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November Testers Part 2!

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Welcome! We are a group of women who have come together to support each other throughout our cycles. We are thrilled to welcome newcomers to the group! Please introduce yourselves and let us know how long you've been TTC and a bit about your background.

No drop-in BFPs or BFNs please! We like to support each other and provide a loving environment for our fellow girls, many of whom are having lots of trouble.

697 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hello, ladies! Hope everyone is well. I am getting caught up with your posts from the past few days. With the arrival of AF came two straight days of bitter fighting with DH. Ugh! I'm moody PLUS I guess his man sense knows that I'm not fertile or something lol because he really is being totally insensitive. I read a study about a woman's cycle influencing their man's attitude toward them. I swear it is not just me! In all fairness to DH, even though he used hurtful words to express himself, I heard his heart message, and there was some truth to what he said about me. I do have some things to work on...


Law- congrats on your betas! Singleton or quintuplets, I wish you the best.

Jlhart - thanks for asking about me. I'm already recovering from the disappointment of AF and needing to wait a few months to try again. I'm so so busy at work this week, I have no time to sulk. Guess it's a good thing. That would be so serendipitous for you if you were due once you're moved into your new house! What a fun thought!

Smh - I hope all goes well with your meal tomorrow and meeting your brother's gf! I'm 9 years older than my brother. It's probably a good thing he has been single for a few years...ain't no girl good enough for my baby bro! Lol

Afmedic - your story is incredible. Your DD really is a miracle baby, isn't she! I have POTS. It is similar to SVT, except mine is posturally mediated (I.e. hr doubles from sitting to standing) and also exacerbated by benign activities. Did you stay on a beta blocker during pregnancy? I'm on propranolol and every time I TTC, I go off it during the TWW. Which of course isn't good for me. With POTS, many women have reduced symptoms during pregnancy due to increased blood volume, but I might not be so lucky. I'm afraid of taking my beta blocker though for fear of birth defects. Which did you take?

Luv - I hope you're feeling a bit better. With 3x progesterone circulating in your system, you're entitled to feel a little off. We still support you!

Interesting discussion about those who have no difficulty conceiving. I've never considered that they're being insensitive...perhaps just not informed. There are quite a few things in life I never would have understood unless I lived through them. My DH (before he was DH) told me a few years ago, very confidently, "It's easy to make a baby!" For him, having gotten his ex pregnant after their first try, this was his reality. For me, having had two mc's, it was absolutely not. Now that we're TTC and not getting pregnant right off the bat, he's starting to understand differently.

Alright, time to make some cranberry sauce for my two Thanksgivings tomorrow. God grant me the serenity to deal with my DH's ex in laws!

10 years ago

To all the ladies on the other side of the world

Happy Thanksgiving. Hope all enjoy a very special time with the people that you love.

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10 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who are celebrating today!

@So_much_hope- I am Canadian. So I have already had my Thanksgiving.

@luv- If I remember correctly, you are testing today? If so, good luck!!

I am about 7 dpo today. My boobs are starting to hurt. Which in the past has always meant I was pregnant. Except for last month, they hurt so bad. So I guess there is no sense in getting too excited about it.

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10 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

blue--I hope the sore boobs ends up meaning something great!

beyond--thanks! what were the fights about? if it's too personal I understand. I hope things are better today!

10 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving all!!!!

Beyond- I was on Labetalol during my pregnancy, it is safe during pregnancy, to my understanding one of the safest. My daughter did have low sugar when she was born but it was easily fixed and was told it was a side affect of the labetalol. It was not dangerously low, they gave her a little sugar water and it fixed its self. Dunno if they will give it to me again because of how it affects my BP. I have normally low BP so beta blockers just throw me all out of wack. Isn't it funny how pregnancy is actually a relief for some disorders?? It helped with my endometriosis too and Oddly I had decreased GERD/IBS symptoms with my pregnancy. You are a strong women that is for sure!!!

Well My temps rose back up, so that is a good thing, but it just this damn cyst just threw everything all out of whack,. If I go by OPKs (like the doc said is prob accurate) then I am 3 DPO, if temps then 1 dpo. I hope 3dpo cause it would be more favorable with our BDing. Kinda kicking myself for not BDing the other day, I was just soooooo Tiered and then hubby worked yesterday. Made sure to get a BD this morning!!! LOL

10 years ago

Happy thanksgiving kids!

lawbride I know you didn't get upset, I'm just feeling a little off, like beyond said. It's hard not to feel left out of everyone else's pre-holiday pregnancy excitement. I feel like I am trying to relate to it but failing. It's not because of anything anyone has said, really. It's very strange :(

afmedic glad you O'd! Sorry your cyst is making temps wonky! I hope it fixes soon.

SMH I hope the nausea is a good sign too! I am feeling better now but it was a bit rocky there pretty much all day. I had a hummus pita with veggies for dinner and felt fine after. Odd. You are a badass to work full-time through school! (badass, lunatic, tomato tomahto LOL) ;)

beyond you are such a doll. Thanks for understanding! I think we all can be slaves to our hormones from time to time especially in the TWW. Progesterone + monthly disappointment = disaster. I'm sorry your DH is being so insensitive. Men sometimes just don't get it. Plus just because he got an ex pregnant doesn't mean he doesn't currently have a problem! I know a couple where the guy "knocked up" his high school GF, and now he has pretty bad MFI. Fertility can change and he should learn about that so he doesn't get on your case. I wish I could take you out for a sparkling cider and give you a hug :(

Nicolene <3 :) <3 :) we love you girly!

bluerose yay for painful boobs! You are right I did test today, nothing exciting though...wah :( When will you start testing?

