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May 2016 Babies

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This is a forum for all the precious ladies, anxious and enthusiastic ladies hoping to conceive this month with hopes of having a baby in May 2016. Join me to discuss strategies, share the pain, obsess over the symptoms and celebrating !!!

Loads and loads of and ...
for conceiving the baby !

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206 Replies • 8 years ago



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Welcome to the newcomers!

dsinha, I am so sorry to hear your cycle is being so crazy! Did AF finally kick in or did you stop bleeding altogether? I have only had implantation bleeding with one pregnancy and it was enough red/pink to make me think AF was coming on the first day, then brown spotting the next and nothing else after. I have my FXed for you!

jeskalillies: Did the arrive or did you take a test? Hopefully those symptoms turn into a BFP!

kmksmd: good luck! My bed time isn't really consistent either but it hasn't affected my temps much, thank goodness. Maybe temping vaginally could help?

mrsmawalla: FXed for you! I hope work had kept your busy during your TWW so far! Just curious, how much water do you normally drink? I have been trying to drink more but I don't want to have to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes, either :)

Sheriskers: I hope your O cooperated. Are you officially in the TWW also?

AFM, I have been struggling with my sinuses all week... I have had a perpetual headache and some sleepless nights that have really thrown my temps for a loop. I haven't wanted to take too much medication for fear of drying up my CM which already seems scarce. I have been trying to drink more water so hopefully that helps! It seems to be clearing up just in time... I am due to O sometime between Monday and Wednesday. DH has been hilarious this month and really into making sure we have good timing which cracks me up. Normally I try to keep my obsession/control freak under wraps so BDing doesn't feel like a chore... he was asking me when my fertile days were going to be so he could make sure he is prepared! I am impatient and ready for the TWW!

Anyway, I am rambling. I hope everyone has/had a great weekend!

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8 years ago

Hi purelex. I was drinking like 3litres a day for a week and a half also I read alot that lemon water helps make the V alkaline which is what we want so the swimmers survive. Also peppermint tea helped CM for me.

AFM: Im starting to get a cold, stuffy nose headche and like you purelex I dont wana take any medication that might stuff things up. Im officially 5DPO today saturday. Having alot creamy CM and pulling dull cramping since O. Dont know whats going on thats the only stand out symptom so far. Gonna try not to obsess but I will test 9DPO. Goodluck with your timing. BtW my calender was wrong I actually felt hard sharp O pain on the 10th for like 4hours and calender said I ovulated 11th so jus hope I caught the egg. We did BD 5days in a row b4 the 10th. So pay attention to your body.

Keep us posted.

8 years ago

Hi again!

According to the OPKs I O'd on CD 13 (had previously been CD 14-15). My temps are still all over the place, but I am calling myself 1 DPO today... so officially in the TWW. DH and I BD'd the 3 days before the O happened because I thought I had more time but not since then due to work schedules being opposite. Fx that it was enough!!

I'm glad to hear that several of us are progressing nicely... Anyone with exciting symptoms or particularly sticky feelings? And to everyone in the TWW with me, good luck being patient! :-)

8 years ago

Purelex - I am still waiting for AF. I did ask DH to bring home an HPT when got off work, but he forgot. Today is CD 29, so maybe I still have a couple of days. But the cramps and bloating and AF pains are still there. I checked my cervix and it was high and closed. My CM watery and slightly creamy, and there is a lot. Normally before my period my cervix is lower and open. I also get creamy CM leading up to my period. So I don't know.

I would be nice if I conceive naturally. I have read of people getting a BFP after having an HSG done.

I think it is great that your DH is getting into the whole "science" of it.

Mrsmawalla - Hopefully you were able to catch the egg! Sorry you aren't feeling well. I think tracking CM is hard because it can change all the time and I feel everyone is different. But I know for me when I am going to Ovulate it is super watery and when my period is getting close it is creamy. Otherwise I don't really monitor it.

kmk - Good luck!

TTC#1 DH: 29 Me: 27 Married 2009, officially TTC since 2013 July 2015: Decided to talk to OB. HSG was good. Blood work good. SA showed low motility. OB recommended IUI. August 26 2015: IUI #1, 50mg clomid, hcg shot, 2 follicles, bfn Sept. 24, 2015: IUI #2, 50mg clomid, hcg shot, 4 follicles, bfn October: took a break, to talk to a RE, bfn November 22 2015: Intercourse, 50mg clomid, hcg shot, 1 follicle

8 years ago

Glad to hear some of you are advancing nicely! Not to get any hopes up too much, but I've heard plenty of stories of ladies w/ BFP's who thought they were getting a cold but it mysteriously went away in as little as a day!

