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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hi sweet ladies!!!

I haven't checked here for ages, way too long ago :-$ I'm glad I did right now!

Nikolina, I'm so so sorry to hear about your loss :-((( BIG, big hug, my sweet hun... Those early miscarriages can be so devastating... How are you holding up? You sound just as positive as I remember you always are :-) But I would totally understand if you're feeling sad.
How is Mason? I'm so curious to see him :-p We still haven't fixed the 'how-to-share-a-pic-privately-problem' :-p

Emmy, OMG, I can't believe Charlotte is already in school!! So curious to see your little ones too :-p We should really fix this pic-problem :-p

AFM, all fine here, but life has been busy. We're renovating a house, plan to move in summer. I finished my PhD and work as a data-analist now (super interesting lol :-p). Anna has just turned 17 months and is talking like crazy. You can take that literally, cause she sounds like a crazy person, as I only understand about 30% of what she says :-p Lol, she probably thinks the exact same thing about me ;-) We haven't really made up our mind yet, but I think I prefer to stick with 1. Might change my mind later one :-p Who knows :-p

Lots of baby dust to you, Nikolina!!!!

Lots of love to all you lovely ladies!!!


7 years ago

Hi Alice!
So nice for you to check in here! Thank you so much for kind words. Im doing fine, once bleeding stopped I think it made me feel bit better, cos that was like remainder of lil angel baby, and this time around I found bit harder then before...but im keeping positive, cd11 today, hope my cycle will be normal, and I o soon! Started temp this month, but temp seems so low... hope its all good. To take my mind off things, my hubby got me gift to get tattoo, soooo excited. Im getting pocket watch with two roses, its for my lil man. And time on watch will be time at he was born! Sooo excited!
Congratulation hon on your new job! Well done hun, and sounds super interesting! I would love something like that! Aww lil Anna talking lol I bet their language is so funny amd crazy! Mason not there yet, just mumbles something, he says wauwa to pugs, and mama dada baba randomly ha ha he is soo good to us, always happy and smiling! Trying to get him nap for lil bit before babysitter comes down to get him!

Lods of love to all ladies!


7 years ago • Post starter

Hi Nikolina!!

I'm glad that you feel a little better now that the bleeding has stopped. It's an incredibly sad thing to lose a baby, no matter when it happens... Big hug, hun!!!
Low temps can mean all kinds of things or nothing at all... I don't think low pre-O temps are bad, it's mainly the post-O-temp that should be high enough. I noticed that it took my body more than a half year after stopping birth control to get something near a 'high' post-O-temp. But the fact that your egg sticked straight away seems like a really good sign, even though it didn't stick in the end... I believe your body might need some time to get in business but seems to be doing a good job none the less! Lots and lots of baby dust!!!

Omg, so exciting to get that tattoo!!! Do you already have tattoos? I have one, referring to Anna too. I got it as a present to myself, lol :-) Where do you intend to put the tattoo? Will it be in black and white, or colored?

Lol, it's so funny when they start mumbling, isn't it? :-) If Mason is anything like you, I have no doubt he's a happy and sweet boy (can't speak for your husband, as I don't know him :-) ) They can really melt your heart, don't they? They're so pure and honest...

Thanks, hun :-) Most people consider playing around with data incredibly boring, so it's sweet to say such a nice thing :-)

Lots of love and I'll be cheering for you!!!


7 years ago

Hi Alice!

Aww hun, thank you so much for lovely pictures! Its so nice that we still keep in touch, I think we all shere that special bond! Anna is so gorgeous lil happy lady. And that smile just melt my heart! So nice to see it! Thanks hun! Lol yea Mason is great lil man, he is so good and everyone loves minding him, cos he is just good lil man. But there is that cheeky side of him, lol, when he does something he not supposed, and I say no, he stops and just smile to him self and keep doing, lol, I have to say few more times before he gives up and comes to give me lil hug! I never tought I will fall in love again after my DH, but man, that lil boy just took my heart!
How is Anna getting on in daycare? I bet she has a lods of friends! Mason is v shy lil boy around other lil kids, he prefers to watch them and takes ages for him to get involved lol
Ahh your job sounds fab hun, I love that kind of stuff, anything with numbers and data and stuff, I find that v interesting!

