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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hi ladies!! Sorry I have been MIA, just busy with work and still sleepy/tired when I get off...

Missy, how are you? I am with you wishing we could go somewhere for even just a week. Going to work on that for maybe July? Do you have the same name on CMP?

Nikolina, how are you doing? How's baby Mason?

Alice, hey hun! I know you are probably still adjusting to being a working mom. How are things? I will be doing the same thing so any tips are welcomed :) I am so slow, just looked at the pic of you and Anna, those eyes!!! Beautiful!

Emmy, hi!! How are things going? How are you feeling? Any kicks yet? Hope all is well!

Shayann, how are you doing?

Van, you still with us?

AFM, I am doing better. 14 weeks today and just ready to see baby girl in two weeks. The specialist's office called today and confirmed no defects from the blood work :) So that's a great feeling. They also confirmed that it's a GIRL!!! I am working with my brother who lives near my parents to put together a "gender reveal" for them. We came up with the balloons in a box, a plant, and I am putting together a scrapbook of all the ultrasound pics I have so far to let them know their wish for a granddaughter has come true :)


8 years ago

Hey ladies!

Quick check in.
We have our 20 week scan on Wednesday. So nervous as they check everything in detail.
Please send all your prays that all is ok.
Still feeling nauseous here and there and still loads of foods I don't want to eat but heaps better than I was!
Yes the last week I have felt movements!!! Over the last few days it's getting stronger ????
Have a little bump now which I will upload on CMP later.

Jada how are you doing Hun? Did you do the gender reveal???
So exciting!!!

Alice, Nikolina, & Missy hope you ladies are doing well? & little ones to?

Sending lots of love to you all.

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8 years ago

Scan went well ladies! & little boy is definitely a boy hehe!

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8 years ago

My sweet ladies!!

So sorry that it took me so long to get back!

Aah, Jada, congrats with your little girl!!!! :-) I can't believe how fast time is going by!! Did the gender revelation already pass? I'm so curious to know how they reacted!!! :-)

Emmy, thank goodness your scan went well! So cute you are already feeling your little baby boy moving!!! I can't believe you're still feeling nauseous, I really hope it will go away before your boy is here :-p I checked out your bump, it's so cute!!! :-) Your dress is nice too! :-)

Oh my, Missy, that's quite a busy routine! I have so much respect for what you do, I don't know if I would be able to run a household of 3 children. Sounds like a good plan to take some time off work! I'm glad to hear Aubrie is such a healthy baby girl!! :-) I'm sooo curious to see your pictures!!! :-)

Nikolina, how are you doing, hun? And how's little Mason? I hope you are feeling well!!!

AFM, Anna is growing and she now eats stuff ;-) Besides milk :-p The past few weeks she has learned how to grasp stuff and now, whenever you're carrying her, two hands are reaching forward, to pretty much everything that comes in sight :-p It's really nice to see her grow :-) I'm quite busy at work (righting my dissertation) so it's been a while I logged in, but I'm glad to read all of your stories now and be able to reply! :-)

Lots of love!!!


8 years ago

Hi Ladies!!

Im sorry i haven't been here for a while, but lil Man is keeping me busy :)

Emmy hun, Big Congratulations on baby boy!!!!You must be so happy that you will have one of each now!!! And most important that 20 week scan went well and he is healthy and happy in there!!! Have yea decided on name? How are you feeling? I saw your bump pic, super cutte hun!!!

Jada, how are you hun? Congratulations on baby girl!!! :) Hope you and baby girl are doing well. Are yea started getting stuff for nursery? How are you feeling??? Any names picked?

