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November Testers Part 2!

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Welcome! We are a group of women who have come together to support each other throughout our cycles. We are thrilled to welcome newcomers to the group! Please introduce yourselves and let us know how long you've been TTC and a bit about your background.

No drop-in BFPs or BFNs please! We like to support each other and provide a loving environment for our fellow girls, many of whom are having lots of trouble.

697 Replies • 10 years ago



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631 - 640 of 697 Replies | Last Page

Good morning ladies!

Luv, no problem...I say it's good to get it out!! How are you feeling today?

Law, can't wait to hear your numbers!!

Blue, hope your nights pass quickly and will be a welcome distraction from testing :)

Hope everyone else is doing well...I know this is a busy day for us American ladies as Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Wishing you all a great holiday!!

AFM, still feeling "wet" a lot...I don't temp and didn't use the OPKs this time (once on CD11 and it was negative) just bd'g EOD...we will see. I did have a great thought yesterday morning, that it would be wonderful to become pregnant in the next month or so, and be able to bring the baby home to our new home being built...something about the timing keeps hitting me in the face. So if we were to conceive this month we would be due in Aug 14, which is great bc we should be in the house in Jun or Jul. I know I will have to have a C-section...and will just have to get a lot of help to put the house together..LOL! Not bad on my part ;)

10 years ago

lawbride excited to hear your beta # today! I would want the first u/s at 6 weeks just because you can see more then :)

bluerose glad your chart is being more helpful right now! FX for you this month!

JLH heya girl! Thanks, I am doing much far, haha ;) Sounds like you've got some promising O signs! Good thing you have a weekend to get some BD done! And the timing sounds perfect for a baby ;)

AFM I lost another 3 lb. Since I started Clomid I have lost 7 lb. This is not normal :-P Had been feeling somewhat better but was constipated again today...uh oh!

10 years ago • Post starter

luv--that's crazy. I wonder why you're losing so much weight. It's been less than a month. I am incredibly envious of you right now. I fear scales and am dreading being weighed nonstop. It gives me extreme anxiety. I don't think the choice is mine about when I do an u/s. It doesn't matter much since my ob/gyn will probably be doing one too and that one I have more control over when it's done.

AFM...just finished preparing a pumpkin cheesecake for tomorrow's festivities. It's in the oven now. Then all I have to make is the gb casserole, mashed potatoes, paprika rubbed chicken, spinach artichoke dip, and tortilla chips.

10 years ago

lawbride don't be jealous of my weight loss, trust me I'd take being the fattest fat ass in the history of fat-assitude if I could trade places with you and have a sticky bean ;) I just am thinking this is really strange! I cannot be dehydrated, I've been drinking about 160 oz of water a day. Maybe I have a tapeworm.

Your Thanksgiving meal sounds awesome!! Very "normal" but still a few festive touches :) I too am making a green bean casserole, I think I will make a full-size one and then freeze some of it. Does gb casserole freeze well?

10 years ago • Post starter

Law Pumpkin cheesecake????? That sounds delicious!!!!!!! Wanna share the recipe? ;)

10 years ago

hey everyone just checking in to see how everyone else is doing. about to go on lunch break here its been nuts today and have to run errands during my break and have my second job tonight as well as preparing pies tonight and cutting dh's hair when i get home. Just thanking god right now i am not cooking tomorrow, just helping...ugh!! well i am 5dpo today feel mostly normal had a few days of pain in my bbs on and off which isnt out of the normal but usually that doesnt happen until a little later. im almost wondering if taking the prenatal and the new thyroid meds could be behind it..hmm i dunno but its ok right now i mostly notice it at night. i did notice a big blob of creamy mucus in my underwear when i went to the bathroom today and again i never really noticed that before. dh and i didnt really get to bd as much as i would have liked between him being sick and just being tired but we did right on day of O so i guess there is a chance still so ill be keeping my fx who knows maybe it will happen!! im off to go scarf down whatever i can find to eat then to do a few errands i will check in again as soon as i can, Hope you all have a great thanksgiving and the dinner talk here sounds fabulous!!

10 years ago

Good evening everyone,

I'm just on my way to my doctor's appt to have my check up and see if they will give me some kind of treatment. I had a cyst rupture on my ovary this week so I know my PCOS is acting up again.

I ate a turkey sandwich for dinner so far and am planning on some lentil soup with crackers when I get home. The weather is still very mild here - which is a huge change from the horrible Canadian winters back home. It is just so much darker! Like rarely ever seeing the sun kind of darkness. I feel asleep last night at 8:30 and slept until 6:15 because it was so dark and I was so tired. ugh~

Fingers crossed for my appt!

10 years ago

amag that sounds really promising! Sorry you've been so busy, hope after Thanksgiving is over you have some time to relax :) At least it's distracting from the TWW madness!

rbk GL at your appt, FX :)

1stTTC I would ask for the recipe but I'd probably suck at making it anyway, lawbride you should share it though! ;)

AFM feeling a bit nauseous. Gonna try to eat something.

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv/1st-- here's the one I made. I added a touch more sour cream and less butter in the crust. I made a smaller cheesecake though--6inches instead of 9" so I used 2 bricks of cream cheese and cut everything down accordingly. Still, the sour cream I kept at 1/4 cup (didn't reduce it), and the crumbs I used 1 cup + 3 tbsp butter. I make cheesecakes all the time ...I mean ALL THE TIME so it was nice to use an ACTUAL recipe. Much less thinking involved

Luv--I don't think it would freeze well--creamy things usually separate when frozen and I don't think it would thaw properly. A full recipe isn't THAT big though. You could probably finish it in a few days I'm sure. Well, I guess just keep doing what you're doing. I'm quite grateful and whatever it took to get here was absolutely worth it. I just feel like now I'm going to be super paranoid about weight gain and that's not how I envisioned my pregnant self.

rbk--how was your appointment? hope everything is okay.

amag--what kind of pies are you doing? I also cut my DH's hair. I hate doing it. lol

10 years ago

Okay, just got the call and beta was 545 today. That's a doubling time of 46.63 hours which is within normal range. I go back on Friday and then again on Sunday for additional bloodwork. I am guessing that by Sunday I will be at ~2000 at which point I'll stop.

10 years ago

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