Aww you got tattoo for Anna? What did you get? And where? I getting on my wrist, its gona be kind of big, half sleave, but not wrapped around, and black and white! Im sooo excited and can not wait! I have other 3 tattoos, two I got when I was like 18, and they silly and dont mean anything, but back then it was cool lol and then I have butterflies on my leg in memory for my mum, she loved butterflies, and when I ever see them its reminds me of her!I have my tattoo done on tuesday, I will send you pic!

Afm, im on cd 12 today, still negative opk, but getting ewcm, so lil confused. But I hope v soon, and I hope im lucky to have a sticky baby soon! You are right hun, I know im blessed that it did happen that soon, and it doesn't mean that next time I mc again. Keeping positive here!

O yea hun, I am living in Ireland, small town.

Lods love to all ladies

7 years ago • Post starter

Hi Nikolina!!!

That's so sweet what you say about Anna, thank you :-) Anna is doing good at day care. I'm not sure if she considers the other children her friends, but I did witness the others hugging her and she putting her tiny arms around them, OMG, it's the cutest thing ever to watch... But then, if they wanna hug her again, she usually thinks she's had enough and pushes them away :-p LOL! :-) I'm glad she knows what she wants though :-)
I can relate to your feelings, they really do melt your heart in a way so strong... It really is something special, the love for your child... Mason sounds like SUCH a sweet little boy, being a little naughty and then making it up with a genuine hug... :-) Truly amazing :-)
What you describe about Mason being shy sounds familiar. Anna also needs a lot of time to feel at ease, and she also often prefers observing to mingling. Would it be their age or their personality? Or both? :-p
Do you also work with numbers? :-)

My tattoo is a very simple, black 'bug' (something between a dragon fly and a butterfly), with Anna's name being the bug's body. It's on my right shoulder. I'll search for a pic :-p
Sounds like you know what you're getting into ;-) I'm so sorry to hear you've already lost your mum... :-( Were you two close? I think it's beautiful that you got those butterflies tattoo in memory of her...
Tomorrow is D-day! I'm curious to see that pic :-) But take your time, cause half sleave sounds pretty intense! And maybe tomorrow will be O-day too, who knows? ;-)

I'm happy that you are being positive, I believe that helps your body as well. I have no proof, I just think that helps :-)

I love Ireland, it's so greeeen!!!

Good luck with the tattoo, hun, and LOTS of baby dust!!!!!


7 years ago

Hay lovely ladies!

Alice, your tattoo sound so nice! Lil bug mine yesterday took 3 hrs, and ouch, was painful lol but absolutely love it, and the guy is amazing artist! Its big lol, but absolutely love love love hope it heals fast!
Im still grieving my mom, she past away 5 years ago, she was the most loving and kind person I know, she was super funny and always made me laught. Miss her every day, but know that she is with me and shares all my special moments with me. I saw her few times in my dreams, after Mason was born, so I know she met him, and protects him! I also lost my dad 3 years later, but we never been close. Just kind of hit me that I have no parents to go to anymore, but im so blessed with my aunt, she is like my second mum, she walked me down the aisle on my , wedding day and she was so close to my mum, they used to talk on phone everyday like 10 times lol so its great to have all the great memories!

Lol about Anna not wanting second hug. Mason is v the same, I think it could be stage they go true. He dont like been sitting on my lap, he just want to be on go at all times. And then he comes up to me once in a while and gives me hug or kiss ( which is him licking my nose, he thinks thats the kiss, and after he gets super shy lol)

Today finaly had positive opk cd16, bit later than usual, but pretty positive im o today. Bbt dropped this morning, so hoping for nice rise tomorrow.

