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CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!

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I have a 3 year old little girl. I had the mirena iud removed in November and my husband and I decided to wait until after the first of the year to start ttc. This is my second cycle ttc and today is cd 1 for me. Just joined today and could use buddies for the journey!

1122 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hey ladies

Amanda: yes I did. I thought my cycle was over than I started spotting the 2/3rd day after af left. I spotted almost two weeks. Then I had a week of nothing than my 2nd cycle started.

Afm: I broke down and tested today after church. It was very very very faint. Did I say very? (183287#) take a look and tell me what you guys think. Most of the votes were negative. But it is much darker in person. . I have had this headache for most 4days so I decided to test. I'm going to test again in the morning. Temp is holding at 98.3 for the last 3 morning. So I'm hopeful. We will see.
I will post after I test (positive or negative)

Until tomorrow. ..........

10 years ago

Good morning ladies

I woke up to a temp still holding at 98.3 and I also still have the same headache. My hpt is still vy vy faint. You can only see the line if you invert. (#183417)
I think I'm going to wait until wed to retest. Hope you ladies have a good one. I will be looking for your comments on the pic.

10 years ago

Zuberi: I'm glad to know you experienced this too. I can hardly wait to see my dr. It's terrible to wish b/c time goes by too fast but all I want is for the next couple weeks to fly by so I can get this train rolling.
As far as your test goes, it really looks like something is there! I'm not sure if that line is positive or evap but there's definitely a line so my fingers are crossed that it turns pink really soon!!

10 years ago • Post starter

@Zuberi: this is SO exciting!!! I am sorry you have had a headache for as long as you have... But hooray!!! I can't wait for you to test again!

@amanda: I am sorry you are having weird spotting. I think your body is just normalizing. While my cycle was pretty normal after my m/c, my last period was bizarre. It lasted 7 days! I am usually a 3-4 day kind of girl. I am just hopeful that you will get the answers you need with your doctors/tests.

AFM: DPO 7. I was super tempted to test this morning, especially because my temp came back up yesterday and it in the normal range today. However, I didn't... I'm going to try to wait, which is normally impossible for me... Especially since Zuberi is seeing two lines! Other things going on, still lots of cream cm, and my left nip was so itchy yesterday. We'll see...

Happy Monday!

10 years ago

Hi Ladies - I just got my progesterone test and it was 30, so I did ovulate. Hooray! Now I just have to wait and see.

10 years ago

@skarcm: so what DPO are you? When will you test? Oh, and HOORAY for ovulating!

10 years ago

Dbjohnson: I'm either 8 or 9dpo. I'm going to try and hold out to test Saturday morning, but I have a test on hand so we will see if I can wait until then.

10 years ago

Good morning ladies

Happy hump day!

Skarcm: I'm happy for you! Yay for the eggy!!! I'm like dbjohnson.....when are you going to test? We will be waiting for the update.

Dbjohnson: now the question is .........when are you going to test????

Amanda: how are you? Did the spotting stop?

Afm: I think the line was a evap. It had me kind of excited. My temp even went up to 98.4 yesterday. That is the highest it's ever been. It only got to 98.3 yhe last time I was preg.
Yestday I had the worst leg/hip pain. The pain radiated down my left leg from m my hip to my knee. I also had sharp pains (2/3) on the left/middle side of my uterus. The first one took my breath away. This all happened befor the leg pain... When I used the bathroom I had brown cm on the tp. So.... (I like to go to the source lol) I got a Qtip and inserted it and it had brown cm on it too.
Moving on to this a.m. My temp dropped to 97.9 I'm praying that all of the stuff that happened yesterday and my temp drop this a.m. was am indication of "implantation" sooooooo ladies my retest date has been moved back two more days. Oh and still got this nagging headache.

Hope you guys are having a great day. I'm looking forward to the updates.

10 years ago

Good Morning!

@Zuberi: I thought you knew me by now... I've already tested... I can't believe you didn't test again! I def saw a little something in your second test!

AFM: DPO 9... So, two days ago (DPO 7) since I so excited by Zuberi possibly having a BFP, I tested before bed. I know I shouldn't have, but you know how it goes. Anyway, there was a second squinter of a line. I got this rush of excitement and fright. I have two good friends that just had their second babies, and it does not look easy. I've actually been debating the whole second child thing. Well, I went to bed and thought baby thoughts, and was excited to test in the morning because I was figuring the line would be so strong with FMU. I woke up, and my temp jumped up .4! I knew I was going to get a positive, I was trying to figure out how I was going to tell DH. Then I Tested... Nothing. I figured it was a bad test, so I tried a few more.... Blank. I tested throughout the day (because I am a crazy person), I had a couple that had lines develop between 8-15 minutes, I'm guessing evaps. The thing is... My boobs have been going crazy, maybe it's in my head, but I've been having pinching in my nips and tenderness overall. I've also been having pains/pinching on the right side of my pelvis. Ive only had that sensation the second week after I found out I was preg (before I m/c), I thought I was etopic, but my doc said it is usually the dominant follicle dying after the hormones are produced by the embryo. So... I tested this morning... Nothing. Blank. White.

I had clear lines by 9 DPO with my son and the short preg in may... So I am losing hope at this point. I am still having a ton of cm, and boobs are tender, and I am super tired in the evening. But, I guess the waiting continues....

Sorry for the long post... I seem to be apologizing for long posts a lot Sometime, I ramble.... Sorry!

Have an awesome day ladies!

10 years ago

Zuberi: It's driving me crazy not knowing if that was positive or evap! My fingers are crossed that you are experiencing implantation!

Dbjohnson: 9dpo is still very early. I think average implantation happens at 9 dpo. So you definitely still have time and remember it takes a couple days for hcg to build up! I agree completely with you about the second child thing. It looks pretty tough. my DD is just now to the age that she can do SO much on her own (she'll be 4 in Dec) it makes things so easy and she can entertain herself. In previous months I have been pretty unsure abt the decision to have another child but with the recent miscarriage, finding out before going on vacation and losing three employees one right after the other then a month later my husband started a new job where he is not easily accessible to help me all the time (he is an hour away and working long hours. usually at least 10 hours) and I still managed DD and our store and most of all my sanity (it was a close call ) so I'm sure now that I am ready. However, sometimes I'm in a hurry and other times not so much lol

skarcm: I will be super impressed if you wait that long! I want to test and I'm pretty sure I haven't ovulated and we aren't trying and still have the urge to poas haha!

AFM: I had a spot today.. yes, one spot lol So I'm hoping that is over. Yesterday it was brown so I'm assuming it's clearing up. I'm not sure what that was all about. Either way CD 13 for me today. No clue about ovulation b/c I'm not tracking BBT, OPKs and I've been spotting so no idea on CM but one thing I DO know is my dr. appt is in less than 2 weeks! woo hoo!

10 years ago • Post starter

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