AFM: I've been kind of quiet the past few days trying to get as clear of an answer as I could find on when O is/pouncing on DH while I had the chance! haha

I believe I am officially in my TWW, though! yay! I haven't really been able to rely on my temping this much... the day around when I think I O'd only shows a 0.3 degree spike. I was hoping for something more obvious. :-/ I also heard that 0.4 is kind of the standard minimum jump. As I mentioned before, I kind of felt like O was going to happen earlier than predicted and would happen on the days before DH was home... it did happen sooner, but I'm happy to say DH and I still got a good 3 BD's over both of my Peak days and the following High day. I wish we could have BD'd before peak, but it just couldn't happen this cycle. (P.S. I'm so excited I actually got my peak days this cycle!! unlike last time...)

Sooo... I'm not real sure what DPO I am right now... probably just 1 or 2 - IF I ovlulated this month. My monophasic BBT chart is sort of making me doubt that it actually happened despite all the other signs I had. I guess we'll see!

FX for some good implants for those in the TWW!!!


8 years ago

AF showed up for me today. I am actually happy, since now I can start the IUI process.

She is kicking my butt already though, I was so tired today, I slept most of the day away...

TTC#1 DH: 29 Me: 27 Married 2009, officially TTC since 2013 July 2015: Decided to talk to OB. HSG was good. Blood work good. SA showed low motility. OB recommended IUI. August 26 2015: IUI #1, 50mg clomid, hcg shot, 2 follicles, bfn Sept. 24, 2015: IUI #2, 50mg clomid, hcg shot, 4 follicles, bfn October: took a break, to talk to a RE, bfn November 22 2015: Intercourse, 50mg clomid, hcg shot, 1 follicle

8 years ago

I took two different opks this morning...
internet cheapie negative only one line
dollar tree positive test line showed up quick and is darker than the control line
have I been buying bad internet cheapies???? I am now on cd 17 according to chart I ovulated on cd 10 but I know that's not true.. So if that dollar tree test is correct hopefully I will o within the next few days.

I not been around in a while. Think it was good for me to take a break from these forums.

for the regulars: this is kelley828 I changed my name

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8 years ago

Thanx jeskalillis I really feel awful im 6DPO got waves of nausea stuffy noise, crazy cramps all day backache. Dont know now if its the real flu or my BFP. Fingers crossed.

Im happy ur releaved about AF its a fresh start. We will be here for you through it all the support here helps its good to know im not crazy. Hehehehehe.

Sheriskers welcome to terrible TWW. I was like that with DH tryna catch him while the gettings good. Im sure 3days is plenty speacilly if they were in your peak days. Hoping for BFP all around.

8 years ago

Hello Everyone.
I am joining the May board. My AF started yesterday and is in full force today. It really sucks because I have to pull a double shift today and I am a heavy bleeder on CD 2

I have been on these boards for a long time. I have been trying for 14 months with no luck. Ovulation seems to be my problem. I have tried a few rounds with Clomid with no luck. I took 2 months off of clomid just for a break. My dr doesn't want it to thin my lining. My last round of Clomid I was "borderline Ovulatory" So I am hoping that this month works for me. I am on 150mg days 3-7. I am also going to be doing a low carb diet as well. I hear that can help with ovulating.
Anyways I am feeling like a regular on these boards I have seen so so many women get BFP and move on and I am still here. Don't get me wrong I love everyone on here and it is how I have been able to keep my sanity.
Recently my SiL announced her PG, she was on the IUD and got PG. Go figure. I love her and am so excited for her but I am so waiting for my turn!
So this month I am going to send out tons of prayers for all of us struggling. I am going to try and keep more in touch on the forum as well. I really need some encouragement this is so so hard.

Me:30 DH:37 TTC since sep 2017 TTC #2 BFP dec 2017( femera 1st round) - chemical pg User Image

8 years ago

Hey all. I'm new to these boards but my partner and I have been TTC since May '14. I've had these awful 70 day cycles since last fall, but I started Metformin last week and O'd 3 days after the first dose. Got 2 good tries in and I'm 2DPO now and feeling positive! Can't tell if I'm really symptom-y or just symptom spotting bad, lol. If this cycle sticks my EDD will be 5/6/16 so I figured this was a good board to hit first. ^_^

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8 years ago

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