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Hello all,
I am looking for some buddy's that are TTC for we can go though the wait together ;) add me or message
Throwing baby dust to everyone;)

95 Replies • 9 years ago



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Woah. I think I might be with you, Zoe, on a confusing cycle. It's 1:02 a.m. on my supposed 13 dpo. I went and checked my cervix, and it's low, but what was weird was there was a ton of ewcm. Like I said in my last response, I don't ever really have a lot of cm. But this is a ton of ewcm. What's worse is, I don't have any opk's, so I can't see what those say. I'm so confused, I feel like crying. Instead, S.O. is coming home on break in an hour, and I'm gunna try to squeeze in a quick bd.

I'm still going to test on Saturday, and I might go get an opk in the morning and see if it says anything. But, if I end up with a BFN on Saturday, I'm going to try to wait an entire week, test, and then after that, test every two days. I wish there was a clearly obvious sign when women were pg. Like, there fingers started glowing green, or something. Gah. I'm a mess right now. I hate being so confused.

9 years ago

Saharadawn- the ewcm was what was confusing me. It got to about 12 days past my first positive ovulation test and I was still getting loads of it if not more than when I am ovulating. Ttc is soo frustrating I think I'm a bit of a symptom spotter to be honest. Like you said why can't we just tell straight away that were pregnant. I hope it all works out for you and that your cycle is not as messed up as mine. I thought I was in the two week wait and now I'm sat here again at 4dpo. In a way I'm glad that I am ovulating so fast having having nexplanon taken out but I just want a normal cycle :( fx for your BFP this month xxx

9 years ago

Well, my cycle has been wonky this month too. I didn't start getting sore breasts (which is normal for me) until the day AF was due. But AF didn't come. My temps are still high, and based on this mornings temp, I won't start today either. That means I've gone into CD 35, my longest recorded cycle, without a sign of AF. BUT when I test (which I've done three times now....two days before I anticipated AF, and then every two days is always BFN.

I know that means I need to let this go...that I just O'd late this month, but I want to hope so badly since my husband had his 16 year old V reversed 10 months ago and we've been trying for 9 of those months. I'm going to be 37 this December...the odds are stacked way against us. So when my body does this strange cycle it makes me want to hope. Every day of the tww is hard enough to wait with hope without it adding so many days to that hopeful wait for nothing. sigh.....

I'll pee on a stick again in two more days...but after the BFN on CD 35, I'm thinking it won't matter. Anyone else STILL holding or with a late cycle?

9 years ago

Hang on there SAHARADAWN. Hope you get your BFP tomorrow!
My husband tested yesterday and he is fine! We are trying again this month.
I know that felling I always get so disappointed when I get a BFN.

9 years ago

Thank you. I appreciate all the support I've received this cycle. I think I may have O'd today now or I'm gearing up to O, though. My sister has PCOS, and I did a lot of reading up on it. I think I may have it, too, but I won't be able to find out for another three weeks- when I have my doctors appointment scheduled. I don't chart my BBT. Just check cm, cp, and on the occasional cycle, I'll splurge and get OPK's.

I was reading when you have two patches of fertile cm it's best to consider your last patch your fertile period. All the cramping I was experiencing could've been a cyst rupturing? Either way, I BD'd my first fertile patch and I even managed to BD today during this patch of fertile cm. Wasn't able to run and get OPK's though, so I don't know. All I know was this was the most ewcm I've ever recorded.

I'm still going to test tomorrow, though I'm nearly positive it will come up with a BFN. Either way, I'm going to continue recording symptoms. If I end up with a BFN, I'll treat it as I O'd some time around today, and I'll test next weekend, and then wait another week to test again. This entire cycle has been crazy for me. I already told S.O. I'm going to start temping next cycle, whenever that may be. If I don't get BFP this cycle, hopefully they figure out something to help out at my doctors appointment.

I've been praying for you guys and keeping you all in my thoughts. Hopefully something turns around for us. xx

9 years ago

It sounds like exactly what has happened to me. I wish you the best of luck and hope you get your BFP it just may take a little longer with ovulating twice. I really hope it's not pcos for you xxx

9 years ago

Thank you. S.O. knew I was depressed, so he surprised me by bringing home a thermometer for bbts, opks, a few more pregnancy tests, new vitamins, and even asked me if I wanted to give Preseed another go. I think he just wanted to encourage me to keep trying, but it worked. I'm ready for next cycle if this one is a bust, and I'm gunna see if the doctor has anything to help, as well.

I don't know whether or not to be worried about the PCOS. My sister has it, and she had been TTC for three years. She went to the doctor, they discovered it, put her on Metformin. That cycle, she conceived her first daughter. She went off of it for a bit, but six months ago, she started back on it. Same cycle, she conceived again. Looking forward to a new niece. I know it's not like that for everyone, but it's something to hope for.

I'm heading to bed now, and I'm going to test in the morning, even though I know what to expect. I'll let you know what it says though. xx

9 years ago

I wish my partner was like that. He doesn't think we need anything to help us. To be fair it's not the getting pregnant that is the hard bit for me it's staying pregnant.
My sister is pretty lucky aswell she's only got one tube and ovary but has 3 kids already and currently pregnant with identical twins although she did have a Mmc in July.
I hope the test surprises you and you get your BFP xxx

9 years ago

He wasn't quite this into it in the beginning. But, I think he was panicking in the beginning, because he assumed we'd just try, and it would happen right away. As time passes, he's just getting more anxious about our bfp. We did get a bfp in October, that ended in early m/c. And we got several faint bfps in January, but we were told that it was a chemical. I think that's what really got him motivated.

So, maybe we're a lot more similar than it appears. It's difficult trying so hard, and seeing all these other women around me get there bfp's so easily, or even without trying. Like, I try to be happy for them, and I truly am, but I also can't help to feel a bit jealous. And then there's women like us who are just stuck in the never ending cycles off TTC. I just can't wait for it to be our turn. So, you're 4 dpo, now? How are you feeling?

NeedNamiracle, let me know how your test goes, hun. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! xx

Laura, where do you get the home fertility tests for men? S.O. might not be too happy about me questioning the livelihood of his little guys, but it's perked my interest. Doesn't hurt to test it. Oh, S.O. also picked up baby aspirin, so I'll be trying that as well if this cycle is a bust. I've been hearing a lot about Mucinex... Might have to look into that, too.

9 years ago

I'm 5dpo today but apart from sore breasts I don't feel anything else. I guess it is too early to feel any symptoms yet. I no what you mean about people getting pregnant easily though. I always see people who I know can't even look after themselves properly and getting pregnant. I was lucky that I managed to sustain one pregnancy as I have a 16 month old son. But even he came 5 weeks early. Before him though I had only ever got to 9 weeks so he is my little blessing. I really hope it won't take too long for us. It's really nice having people to talk to through all of this though xxx

9 years ago

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