Hay Alice,awww lil Anna is now exploring everything lol What kind of foods is she eating? So glad to hear that you are doing well hun Any thoughts of having another one?? Lol How are you dealing with work and daycare?? I know i still have till September untill im back to work, but we dont have a daycare here, so i will have to find babysitter, and i hope to get someone i know :) Is Anna trying to crawl yet? Thats when all the fun starts, cos they can get into everything!!! :) xx

Missy, wooowww your schedule is crazy busy!!! You are super women!!!! How is lil Aubry sleeping at night?? Does she has a naps true out the day?? and how many feeds a day she is at now?? Ahhh i can not believe how fast time flies by!!! And they grow so fast, so have to enjoy every minute with them!!!! When are you thinking of going back to work?? xx Lods of Love xxx

I know i haven't been here for a awhile, but i always check in here to see how yea are doing, just dont have that time to sit down and write, always something have to be done or im just tired! Lil Mason is doing well, he is very happy lil boy, and always full of smiles! We have great schedule with him finally, so thinks are much easier!! And now he is at stage where he sees and hears well, so its so amazing to see him smiling and laughing back to me!! I still getting up at night once to feed him, usualy around 4-5, and then he is up at 6 full of smiles!! :) so im hoping that soon he will drop that night feed :) Every day there is something new. Now he is trying to roll on the sides and making all sorts of noises, soo cutte, sometimes i ithink he is trying to talk to me!!! We booked Holiday in August, im going back home so all my family can meet him!!! Can not wait!! We got his passport, but it was so hard to take picture, cos in every picture he was smiling, so finaly we got one, but he still had a lil cheeky smile lol :) Its crazy how i dont remember my life before him, what did i do with all that free time?!! lol

Ladies, i have to go...someone is hungry :) I sending yea all lods lods love and so happy to hear that all yea are doing well!!! Ill talk to yea soon xx


8 years ago • Post starter

Jada Hun how are you doing?
How far gone are you now????
I'm 26+3 weeks.
Sciatica, leg cramps every night, back ache lol
Heartburn!!! xxx

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8 years ago

Ohh Emmy, the leg cramps are the worst!! I used to cry how painful it was. Glass tonic water before bed and whenever i felt cramp coming, i pointed my toes up, that done the trick :) i remember i would be screaming from pain, that my hubby tought im gone in to a labour ha ha not long to go hun :) xx glad you and bub are doing well :)

8 years ago • Post starter

Ladies!! Sooooo sorry I've been MIA! Life is busy but good :)

Emmy, hey you! I'm doing well, we are 22 weeks and five days. Scan went great except she was not wanting to be seen, lol. She Finally gave us a profile shot, so we get another ultrasound on the 11th of July? I will take it! But she's definitely a girl and measuring perfectly. I am having a lot more backaches and leg cramps at night. Due to previous surgeries we are scheduled for our c-section during our 37th week, so that will be the first week of October:) Still feels like I have a ton to do though!!

Nikolina, so glad to hear you have such a happy baby!! Are you already thinking of baby number two?? We are most likely one and done, although we do have six embies on ice ;) Good luck on the sitter!! We have a very short list of names right now, Olivia Linn or Jessica Linn...Linn is my middle name.

Alice, hi! Hope all is well with you and Anna! Can't wait for an update. The reveal with my parents went great, they wanted us to have a girl so they're happy, lol!

Missy, how are you??

I miss you ladies, the first few months I was worn out, feeling much better just busy with work and getting ready for five showers!! Crazy huh? Lol! I will try to do better checking in!


7 years ago

Hay Jada!

So glad you are doing well and lil girl is happy and healthy in there :) She already showing her personality by not showing herself on scan lol No no we are not thinking of another one lol lol i went on pill as soon as i could ha ha but we are talking about it and cos Mason is so happy baby, we would love to have a brother or sister for him :) but defo not yet :) Maybe next year :)
How are you feeling about c section? Now when i look back, its actually wasnt that bad :) i still got skin to skin bonding with lil fella and didnt feel any pain :) But all what matters is that you and lil girl are fine and healthy and all goes well!! Ohhh soo exciting :) i bet you can not wait to meet her and hold her in your arms :) What an amazing time :)

Lods of love hun and im so happy that yea both are doing well :) x

7 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies! I had a very busy month and a half with work/ apologies for not being on in forever. I do hope you all are doing well!

Nikolina, how are you? I am ok with the scheduled C-section due to the other surgeries I have had with the removal of the fibroids, basically the same type of procedure. So I am praying it will be ok. How are you and Mason?

We are doing well, 26 weeks and 2 days today. She will be delivered on the 37th week, so time is not waiting for no one, lol. I am starting to feel her a lot now and that is reassuring.

Hope you all are doing well!!


7 years ago

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