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November Testers Part 2!

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Welcome! We are a group of women who have come together to support each other throughout our cycles. We are thrilled to welcome newcomers to the group! Please introduce yourselves and let us know how long you've been TTC and a bit about your background.

No drop-in BFPs or BFNs please! We like to support each other and provide a loving environment for our fellow girls, many of whom are having lots of trouble.

697 Replies • 10 years ago



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lawbride thanks for the tip, I will just eat it in a few days haha :) that is another great beta! Could definitely still be twins in there, heh heh!

10 years ago • Post starter

I think betas vary so much that there's no way to know from those numbers--I'm sure once we do an u/s they'll see the sacs and will be able to tell how many there are.

10 years ago

Yep I know, guess I just made a bad joke or something...

Look, I am feeling kinda weird lately and clearly I am not expressing myself very well to anyone. Sorry, gang. I'm feeling a bit tense and I can only assume it's because my progesterone is 3x higher than usual.

10 years ago • Post starter

luv--I'm not upset at all. I hope you don't think I was/am. Since we think it is a REAL possibility I just never know if anyone is joking or serious. Twins or a singleton would be amazing. I'm not going to be upset one way or another and I didn't mean anything by pointing out that there's a range.

10 years ago

Law when I was prego with my daughter I felt hungry ALL the time especially when I was early on. Glad your Quants are rising so nicely.

Jada that timing sounds great. Why do you have to have a C-section?? Sorry If you said it before and I missed it

Well after talking with one of my docs they said to leave my O day the same. Seeing as my OPK went negative and that I am no longer having any of the ovulation pain I normally have. They said that with the Ovarian Cyst I had, it can cause my temps to be out of wack until it resolves. I asked if this meant I would likely not conceive this cycle, they said that it is not impossible so that is a plus. But the cyst could interfere with everything so I guess time will tell. But explains while my temps have been out of wack this cycle.

10 years ago

AFMedic--thanks girlie! I'm crossing my fingers, toes, arms and everything else for you this cycle!

10 years ago

Thank you law, me too!

10 years ago

Wow... I am so far behind! I've had a horrible couple of days at work but am off for the holiday now so I am happy :)

@afmedic: I am glad you got answers as to why your temps were out of wack. I sure hope you get pg this cycle!!! I was hungry all the time too early on.. And if I wasn't eating I had a horrible headache and was terribly nauseous.

@law: I am glad you'll be happy either way - with twins or one :) Congrats on the second great beta. Sounds like your pregnancy is perfect! Your cheesecake sounds tasty. That is wild your student insurance is good. I always thought student insurance would be crumby. I was never on student insurance as I worked full time through college (I was/am a lunatic).

@luv: Sorry you were nauseous earlier :( Hopefully its a good sign!! Too bad we don't live closer.. I'd love to take some of that green bean casserole off your hands! lol! I would mention to weight loss to your doc next time you talk with him. Just to make sure the clomid isn't having an adverse effect on you. I'm a little late on this comment but regular ol' beef crunchy tacos sounds amazing right now! H

@rbk: How was your appointment? I hope they have a plan and gave you some sort of meds to help your ttc efforts! Sorry its so dark there.. I would hate that! I am already having issues with it being dark during my drive to work AND my drive home..

@amag: Hey sweetie! So happy to see your smiling face! OMG I cannot believe you have to work your other job tonight and make pies! Pies are so time consuming! Mmm.... I want pie.. Sorry you weren't able to bd as much as you would have liked but sounds like you hit the most important day :) With the creamy cm it sounds like you had a strong O! Woohoo! If I don't see you on here before, you have a great Thanksgiving too!

@JLHart: I am glad you are bding EOD. That is the method I believe in ;) I am praying you get your bfp this cycle! That will be perfect to bring your litttle one home to your brand new house. That puts a huge smile on my face.

@blue: I am glad you were able to narrow down your dpo :) Lets us look forward to when you'll be testing! Sorry you have to work the next couple of nights.. especially over thanksgiving. Ouch!

AFM: Finishing up some work from the couch then I am going to chop some veggies and do other prep work for the appetizer tray I am taking to my parents tomorrow. My brother is also bringing his new girlfriend that we haven't met yet so it should be interesting!!

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10 years ago

SMH--I'm no stranger to working through college. I worked 2-3 jobs at a time during my undergraduate career--in law school that's not allowed. In either case, the insurance is much better than any employer provided insurance. All ob-gyn and bloodwork is 100% covered, no deductible or anything. Fertility is only covered up to $5000 total. But, for example, my HSG was technically for fertility but I had my ob-gyn put in the order and I did it at the student health facility so the $2500 didn't get counted toward my fertility coverage. The RE was actually the one who told me to not have it done at their facility due to the way it would impact my insurance.

10 years ago

@law: Sorry you had to work through your undergraduate too.. It doesn't make for a very great college life... I can't believe the student insurance has fertility coverage. That is so cool!

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10 years ago

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