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40 and TTC # 2 after 19 yrs

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Hello Ladies,
I am 40 and DH is 50. We are trying to conceive our first together. I had a TR in August of 2013 and we stated trying in November 2013. I would like to share this journey with you ladies.

709 Replies • 11 years ago



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@Zuberi... have you tested yet?

I'm 10dpo today. I've been super tired and achy all over. Especially my lower back and noticed my upper legs getting sharp pains. I was going to test but chickened out. lol I'll wait until saturday maybe. AF should be here Tuesday area. I O'd on cd8 this cycle! So not sure how many days my LP will be or cycle in general. My usual is 14 days for the LP.

How is everyone else? It' so quiet these days!

10 years ago

Hi ladies. I hope everyone is having a blessed Sunday.

@zuberi & @ctymom, good luck this cycle please keep us posted.

I'm always stalking this forum awaiting to hear great news from everyone. Keeping you in my prayers and sending you tons of baby dust!

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9 years ago

Thank you Praying4! I'm 14dpo and waiting for AF to show or not. Supposed to start tomorrow. I've been having bad lower back pain, increased cm, headaches, frequent trips to the bathroom and so forth. Hoping it's not all in my head. lol We shall see!

Hope you are doing well!

9 years ago

Hey ladies. .....

Sorry I have been MIA. I have had a lot going on. Dh agreed to try iui so we have started the process. I went to have my blood drawn and the tests all came back normal. So dh is going for a semen analysis done after I have ovulated this cycle. And he has to wait 3 days without ejaculating before doing the test.

Hey ctymom: im waiting to hear your bfp! Any news yet?

Praying4Alil1: Im glad you are still checking on us.

Afm: cd13 had a positive opk tonight at 7 pm. So we will bd again tonight. And I will probably be in my tww Thursday. I will update you guys.

9 years ago • Post starter

Hi all. Just dropping by to see how everyone is doing.

@zuberi, I'm sooo happy that your hubby finally agreed to see a RE. How's your TWW going? I wish you the best of luck - keep us posted.

@ctymom, how are things going with you?

I hope everyone else is doing well. Sending you lots of baby dust and tons of hugs.

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9 years ago

sorry for being mia lately. We are having to move our 10,000 sq ft bodyshop to a new location and I'm trying to spend time with my daughter before she goes back to connecticut. But as for me... I'm 12dpo. On 10dpo in the evening after DTD... I had pink spotting and then again when i woke up the next morning. I've been so tired lately, diarrhea bad the past few days, nips are on fire this morning, almost feeling itchy. I'm getting nauseous after I eat. Soooo... i will buy $ store tests today and see if my body is just playing mean jokes on me again. All I have are digis which tend to not be as sensitive this early on.

I just turned 45 this month so I was starting to feel hopeless. I'll let you know what comes of the test maybe in the morning.

9 years ago

Ctymom...hope you have some good news from the test. Praying for you.

Zuberi...congrats on going forward with the IUI. Let us know how your dhs testing goes.

Afm...things are going well, just finding out that pregnancy at 41 makes me a lot more tired! :) 8 more weeks to go until we see our little boy. Praying for everyone here.

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9 years ago

Hi everyone, finally starting to get settled in our new house. Had a long drive back to old neighbourhood as we just moved & had a routine appt already booked.
Decided to check my calendar b4 I left & realised that I was 5 days late. Got to Dr & got her to do a urine test just in case & it came back freaking positive!
She did another & then I had to get a ton of blood work done.
K & I are still in shock. I go back & see her in 2 wks. Plz keep fingers crossed that everything will be okay. <3


9 years ago

Rebecca.. hard to beleive you are already 32 weeks!! That's awesome :) Almost there! I remember my last pregnancy at 35 and I was wiped. It was a hard pregnancy. But not much longer for you :)

Bettyboop.... congrats!!! When is your due date??

Well....I took a HPT day before yesterday with a blue dye and it showed positive! But it was blue dye so I waited for the next morning and took a Clearblue digi and sure enough.... "Pregnant"!! I am still in shock! And I just turned 45 July 5th so a natural pregnancy IS possible at 45!! It took 9 cycles but we did it. My DH is sooooo excited. i told him to wait until 12 weeks before really announcing it, but he is telling everyone. I will be nervous until I get past 12 weeks. Now I need to make a doctor appointment.

My due date is April 7th :)

9 years ago

Hey ctymom, congrats to you too!! This is our month :-)
I'm 44; will be 45 in November.
Due date is April 2nd. Have my next Dr appt in 2 wks.
I will be praying for both of us <3 (I was wondering if it would ever happen too)

Glad to hear everyone else is doing well.
Hugs :-)


9 years ago

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