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Wannabe an AUGUST mom?!? Join Here!!!

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I see no one had started a new board so I am going to start the new one for the next month!! August Due Dates welcomed.

My Est. Due Date will be Aug 3rd if I get that this cycle. This is my 13th cycle TTCing and we are trying BBT/ Fertilaid for Men/OPKS.

Any Ladies want to join?!?!

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755 Replies • 11 years ago



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I have a feeling my OBGYN won't be able to help, but who knows. He has tried calling several but they all require a damn referral.

nsingh - I know how you feel, I was excited if you can use that term to see my OBGYN and figure out what was going on. I think I will probably be put on meds for my thyroid and if that doesn't help then get the standard tests completed. It would be nice to be like "x is the issue, lets treat it" instead of not really knowing.

11 years ago

hey girls, just wanted to update, after several days of faint bfps, af arrived two days late. I am pretty sure it was a chemical pregnany! I have got to have some will power and not test early next time. We have been ttc for 14 months now and I am just tired. Our babys due date would have been on new years and wouldnt you know my sister n law planned her baby shower on dec 30! Ugg! i am so happy for her, and I have decided I am not gonna think about another baby for awhile. I am just gonna get into my word and focus on the Lord and I know that there I will find peace and love and encouragement. There are so many women out there who need my help, that I am just gonna stop focusing on myself and my wants and focus onthem! Love you all and I will be dropping in now and then to see yalls bfps!! My prayers are with all of you!

11 years ago

Roxanne I am so sorry hun! Big hugs to you!

Thank you all for everything!

Today has been a roller coaster of emotions! I just spent the past hour crying while watching "The Voice"! Then earlier I had a break down and was crying and flipped out over NOTHING! OMG I am going crazy!

Oh, did I mention the nurse called and mentioned the pain on the right and the fact that the bleeding had picked back up and now there were more clots. She talked to my doctor and called me back around 5 to tell me my doctor wants me in there first thing in the morning but if the pain get worse or I start to run a fever to go to the ER. Now they want to make sure there wasn't a tubal pregnancy on top of the pregnancy in the uterus... they are hoping it is just a cyst that ruptured but that is a few along with the fear of a twisted ovary! UGH.... will I ever be normal? I just want to have another baby! :(

I am praying for each one of you... may start over at the next forum... not sure yet! Big hugs to all..

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11 years ago

Hi there ladies!

I wasn't expecting to be back on this site for awhile... My boyfriend and I had decided to take a break in trying for a couple of months. We had a miscarriage in may and a chemical in sept. After that we thought to just let it go for now.... well, Im now 3 days late on my period, but I'm not sure when I ovulated persay. My period was 4 days early last month and I am usually a reg 28 day cycle, so with that being said I should've started, unless it reverted back....however no symptoms of pms at all. I do have sore breasts, frequent bathroom runs etc.... however one thing throws me off, i am completely dry, no cm at all... if im pregnant should that be worrysome? BTW when should i even test?? So nervous about getting a neg that i dont want to test too soon!
Thanks all!

11 years ago

Still no full flow from AF. I have had a little brown CM when check my cervix. I wish she would hurry up and come if she is coming. I tested yesterday and it was a BFN but my temp went back up this morning just by .1 degree, which isn't a lot but I am still above my coverline of
Hope everyone else is doing good and hope you get your bfp's soon!

TTC#2 to make 3, have 1 biological son, and 1 stepdaughter that is 7 but I have raised since she was 7 months. User Image

11 years ago

Ugh I started spotting really early this morning with 2stripes of bright pink blood, but just now one small brownish red spot .... not sure if the af is on her way :-/

11 years ago

I have learned aunt flow is really a man! cause no lady would want us to suffer this PMS.

Hello ladies!

Last period was 11/23/2012 Ovulated 11/26/2012 if i am pregnant i'm due Aug. 19th, 2013!:,
Next period due 12/10/2012

Ever since 6 DPO i've been having symptoms; today marks 15 DPO, i am very gassy and last night i was very dizzy and faint and right now im a like queasy & bloating comes and go very fast!. I was craving a bagel with cream cheese and bacon (just ate) but I have taken to many pregnancy test since 5 DPO and they have came up negative, im due for another one. My friend who's 6 months pregnant did not find out she was pregnant til she was 5 months due to feeling sick and went to the hospital. She did not gain weight or showing her HPT were negative also, so, she had a blood test done..
and i noticed every time i masturbate i spot afterwards and its pink/red.

Anybody else going thru this? please message me!

Me(24) + DH (32) = TTC #1 (MC) 5/2010 7weeks">a>

11 years ago

Praying for you Clarice.. hope you get your BFP.

AFM, I went to the doctor this morning for an emergency follow-up because of the pains... The u/s showed that I passed the gestational sac, tubes are clear, there is still a lot of "debris" in my uterus and a very thick lining still. My right ovary is inflamed but the blood flow looked good so they aren't too concerned. So now I still have these sharp pains that come and go all day and night long! Wake me up out of a sound sleep and if you ask my husband, that just doesn't happen! LOL! So I left there with no more answers than I went with. My HCG levels were 380, she said she would have expected them to be lower, but I still have a lot to clear out of my uterus. Who knows! I go for another blood draw on Friday so we will see where we are at from there. I point blank told my doctor we are not waiting. I said "after I stop bleeding we will begin 'trying' again. I won't do my fertility drugs until next cycle, but if by some chance God wants it to happen now, I will not be stopping it". She didn't say much other than she is pulling for us and hopes everything works out soon for us! Haha she is probably not wanting to see me much more. :) I am a head strong person obviously and will do what I think is best for me regardless of what the doctors say, unless they can give me a medical reason why I shouldn't.

Prayers, Hugs and Baby Dust to you all!

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11 years ago

I continue to keep all of you in my prayers. This is not an easy journey but the support here helps.

Hubby and I went to doctor on saturday for a conversation. He basically said that there is no reason we are not getting pregnant. we have one healthy child which is the best predictor of fertility and since we conceived last dec, we can get preg. Would not really want to do tests until march when it has been a year since d&c. He just does not think anything is wrong and we need to relax and bd as much as possible. He does not really encourage opk but i told him i have been using them for over a year!

I guess I see why he does not really use them since we may put too much stock into the result and ignore other signs. I am temping too and checking cervix. Hubs and i bd on sunday with our every other. Yesterday I got (what I thought to be ) a positive opk. Testing at 11 and 6 pm, both times with strong lines. Today at CD18 also getting a positive. We bd last night too, wondering if we bd tonight if it is too much and hurting the hubs sperm count.

11 years ago

Cristi- I agree with you, I would do the same... 'try' as soon as bleeding is all gone. Even with no meds, you NEVER know!!! for you!!!!

Hi Clarice80, I'm sorry for your losses. Hopefully it's only spotting and your little bean just getting a little more comfy in there and it's not !!! Keep us updated!

Smp- The fact that your temp is rising even a little I think is a good sign!! Like Clarice, I hope it's only spotting for you too!!!!

Roxanne- ughh sorry for your chemical, but I do hear that you are even more fertile now than before. Hoping this next cycle will be it for you!!

AFM- 5DPO and I'm starting to feel out even though I know it's early. I just don't feel that optimistic any more and don't even know if this will EVER happen. So disappointed! Sorry don't mean to bring everyone else down... don't mind me...

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11 years ago

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