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Wannabe an AUGUST mom?!? Join Here!!!

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I see no one had started a new board so I am going to start the new one for the next month!! August Due Dates welcomed.

My Est. Due Date will be Aug 3rd if I get that this cycle. This is my 13th cycle TTCing and we are trying BBT/ Fertilaid for Men/OPKS.

Any Ladies want to join?!?!

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755 Replies • 11 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

591 - 600 of 755 Replies | Last Page

cristi78602 i am so sorry for your loss my dh and i had been ttc for 10 months and lost our baby at 8 weeks pregnant 2 weeks ago like you said devastation! and reading your story resonates with me so much with our situation right now. Words cannot describe what you were feeling at that time of being told your loosing your baby, even at such early stages as in your mind your making plans for the future dreaming of how wonderful life is going to be.

I lost our baby naturally and it was like a period no pain or cramps. My emotions were all over the place and broke down on many occasions. I am doing much better now and so is my dh we feel very positive about ttc again as we know that we can get pregnant now, as we were going to see specialists if it was any longer ttc.

Its nearly 2 weeks since it happened and my midwife said to consider it as it was the first day of my cycle and we could start ttc again so i am on day 12 of cycle and we have started bedding 2 days ago, thought it would feel weird but its been fine.

I hope so much that your ok, sending support and hugs your way.

11 years ago

cristi78602 i am so sorry for your loss my dh and i had been ttc for 10 months and lost our baby at 8 weeks pregnant 2 weeks ago like you said devastation! and reading your story resonates with me so much with our situation right now. Words cannot describe what you were feeling at that time of being told your loosing your baby, even at such early stages as in your mind your making plans for the future dreaming of how wonderful life is going to be.

I lost our baby naturally and it was like a period no pain or cramps. My emotions were all over the place and broke down on many occasions. I am doing much better now and so is my dh we feel very positive about ttc again as we know that we can get pregnant now, as we were going to see specialists if it was any longer ttc.

Its nearly 2 weeks since it happened and my midwife said to consider it as it was the first day of my cycle and we could start ttc again so i am on day 12 of cycle and we have started bedding 2 days ago, thought it would feel weird but its been fine.

I hope so much that your ok, sending support and hugs your way.

11 years ago

cristi78602 i am so sorry for your loss my dh and i had been ttc for 10 months and lost our baby at 8 weeks pregnant 2 weeks ago like you said devastation! and reading your story resonates with me so much with our situation right now. Words cannot describe what you were feeling at that time of being told your loosing your baby, even at such early stages as in your mind your making plans for the future dreaming of how wonderful life is going to be.

I lost our baby naturally and it was like a period no pain or cramps. My emotions were all over the place and broke down on many occasions. I am doing much better now and so is my dh we feel very positive about ttc again as we know that we can get pregnant now, as we were going to see specialists if it was any longer ttc.

Its nearly 2 weeks since it happened and my midwife said to consider it as it was the first day of my cycle and we could start ttc again so i am on day 12 of cycle and we have started bedding 2 days ago, thought it would feel weird but its been fine.

I hope so much that your ok, sending support and hugs your way.

11 years ago

cristi78602 i am so sorry for your loss my dh and i had been ttc for 10 months and lost our baby at 8 weeks pregnant 2 weeks ago like you said devastation! and reading your story resonates with me so much with our situation right now. Words cannot describe what you were feeling at that time of being told your loosing your baby, even at such early stages as in your mind your making plans for the future dreaming of how wonderful life is going to be.

I lost our baby naturally and it was like a period no pain or cramps. My emotions were all over the place and broke down on many occasions. I am doing much better now and so is my dh we feel very positive about ttc again as we know that we can get pregnant now, as we were going to see specialists if it was any longer ttc.

Its nearly 2 weeks since it happened and my midwife said to consider it as it was the first day of my cycle and we could start ttc again so i am on day 12 of cycle and we have started bedding 2 days ago, thought it would feel weird but its been fine.

I hope so much that your ok, sending support and hugs your way.

11 years ago

I do not know why there are 9 posts duplicated so sorry everyone

11 years ago

Nova- If you tried to post from your cell phone or even if your home computer hesitated and you pressed the submit button more than once or the signal dropped and picked back up it will post it. Mine does it alot to when I post from my cellphone.

AFM- Depending on what length of my cycle this month AF is due today for 26 days, tomorrow for 27 days, and tuesday for 28 days. So far I haven't spotted which I normally start getting brown tinged CM a day or so before AF comes thats how I know and I haven't seen a sign. I have been cramping today, but not like AF cramps its more on one side. I also got nauseous last night and threw up woke up a little later and was feeling fine. This morning I have been having waves of it. I decided I was going to wait and test maybe tomorrow or Tuesday with my Clear Blue digital because I am out of my cheapies and I don't wnat to waste it. Those things are expensive lol... GL to the rest of you ladies. Fx for all of us!!

TTC#2 to make 3, have 1 biological son, and 1 stepdaughter that is 7 but I have raised since she was 7 months. User Image

11 years ago

Oh and my temp has stayed high at 98.6 just as it was yesterday which is the highest it has been this whole cycle. So I think thats a good sign :)

TTC#2 to make 3, have 1 biological son, and 1 stepdaughter that is 7 but I have raised since she was 7 months. User Image

11 years ago

Hi Cristi. That sounds normal to me. My loss was earlier than yours and natural / no meds. But for me it started with very painful back pain, then cramps. About an hour later the bleed started and it was (tmi) chunky for a few hours. I'd say by that evening or early morning it was basically a period. Another weird thing is after that it kind of stopped and started up several times so it ended up lasting longer than a normal period but very light the last few days. I think there's a wide range of normal and I think your experience sounds normal.
I'm sorry again sweetheart.

DS born 01/2011. Preg loss 10/2012. TTC over 35. User Image

11 years ago

Nova, Thank you! Sounds like we are very much in the same boat! I'm terribly sorry for your loss. After 28 cycles it did feel good to know we CAN get pregnant! Support, hugs and prayers being sent to you as well! Lots of baby dust and GL in the near future cycles!

SMP keeping everything crossed for you!!!!

GrantsMama - Thank you :)! I have to say mine sounds a lot like what I am doing... it is really slowing down now... thank God! I am so thankful I have all of you for wonderful advice and support. You are wonderful!

Grants - how was your trip to Mexico? Was the wedding nice?

AFM, I am doing okay. Today was a sad day, a friend of mine announced she is pregnant again (this is her 3rd and her son is just 6 months old)! She is due June 18, 2013 and my due date would have been July 18, 2013... so that was sad but happy at the same time. Other than that I am doing good... ready to get this over so I can BD with my DH! Poor guy is deprived! LOL

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11 years ago

So I'm officially not gonna be an August mom. I'm pretty bummed but not surprised at this point. On to cycle 7. I'm a bit concerned my luteal phase was only 11 days and my cycle was the shortest it's ever been at 26 days.

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11 years ago

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