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November 2015 Babies!!

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It's a little early to start this forum, but since I'm skipping October because of a CP I figured I'd go ahead and start this anyway.

750 Replies • 9 years ago



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Good morning ladies,

I hope you're all doing well. Last night and this morning I feel extremely moody, ready to snap at any moment. Poor DH's walking on egg shells. I wish I could control my emotions, it makes me feel so powerless.


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9 years ago

Pbro-those sound like great symptoms! Hoping you get your BFP. My dh is also walking on eggshells. I've been very irritated with him. I even kicked him out if our bed last night because he made me so angry, lol.

Xoxo- the sac is empty so I'm hoping it was too early. If it's still empty next week when I go for another ultrasound he's calling it a blighted ovum. everyday I have been telling the baby to grow and praying its viable. 5 days to the moment of truth.

Margie- good luck girl! I hope your body decides what it wants to do soon! I am sorry you are in limbo. It's very frustrating. I Feel like I've been in limbo since the IUI. First the TWW, then wondering if I'm pregnant because of the faint positive that led to lower but doubling betas, then thinking I may have an ectopic, to now wondering if there is a baby in there or if the sac is empty and I'm going to miscarry. Longest month+ of my life.

Good luck to you ladies getting ready to test and to those about to go catch the egg!

Me 39. DH 35 TTC since Nov 2013 Me-2 DD 8 & 9 from prev. relationship Clomid Cycle 1-MC 7/22 cycle 2 & 3 BFN 1st IUI February 2014 BFP on 2/22 4/2 blighted ovum IUI 2-6 BFN IUI #7-100mg clomid, follitism, novarel

9 years ago

Stomach bug going around. My 4 year old had it, when she recovered I got it, then my hubby caught it the following day.
I am on cd 5 I only bled for first 2 days, last 3 days all I have seen is brown... strange huh?
I have only taken my bbt twice this cycle.. yesterday I had a fever so def didnt try to take then. This morning my temp was high like after ovulation kind of temp so I didn't record it as it may just be me still recovering from this bug.

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9 years ago

good morning ladies,

TTC - I totally get the longest month ever right now. I really hope you have a viable pregnancy.

Kelley - I hope you feel better soon. Being sick sucks.

Pbro - I hear you on being moody. unfortunately for me DH just snaps back at me, which really doesn't help. I hope it becomes more manageable soon.

AFM - 17 DPO my temp is still up and I got a BFN with an FRER. I'm so frustrated.The problem with my cycle suddenly deciding to be irregular now is that it will screw up the IUI for this month as my DH is going away for two weeks at the beginning of April. So if I don't O before he goes then we'll have to wait another month before we can start.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

TTC, as Margie said, I hope your pregnancy is viable and that the next days pass really really fast for you.

Margie, I don't snap/explode, I just ignore him and coldly tell him to leave me alone cause I can't listen to him anymore....It's probably worse for him...I feel really bad but just can't control it. :(

Kelley, feel better, lots of fluids.


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9 years ago

Margie and Pbro I'm sorry you guys have been feeling so on edge. It's so hard to feel like that and be around males who don't get just how uncontrollable and frustrated you feel. If you can, try to find some time for yourself. I've had to do that a lot lately. And Margie, what the heck?! I really hope your body figures out what's going on soon.

Kelley I hope you and your family start feeling better soon. I'd prefer a cold over throwing up any day.

AFM, I woke up every couple of hours last night to pee. I haven't done that since I was pregnant with my DDs. FX this is it! Now that I've gotten more used to the fact that my sister is pregnant I think it would be fun to be pregnant with her. (BTW, I'm still sworn to secrecy on that. She's waiting to get her first appt over with before she tells anybody. Thankfully that's next Friday because I'm going nuts!)

9 years ago • Post starter

Hmm I wonder how different the two are my sacs was empty until 8 weeks and the told me after pathology it was a molar pregnacy complete mole at the af just arrived today and dr says no conceiving for 6 months so we are planning April baby unfortunate it's sad but I'm happy it's all over praying for a healthy bean for you and I @ttclate30s as well the rest of you loving ladies I'll be dipping in and out

9 years ago

Hey Margie. I am still getting bfn as well. 17dpo.
I dont know what to think or do. I guess wait till my dr appointment on
Wed. This is so hard.

Me:30 DH:37 TTC since sep 2017 TTC #2 BFP dec 2017( femera 1st round) - chemical pg User Image

9 years ago

Hmmm I don't know. I thought the difference was that the blighted ovum is an empty sac but the molar pregnancy was a strange mass of cells but I could be wrong. Good luck to you!

Me 39. DH 35 TTC since Nov 2013 Me-2 DD 8 & 9 from prev. relationship Clomid Cycle 1-MC 7/22 cycle 2 & 3 BFN 1st IUI February 2014 BFP on 2/22 4/2 blighted ovum IUI 2-6 BFN IUI #7-100mg clomid, follitism, novarel

9 years ago

Idk - I hope you get you BFP this cycle. I wish I could tell you what's going on with my body but I have no idea.

Holly - I'm sorry you're going through this too. This wait is excruciating. The TWW is bad enough when it's only 14 Days... I hope you get good news at your appointment on Wednesday. if AF doesn't start for me I'll be going in to see the doc and hopefully get some answers.

Xoxo - I'm sorry that you have to wait so long. I really hope you get your April baby.

TTC - I hope your next appointment brings good news so that you don't have to worry anymore.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

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