AFM 10 DPO BFNs all around, which is fine. I could swear I saw something insanely light on the FRER but I may just be going nuts. Will retest in two days and pray to god something materializes by then. This cycle has been by far my most emotionally symptomatic cycle, with few physical symptoms. In fact if I hadn't had such a great progesterone draw I would be wondering why I had so few physical symptoms, besides some gas, nausea and mild cramps. And the constipation but that's been an all-month thing. Temp went up a bit today and is now officially the highest BBT ever for me. Can't wait to cook today, we're gonna cook/eat between the Packers game and the Steelers game. I will be thankful for victory if we get it. And I am thankful for you supportive ladies :) I will pop on here throughout the day but I hope you have a great day and a great Thanksgiving and a great Black Friday if you decide to go out :)

10 years ago • Post starter

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!! :)

JLHart--I know exactly how you feel about being in your new home when you have the baby. I had dreams about it all of the time too and I got lucky! We will be in our home in March so we will have enough time to get everything ready before our baby arrives. Im hoping the same happens to you :)

Law--Those beta numbers sound great. I look forward to hearing about your next results ;) After reading about all the food you have been making all week and today I know everyone will be enjoying delicious food in your home today.

Blue--Even though sore boobs can just be a PMS symptom its still a good thing and you just never know ;) Im hoping this is your month!!

Beyond--Im sorry that you and DH have been fighting. I hope you have a better day with DH and that the in laws dont drive you crazy!!

SMH--Enjoy your day off and have fun with the new girlfriend, put her to the test, ha ha!!

Luv--Im sorry that you are having such a difficult time (emotionally) this month. I pray that a line starts to show up for you and that you feel better real soon. Just know that we love you!! :)

Im sorry if I have missed anyone.

AFM---I still wake up every day wondering if Im really pregnant. Every couple days I still check my temp just to make sure its still high. So, Dec 13th cant come soon enough!! The only symptoms Ive been experiencing are bloating, constipation, and my eyes tear up very easily. My boobs are still tender but not sore like they were last week. I never did that cardio work out because I was a little nervous that it would be too much. So I only did some floor exercises in front of the tv. I was suppose to run in a 5k Turkey Trot this morning but its about 25 degrees and very windy, so I opted out. But, I did decide to get Lindsay Brin's Pregnancy program, it has different work outs for each trimester. Hopefully, that will do the trick ;)

10 years ago

Rice--I saw that workout on Amazon. I was looking at pregnancy videos because I'm going to ask for some for Christmas. :) yippee! What are you eating today?

luv--I'm sorry beautiful. I know there's nothing I can say to make it better or easier. I hope that the temps mean something! I'm optimistic for you.

afmedic--well, hopefully you caught the eggie anyway! I have my FX'd for you.

Spinach artichoke dip is in the oven, getting ready to fry the tortilla chips, honey paprika chicken is in the oven, then I have to do the bacon cheddar potatoes and some rolls. That's it!

10 years ago

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!

@beyond: I am so sorry you've been fighting with dh. That is not fun, especially over the holidays :( That is so cute you are so protective over your lil bro. My brother is 2 years old than me (32) and I wish he'd just settle down already! But I think he'll be a bachelor for life. Sorry about the POTS :( I agree on the topic of people that get pregnant easily. Before we started ttc I thought it would be simple. I asked every newly wed couple when they were going to start a family and every couple that had been together a couple years why there weren't pg yet. Now I feel HORRIBLE for doing that. I even apologized to one friend who knows what I went through for asking those questions cause it bummed me out when people asked me.

@nicolene: Hey sweetie! Thanks for the Thanksgiving well wishes. How are you!?

@blue: I forgot you are canadian. I was very jealous when my canadian friends were celebrating last month :) And now I feel guilty you all have to work while we are all off! I hope your sore boobies are a good sign!

@law: Happy Thanksgiving! Sounds like you've already got your meal in order! What time are you eating?

@afmedic: I cannot believe your IBS/GERD got better with your pg!?! That is crazy!! I would never in a million years guess that would happen. Hoepfully you bd'd at the right times and will catch the eggie! Its about time for your bfp!

@luv: Happy Thanksgiving!! Thanks for turning my lunacy into badassedness!! So sorry about the bfn :( I was so hoping for a gobbler bfp for you. But the fact you are not having a lot of physical symptoms can be an awesome sign!! I am still keeping everything crossed for you!!!!!!!!!!!

@rice: Happy Thanksgiving!! Congrats on being in your new home in March. That will give you a perfect amount of time to move and whatnot before you get too big :) I will be sure to run my brothers new gf through the ringer but I guess he must really like her because I've received a couple emails telling me things about her and what to ask and what not to ask. lol. I know exactly how you feel. I couldn't believe I was pg for the longest time. I continued to temp until like 8 or 10 weeks along! lol. If you are anything like me, the bloating and constipation will not let up until the 2nd trimester :-/ Have fun with your workouts :)

AFM: I woke up at 5 but got out of bed 6. I am very emotional today... so thankful for family and friends and my forum girls :)

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10 years ago

SMH--we already ate. DH is in a food coma...I ate normal food though. I cooked all morning and couldn't be bothered with making anything else. So, no GB casserole for me. I also didn't make the pumpkin pie.

10 years ago

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