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June 2014 Baby, Maybe?

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Here we go, again, Ladies!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

905 Replies • 10 years ago



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@Jennavee: Took a look at your chart... I see what you mean your temps were up and down. But congrats and H&H :)

@Bammom: Thank you for understanding :)

@GVMDL: I took a look at your chart, but this is my first month charting, so I'm afraid I'm not going to be much help... Hope you get some answers :)

10 years ago

AFM: due in exactly one week from today.. Let the countdown begin. Hopefully she won't show, but I have this feeling, she will.

I have no symptoms that scream out pregnant right now.... granted it's only been 1 week and 1 day since ovulation (7/8 dpo).... No sore bb's, no nausea, no heartburn. I have some nasal congestion and such, but I have put that to allergies... the sneezing has begun. Lol. Had some mild cramping the past few days, but so far, nothing this morning.... So guess we will see....

But, strangely I'm ok with it now. Guess I just feel like if this isn't my month, I want the week to fly by, so the get here and then get gone, and we can get to trying again :)

10 years ago

Talked to my ob. She said wait 10 days and test again. If it comes back negative again, follow up with the fertility specialist when I go back to her Oct. 7.

Makes me feel like they think I might have started menopause. They didn't say that, but it's what I thought. So very down right now. Struggling to get more positive. I asked which date to use for when I thought I should have had my period, and she said just pick one, so I'm using Monday. 10 days from then would mean I test again next Thursday, 10/3.

Never had this happen before. Makes me think negative thoughts. :(

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10 years ago

My obgyn just called me.
Here is the info on the progesterone per his view:
In a non medicated cycle they would look for 3 or 4 to confirm ovulation.
Mine was 17.
He said I don't need clomid!!!!!
And is optimist about cd3 test for fsh, he thinks I will test just fine!

So, I will keep trying naturally and leave it up to God! And all the baby dust n sticky vibes from you all!

That's great news. Of encouragement for me too.
But thought my doctors words would shed some professional light into our progesterone levels questions.

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

Have ur docs test progesterone n fsh cd21/cd3 respectively!
I'm 38 now so we are close in age my dear. I know what u mean and how u feel.
Get answers!
That's what I'm trying to do so I can assess where my body is now. So far so good. Dh is 55. But doc told me since he has had previous children from his first marriage he should be fine.

Stay strong!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

@Rebecca, it sounds like your dr is being really insensitive, and with little basis. I know it's hard, but try not to let that bring you down. Your doc probably put very little thought into what he/she was saying.

@gvmdl, congrats on not needing Clomid! It's only a matter of time for your bfp, so good luck!

AFM, cd23, temps still too low to confirm ovulation, and I feel really physically terrible. I had pretty painful cramps all day yesterday, and I think AF is going to come early. I normally have 27-29-day cycles, so I'm a little frustrated. To add insult to injury, I think I'm coming down with something. On the bright side, I am working from home today, so at least I get to lounge around in my PJs

Me = 27, DH = 29 TTC since May 2013 User Image

10 years ago

1st: I feel like I am in the same boat as you. All this emotional stuff that we are going through and it makes it hard to seem like we are truly happy for the BFPs! This has been the luckiest thread! How many BFPs so far? 12?! I am so very happy for all of them! It gives me so much hope for us that it will happen! We just have to stay positive! It WILL happen for us!! I am also hoping AF doesn't show but I am sure she will. I still have 10-12 more days to wait for her arrival. Hope she stays away for you!!!

Rebecca: The TWW sucks!! Just hang in there and keep testing! Have you had any testing regarding menopause? FX that you get your BFP!

GVMDL: Thanks for the insight into the progesterone levels. I am hoping that I will be able to have one drawn next week pending the ultrasound on Saturday! I have never had one before! Hoping the Witch stays away for you!!

Jenavee: ! How are you feeling lately?

AFM: I always thought that I ovulated around CD 19-21 based on OPK results. Well today is CD 21 and I know that I haven't ovulated yet based on my ultrasounds and the follicle only being 14.1mm on Monday. If it grown by 1mm per day it should only be around 17mm today not quite enough they look for 19-21?? I think my infertility nurse said. We are BDing every other day per their instructions! Maybe we will get lucky this cycle. AF isn't due until 10/7-10/9. If it doesn't show by 10/10 they want me to call and they will put me on something to make me start.

~Lacey~ DH-30, Me-27 DS-Jackson born 7/6/14-12 days early due to gestational hypertension. User Image

10 years ago

@GVMDL - Thanks for your response - and great news for you, by the way! Fingers crossed for you!

I was supposed to go in this week on CD3 for bloodwork and an u/s. Now that AF, that persnickety , has decided to be a no show, I guess I'll have to wait until my 10/7 appointment.

Yeah, I was surprised that was all my dr told me, but I guess it's no big deal for them. :) I thought for sure I'd started yesterday - had the strongest pain in both ovaries for about 5 minutes. Is there any way that might have been ovulation?! I have no way of tracking that right now...but I know that "normally" on my "normal" cycle, I O early. Every time I've gotten pregnant, I've O'd around CD8 or 9. Maybe the MC and the meds they used to stop my bleeding just threw my body for a loop and I haven't O'd at all??? But why would I feel the pain on both sides? The few times I've felt O pain, it's been on one side or the other.

I just don't know. So many things "could be". It's enough to make you crazy. And since I've been struggling through depression over my last MC, I'm really trying to stay out of the pit of "what if" and "I'll never", you know?

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10 years ago

GVMDL - your temps still look high, even with the drop today. Don't lose hope! I'm so happy to hear that you get to stay unmedicated!! Prayers for you!!

Lacey - still feeling pretty normal. I smell everything, and my veins are really blue and gross today, but so far no nausea!

10 years ago

progesterone test ladies - how long did it take you to get your results?

Me = 27, DH = 29 TTC since May 2013 User Image

10 years ago

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