Lods lods love and hugs to all you ladies!

7 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies!

Hope yea all doing well

Just a lil update, at 8 dpo I got !! I want to get excited, but im so scared! Just hope its super sticky one! Still early days, today im 9dpo, and long road to go, but so hoping that this is our rainbow baby! As for symptoms, I had nausea since 6dpo on and off, and runny nose for last 2 days. And massive dip in bbt at 6 dpo, I tought my af is on d way early, but its creaping back up, so im sure that was implantation dip! Never had one of those

Lods lods love


7 years ago • Post starter

Hi sweet ladies!!

Nikolina, sorry it took me so long to reply. It was crazy busy at work, still is in fact :-p But I really wanted to come and see how you were since I calculated your 2ww were almost over. I was so happy to read your post!!!! Congratulations on you BFP, hun!!!! I wasn't that surprised though, I sort of expected it (easy to say afterwards, I know, but I just felt like it would happen). I really hope and wish this will be your sweet little rainbow baby, lots and LOTS of sticky vibes!!!!!!!! It's a bit of a scary time now, I've seen the tests, they can play mean tricks on you (lighter and darker)... I'll be praying for you and your little bean!!!! Yaaay for implantation dip!!! :-)

Congrats on your BIG tattoo!!! :-) Is it healing okay?

Your mom sounds like such a lovely and wonderful person... I'm so sorry you lost her so soon, you must miss her so much... That's so cool and magical that you've seen her in your dreams...!

Lots of love!!!


7 years ago

Hi Alice!

Thank you so much for lovely words hun! Lol about that you expected to be bfp. I feel blessed to be pregnant again, and praying this is our rainbow baby! I have better feeling this time, so hope im right! I had doctors appointment yesterday, she was very positive, and hospital might want to see me early, just to be sure all is ok. Im going for my bloods on monday, and Thursday im going back home for 10 days, sooo excited. And I gona book early scan at 6 weeks, just to make sure all is ok!
This time around I didnt bother with Frer, so have lods internet cheapies, which can be bit slow with progression, and lines bit lighter sometimes, but definitely can see progression! And I was so relived to see 2-3 weeks on digi, cos last cycle it never went up from 1-2. And that day when I got 2-3, internet test still showed faint line, so all is good, they just not as great getting darker fast!

I still taking bbt...I know I shouldnt, but its just that extra reassurance... this cyle bbt been crazy, and it is on low side, but had low bbt with Mason too, so not concerned about that. I put it up if you want to have a look, you can see clearly implantation dip, but after bbt goes up v slowly.

Ahh, hun, you must be busy with work? And Anna probably keeps you busy too lol does she has naps during the day? Mason started properly walking and running, so no relaxing time for me anymore lol, he still have 2 naps a day, and goes to bed at 8, and sleeps until we are up, he usually wakes up when he hears us and dogs buzzin around!

Thanks again for beeing here for me hun! Lods lods love and hugs!

7 years ago • Post starter

Congratulations, Nikolina, it's looking good!!! :-) I'll keep praying for you and sending sticky vibes, just in case!!! :-) I saw your chart, that's a very nice BBT! :-) You're still clearly above your horizontal line (I forgot the correct term :-s), so I would definitely not worry, especially since your temps are similar as with Mason :-) I'm so happy for you that your rainbow baby has decided to come so soon!!! :-)

How are you feeling, hun? Do you already have some news on the blood work of Monday? And when would your 6 weeks scan be? Soon, I suppose? :-p So nice that you're going home for 10 days, perfect timing! ;-)

So cool that Mason is starting to run!!! :-) But true, there's no relaxing time :-p Thank God for the naps ;-) Anna still wakes up at night (not every night, but almost every night), hoping that will change SOON ;-)

I hope you'll have a smooth pregnancy!!! And you don't have to thank me for being here, it is my pleasure :-) Thank you for keeping me posted!!! :-)

Lots of love!!!


7 years ago

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