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November Testers Part 2!

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Welcome! We are a group of women who have come together to support each other throughout our cycles. We are thrilled to welcome newcomers to the group! Please introduce yourselves and let us know how long you've been TTC and a bit about your background.

No drop-in BFPs or BFNs please! We like to support each other and provide a loving environment for our fellow girls, many of whom are having lots of trouble.

697 Replies • 10 years ago



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They often won't even try listening for a heartbeat until 12 weeks or so. It can be hard to find and quite upsetting for women when their doctor says "I am sorry I can't find the heartbeat". When really there is nothing wrong it's just really early yet.

When I was pregnant with my son I was around 20 weeks or so. The med student couldn't find the heartbeat even then. Obviously there was one as he's 5.5 years old now. haha

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10 years ago

Thanks Law---I appreciate you looking that up for me but Im going to keep my current appointment. As long as we can see something to know that its real, then I will be happy. I want to go sooner rather than later just to make sure that everything is ok.

10 years ago

So, I got a call from my RE's office and I'll be going in tomorrow for a beta and then every 2 days thereafter (I'm not sure for how long) but yippee...this is great! It's like POASing but better. lol. Good thing because I'm out of tests! haha. I get the results the same day when I do blood work at my RE's office. So excited! :)

10 years ago

You know...I love the information that you ladies put out helpful!!

I am really excited for all of the BFPs on here and while I will be the same trying to pinpoint things, I am just so grateful for each of you being here, sharing your stories, giving hope, and allowing us to all be a part of the ride, so thanks!

SMH, yes...LOL...steak will be good. We are thankful for the time off and to be together. I bet once the new house is finished we will then get into more "traditions" and have extended family around ;)

Blue, yessssss getting it on, in, around, etc...LOL. I am glad that although we are trying and really want this, for the time it's still fun!

Law, twins...whew!!! I am sure you will be just fine if that is in fact the case ;)

Rice, what kind of workout are you planning?

Luv, sounds like you and your hubby will have what may just be your last Thanksgiving as a couple only!! FX'd that your test confirms just that!

10 years ago

UGGGGGGH Kelly Clarkson got pregnant immediately after getting married and is now just going on and on about it in the media...not even in the second trimester yet. I no longer like her. In fact she can f*** herself. :-/

10 years ago • Post starter

luv--bahahaha. maybe she had issues that she didn't disclose. sometimes people are much more private about struggling to become pregnant--it could have been in the making before she got married..most likely not but you never know. I think she's just excited like any new mother would be. Sorry you're feeling pissed :( How were your errands?

JLHart-- you are a sweetie! Twins would be a whirlwind of craziness but I'm in for the adventure if that's what's in store! :) So any fun plans for you today?

10 years ago

@luv: I am so sorry :( I think they tried for awhile... at least that is what she said on some talk show.

@law/rice/blue: They don't try to listen for the heartbeat until later (it was 12 weeks for me) because the u/s waves needed for audio can harm the baby early on in the pregnancy. Or at least that is what my RE told me.

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10 years ago

Sorry gang, I am in a bit of a mood right now. I know over Christmas I'm gonna have to deal with my SILs saying "momma needs a drink!" and my obnoxious nephews and I've just had it before it even starts. I hate "momma needs a drink" because honestly if you can't stand to be sober around your kids, why'd you have them? It's not funny, it's depressing to me, because I cannot drink because I have to be healthier than anyone ever just to have a shot at getting knocked up. Then you have some asshole celebrity announcing her pregnancy at 8 weeks or whatever, saying "I bet it's a girl!!!" like some simpleton, if that kid is a boy she's gonna be sorry she said that on international television. It just sucks. Why does it have to be so hard for some of us. The holidays just make it a hundred times worse because we're supposed to think about what we're thankful for and I can't think of anything. I guess I'm thankful that I have some money to pay for incredibly invasive, unsexy treatments so that I can stand a slim chance in hell of getting what trashy jerkoffs can get with just one BD.

10 years ago • Post starter

luv--people are often ungrateful when it comes to having children. I'm sorry that you're going to have to deal with that. I so so so so so hope that this is your month!

smh--that makes sense. That's why I've been seeing a lot of "seeing the heart beat" instead of "hearing" it.

10 years ago

@luvtowalkfast - I am sorry you are having such a hard day. :( I hope you start feeling better soon. People can be so insensitive. When I went to meet my friends son they were all like "oh you're having trouble conceiving? We had no problems. We'll probably have to stay away from each other for away just so we don't accidentally conceive".

I was so pissed. You have one child. Yes, it didn't take that long for you to conceive. But I too have one child who was conceived while I was on birth control and now we are having some difficulties. You might not be some sort of super human fertile people. And even if you are, you don't need to rub it in our faces. And I am obviously still pissed.

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10 years ago

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