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Waiting game

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Anyone else just overthink everything that goes on with your body?
I am 3DPO and I am still having water stretchy discharge and temp is at 98.6. I keep overthinking and just need to take my mind off things! But I am like wait am I pregnant? No am I overthinking? Did this happen last cycle? lol Time to start logging my days I guess!

257 Replies • 7 years ago



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Welcome DBS! Good luck to you and so sorry for your losses ladies. :(

Praying for all!

Question my temp finally spiked today. Does that mean I ovulated yesterday? Should we DTD today? Or is it to late?

7 years ago

DTD Comonbaby! You are still able to get pregnant right now :) Good luck and baby dust!

7 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies, my chart still says no O detected. Does it need 3 days of high temps? My temp was down to 97.5 this morning. While still higher than the 97.1 I usually get and it was a hour earlier(DS woke up not feeling great) I was crampy last night. Just nervous we didn't time everything right :/

7 years ago

Comeonbaby! I didn't start temping till O and I believe I spiked and then went back to 97 area for a few days. I am still steady at 98.6. Period is due in a few days for me so I guess we will find out soon enough. Good luck!!!! I did a ton of cramping in the days after ovulation this month, maybe its a good sign for both of us???

7 years ago • Post starter

Thedjinn- did you test again babe???

Comeonbaby- the fact that you had an alteration in your sleep can change your temp, as long as it's above coverkine I would think that you're good. You do need three consistent high(we) temps to show ovulation happened and then ideally your temp stays up and up and doesn't drop b/c you're pregnant. It drops when you get your period again!! (I'm so new at this but have seen so many through the years).

Dirtybirdsoaps/- praying you'll get your miracle baby after all that you've been though honey!! Let us know how you're doing!! When is your AF supposed to come again?

AFM- not feeling much of anything really, except maybe hungry like we had a huge hibachi dinner at 7 today and by 11 I felt hunger, it has been 4 hrs and I did not overeat while I was there so I'm thinking that's what's it.. who knows.. nothing else really... just waiting patiently for the days to go by :)

Nighty and hugs to all!!

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7 years ago

Still at a steady 98.3 this morning, bfn when tested. Been getting super nauseous but I think I'm just thinking about it too much.

7 years ago • Post starter

Thedjinn- sorry to hear! But your temp is still nice and quite high which is very very hopeful!!

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7 years ago

Well haven't seen any more lines, so maybe the one was a bad test, line eyes or a very good indent/evap lol. Not sure on when AF is due. Usually I have a 28 day cycle so if I went by that, tomorrow. My LP is usually 13 days so if I assumed the EXTREMELY dark line was O on the 8th then it would be Monday. Still have symptoms......sore BB's, acid reflux, can't sleep and when I do crazy dreams, back pain, and Thursday I had weird cramping. Felt like my left ovary and almost a burning sensation......hard to describe. I haven't had any spotting, which I usually do several days before AF. UGHHHHH I hate this waiting. Out of 19 cycles there's only been maybe 1-2 times that I had a few symptoms where I thought "this could be it" but never symptoms like this. I sadly test several times a day with IC's so we'll see. I'm just so grrrrrrr lol its like either give me a strong real positive or AF get here fast. If I don't get a positive I need to figure out something for this acid reflux. I tried tums, didn't work, and tried apple cider vinegar, helped some but not well enough. I stopped all meds just in case since I feel so strange. Hopefully this will be everyone's month! Seems like everyone is in the same boat, just waiting....and waiting....and waiting.....oh wait is this a symptom.....and more waiting lol I wish there was another way to find out sooner.

Oh and my apologies about posting in this thread. I didn't see it was a TTC again thread, only hit the tab for recent forum activity and didn't notice that. I hope I didn't over step.

7 years ago

I hate the waiting game and I test every dang morning lol going out tonight and not thinking about it. I feel like since I want to be, everything is a symptom ugh! Good luck everyone!

7 years ago • Post starter

I just had major uterus cramping going on. I actually doubled over and feeling sick that was crazy. I've not had or noticed this ever. What do you guys think? So wierd. Mind games!

7 years ago

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