever!!!! 3pm after getting back from my mums place (and even writing in her card from the baby) I started cramping....It wasnt sore or painful...I thought I was just feeling a lot more being 3rd time round...then a while later....the cramping intensified...and I just knew something wasnt right.....then the spotting started....
Hubby and I went up to the hosp (after mum got to mine to look after the boys) and they did blood test every 2hrs and noticed the drop in levels...
So...sam and I decided (along with drs advice) to have a DnC as this is now the 2nd mc in a very short time and they wanted to make sure that everything was removed so I can have a fresh start at trying yet again.....
I stayed in hosp last night and had the procedure 1st thing this morning....
I was able to come home at 2pm....
I dont get it!?!?! Why twice? Straight after each other? I honestly dont get it!!
Ive now deleted all ttc and pregnancy apps on my not going to chart or bbt or anything like that!! Ill still b on this site as its a great support group!!
Just gonna do it the good old fashioned way!!

Hope all of ur mothers day was filled with plenty of love.

Love love

Me- 28 DH- 35 DS- 2008 DS- 2010 EDD 6/12/15 M/C- 13/3/14 (@ 5wks) EDD 19/1/15 M/C- 11/5/14 (@4wks) EDD 14/2/15 M/C- 11/9/14 (@13wks) DD- 2015 Our little family is complete

10 years ago

Hi to all :)

Haven't been around much lately as I've been battling a few issues of my own but I have been looking in occasionally. Seems like everyone has been on some kind of roller coaster ride. I'm back to CD1 again!!!

Mummy - so sorry to hear your news. It really sucks to see a BFP & then it's all over in a flash. I know, I've been there a few times myself & it's heartbreaking :-(. I have a short Luteal phase so think that's definitely an issue for me & I'm working on trying to lengthen it.

Actually I'm off to the drs in a few days to have more tests done (again!) and feeling annoyed! I got told years ago that I had a higher than normal Prolactin level but that it was nothing to worry about - turns out it often causes short Luteal phase & infertility!

I'm so peed off as I've known about it for about 12-13 years now and I've never connected that & fertility issues. Guess I never paid much attention as the dr who originally discovered it did a scan to make sure it wasn't caused by a tumour and said that it wasn't really cause for concern. At the time I wasn't ttc so I guess to her it wasn't an issue. Turns out it's a freaking big deal!!!

The dr I see now has told me that it needs to be investigated but is usually easily treated. I was so happy to hear it that I cried on the spot. I still can't get over the fact that years of heartache could possibly have been solved by taking 2 tests and a few pills - that & discussing it sooner (as I'd basically forgotten about it).

Good luck to all. Xx

10 years ago

Hey Girls......Soooooo i really dont want to jinx myself (for the 3rd month in a row) but i need to say something...................................

I GOT MY BFP!!!!!!!!! Had an u/s today and im 4wks 5days. I have to go back in about 2 1/2wks to check on growth and heartbeat ect. My dr is keeping a really close eye on things as this is the 3rd pregnancy after 2m/c close together.

Ive had no additional cramping or any bleeding...the u/s showed that there is indeed something there, we just have to keep everything crossed and the 1st sign of something a wrong or not its hospital time!!

So hows every1 else going? r things progressing for as hoped?

Please keep us updated as ill keep u guys updated

Love Love

Me- 28 DH- 35 DS- 2008 DS- 2010 EDD 6/12/15 M/C- 13/3/14 (@ 5wks) EDD 19/1/15 M/C- 11/5/14 (@4wks) EDD 14/2/15 M/C- 11/9/14 (@13wks) DD- 2015 Our little family is complete

10 years ago

Hi all :)

Congrats on BFP! Hoping it's a nice, sticky one for you .

As for moi, I have 2 days till AF arrives or hopefully doesn't show up! I've had a really weird week and hoping like mad that all the bizarre things going on with me are a good thing. Trying not to get my hopes up though in case my body is just playing tricks :-(

I actually "feel" like there might be something going on but I'm too chicken to take a test yet as I'm only 10dpo today & another temp drop this morning. I'd rather be hopeful for a couple more days. Might also just be over analysing as I've been paying more attention to charting this time - even managed to temp!

Some of my (maybe imagined, maybe just PMS) symptoms seem to point to something going on but my temps have been strange. I've had 2 temp drops during LP but not sure if that's normal for me as I rarely temp any more so not sure what normally happens.

10 years ago

Hi ladies,

I'm out again !

AF arrived yesterday to bring me crashing back to reality.

Good luck if there's anyone still in with a chance :-)

10 years ago

Evening Girls, Just an update.

Well im about 7wks, and i have my early scan on wed to check on sooooo nervous, but i always am on 1st scan and 1st h/b check.

Ive been soo tired, but i havent exactly been taking things easy....well with 2 boys its abit hard to have nana naps lol

Well ill post more on wed night.

Love love

Me- 28 DH- 35 DS- 2008 DS- 2010 EDD 6/12/15 M/C- 13/3/14 (@ 5wks) EDD 19/1/15 M/C- 11/5/14 (@4wks) EDD 14/2/15 M/C- 11/9/14 (@13wks) DD- 2015 Our little family is complete

9 years ago

As of 2:15am this morning...I am no longer expecting!!
I awoke to the worst pains ive ever felt and on waking sam we both saw a massive amount of blood...Once we got to the hospital and had a u/s it showed that the baby had died!!
Both hubby and i are beyond devastated...The hospital is keeping me in over night as i lost alot of blood.
Im undecided at the moment about if i should keep my account with "countdown" or delete this point we wont be trying anymore.

I would like to wish all u beautiful ladies all the best and i hope u have better luck then me


Me- 28 DH- 35 DS- 2008 DS- 2010 EDD 6/12/15 M/C- 13/3/14 (@ 5wks) EDD 19/1/15 M/C- 11/5/14 (@4wks) EDD 14/2/15 M/C- 11/9/14 (@13wks) DD- 2015 Our little family is complete

9 years ago

Mummy of 2 - OH My Goodness !

My heart goes out to you, I'm so sorry to hear your terrible news. It's truly heartbreaking when the worst happens.

I'm at a bit of a loss for words right now & crying on my screen but just wanted to let you know I'm (or we're) here for you if you want to talk, or cry, or melt down.

I'm not sure about everyone else but I've been there and it's so hard. I'll be thinking of you all!

9 years ago

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