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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Thanks ladies I will update as soon as I hear!

Hahah, skyline, you are cracking me up. Well who knows, like I said, the results may either make me feel like this could the cycle or not at all. I have been really bloated and gassy, so I guess if I am not pregnant, that will be embarrassing haha :)

10 years ago

@athena - That is hilarious. DH liked to kid me early on saying he hoped it was a kitten. Then he said he hoped it would be a muppet. SMH. This is the man I married.

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10 years ago

Skyline no she basically did an ultrasound because I wanted one. Well she told us at the last appt this one would be an ultrasound appt but then when got there she said it wasn't. I think because the snow threw off my other appt she thought this was a layer appt. I think I feel it but then I convince myself it was something else. She did a pap and an exam and she could feel my uterus all stretched out when she pushed on my stomach. She also told me not to worry about the weightloss because the baby was growing just fine.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Good morning ladies! I am HAPPY to report that everyone at my house is now WELL, praise the Lord, other than lingering coughs and runny noses.

Also, if no one has seen the pics yet, Lolee has some up on FB this morning of the babies. They're so, so pretty.

Football - please don't feel restrained in asking questions. I know I missed that whole conversation, but anything the other ladies said was said in the spirit of love and concern. Just like with any family, sometimes we might phrase our concern in a way that can come out wrong, without that being the intent at all. Trust me when I tell you, I know ALL about having questions and second guessing everything and trying to figure things out when it's all blown up in your face. This IS a safe place for you to come and pour out your heart and your worries. Everyone here cares for you deeply and wouldn't want you to feel like you couldn't share. So far as your concerns with your BBT, the only thing I can think to tell you on that is just to wait it out. I think I charted for either 3 or 4 months, and the first two months were pretty predictable, but then the third month my temps were whacked out. I stressed out so badly over them, it wasn't even funny. I wanted my body to be predictable, darn it!, and it seemed like it didn't want to be. But in the end I was able to see the pattern I needed to see. It was just totally off from the other months. And I never fully understood what caused the temps to be so different. So, from my view of things, I would say that as a woman who wants to understand every little thing and have a reason why, sometimes it's just easier to "go with the flow" and ride out a month to see what pops up. Does that make sense? Don't stop tracking or trying (unless you want), just keep doing what you've been doing and see what happens. Perhaps this month will be something you can figure out later on. Don't let it get you defeated or down, although I certainly have done that myself. Hugs to you, dear.

Lschrader - yes, sometimes we do need to just have a time when we feel down. It's so hard sometimes to stay positive, especially with all these hormones raging around us, and things happening to us outside of our control. But the key is we always bounce back, and you're such a positive person I know you'll be fine. I pray for you when you're down, and rejoice when you feel up - we've all been there, haven't we? Hope you get some GREAT news back on your dh's SA.

Miracle - thank you for being the "big sister" who looks out for all of us. Your sensitivity and compassion are much appreciated. I pray you get good news this month, and that your TWW flies by.

SKyline - WHAT? Your co worker is a jerk! Totally blew past his own responsibility, didn't he? Grrr! People like that make me angry. But let's forget him. Glad to hear you had a sweet anniversary, and that your dh got such a wonderful present. I hope he's not stressing about providing for you and the baby, but he sounds like a good man to be concerned about what he's going to do next. (Trust me, my sister's have been married to losers who couldn't care less if they earned a paycheck or not.)

Athena - love, love, loved your baby pic. What a sweetie! That baby looks ready for some loving and cuddling right now! (And I think girl, too.) Hope your week is going well.

Bean - hope your test goes well for you, and I'm glad you've got some time off. Enjoy.

My plans are as follows: clean the mess my house has become. Wash the mountain of laundry no one else seems able to do. Go grocery shopping. Get everyone into the bath/shower and wash those germs away. I may or may not get to everything on this list, but I'll give it a good shot!

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10 years ago

@LSChrader - HA! No need to feel embarrassed if it's not a BFP, AF is a perfectly valid excuse for such things as well.

@athena - Well, that is frustrating. Is your anatomy scan scheduled yet? They should run down everything with you at that time, but if they don't, be sure to ask where the placenta is positioned. Weight loss in the first trimester is a plus in my book. The baby gets nutrients first, so if anyone suffers from it, it's us, not the baby. (Obviously you do not want it to continue into the rest of the pregnancy!)

@rebecca - SO glad you hear that you are all on the mend! I hope you have a very productive day, but take care of yourself! Don't over do it! We talked about the finances, he seems to be less stressed now, and I am SO grateful that he is the kind of man who will stand up and take action when it is needed.

Hopefully @lolee will feel up to posting the pictures soon so that @miracle can see her sweet peas too! :) So glad she made it to 35 weeks!

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10 years ago

Not yet. I swear my doctor is so forgetful. She put my checkout sheet on the nurses counter do we could schedule it for dh to be off work then forgot where she put it. So we leave and I set my next appt and ask the lady about the anatomy scan and she aid oh well the nurse will do that at your next appt.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

Grateful for a new day, hopefully it's going to be a good day. I feel complete on yesterday's topic.

Wondering how Lolee and her twins are doing. Time flies when it's someone else that is pregnant. I hope we hear from her when things get settled.

@Lschrader ~ I have gone back and forth during the tww thinking this is it to I'm sure I'm not. It's a crazy roller coaster ride. The month I did get my bfp, I had a intuition that I was. I also cried and said "when is it my turn" in a post on here a few days before my bfp. I think it can go either way. At least you will have answers soon.

@Skyline ~ Crazy dream you had. Dreams can be very entertaining.

@Athena ~ Thank you! No animosity at all. I consider you girls my friends.

@Football ~ We all love you. We are all in this together and trying our bests to figure it out. I guess in the end, all we can offer up to one another is from our own experiences. Hope you are having a good day.

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10 years ago • Post starter

My back is starting to hurt which means AF could be on her way. I bet she will be right on time if not early. She isn't due until Saturday.

UGH, I just want the nurse to call with DH's results! They are in, but she is in surgery and she has to be the one to give them to us! Annoyed!

10 years ago

@lschrader ~ I am sorry your back is hurting. I hope it feels better soon. I am eager to hear about your dh's sa results. I hope and pray it's good news for the two of you.

@Rebecca ~ I'm happy you and your family is feeling better. My mom is sick right now and she lives a 3.5 hr drive from me. I want to take care of her. Luckily she has a wonderful husband to take care of her. Thank you for your kind words by the way.

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10 years ago • Post starter

@athena - I know it's hard for them to remember everything all the time, but a forgetful Dr. can be so frustrating.

@miracle - Indeed! I enjoy the crazy dreams when I can remember them. I hope you have safe travels tomorrow and I hope your mother gets well soon.

@LSchrader - How frustrating. I would be so antsy. It's been a couple of hours, I hope it's not much longer.

AFM - I just spoke with my mother, I have decided to drive up tonight after work and visit my grandmother. They think she is very near the end, and even though she has not been "with us" for some time, I hope she can feel that we are there gathered round for her last moments. My uncle has kept her home this whole time and been her primary caregiver. Having the family gather will probably be a big comfort for him as well.

Her alzheimer's started setting in about 10 years ago and she has been "gone" for at least the past 3-5 years. It is such a horrible way to die! My other grandmother declined in almost the exact same way. It's so sad, you almost forget what they used to be like in their prime.

If you guys could keep my uncle in your thoughts and prayers, I think he would appreciate that. My mom says that this is particularly difficult for him. His name is Jim.

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10 years ago

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