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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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Yes I think I'm skipping church.

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10 years ago

@JLHart: hopefully the SA made it in time. When will you know? That is super cool though that your dh says no big deal if he has to do it again. The very first thing my dh said to me when I told him I was pregnant was, "does that mean I don't have to jizz in a cup again?" Lol.

@cam: good decision - and good luck on the test!

@amag: That is AWESOME! For some reason I thought you said your insurance didn't cover the ivf meds. That is soooooo fantastic is does :) I think ivf will work on your very first cycle :) praying it does!! I hope your spirits start to lighten soon. Ahhhh!! The 20th and 21st are soon :) I guess we are ready to go at a moments notice... :-/ I think I have her coming home outfit picked out but I'm not in love with it. Also the house isn't in tip top cleanliness shape.. But I'm sure it will never be. We have the carseat installed tho :)

AFM: Had a wonderful night last night with my parents, brother, and dh. I am sure it's the last time we'll all be together before the baby comes. It's super weird to think in those terms! Ahhhh!! Even dh said to me as we were driving out to my parents how Rella gets to ride upside down in the front seat with me now but will be in the back seat right side up in less than two weeks.

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10 years ago

Luv--we didn't really do anything. I just made DH a nice dinner and we did some shopping.

Smh--that's great that you're into it! I've never liked BDing so pregnancy just doesn't help with that.

Jada--oh no! I hope the sample was okay. I feel okay, thanks for asking!

Cam--good luck with your test tomorrow!

10 years ago

Hi ladies! I'm home from church and lunch (tex mex) and I'm stuffed!! I am meeting with a designer friend at 3 to show her the house and the furniture we had made. I wanted to go work out at Pure Barre but I will go tomorrow and Wednesday before we head to Sin City :) Plus I need to start on my next paper... Three more to go...

I really want to go shopping... Lol just because!

SMH, soooo excited you're so close ;) Happy to hear you both had a wonderful time!!

Law, glad to hear you are good! What did y'all shop for?? Sorry so mosey... Ha ha

Cam, how are you??

Amag, how are you today??

Luv, how's it going?!

10 years ago

Hey guys! How's everybody today?!

Jada: I really hope the sample is usable. While we are tolerant of the intrusion, men aren't. I hope your DH doesnt have to do it again at least not for that purpose.

Amag: So sorry you received your package on V-Day of all days. Bummer. Happy that the cost is manageable though.. It would be super to get your bfp on the first go. Chin up!

Cam: Hope the studying goes well. Yup...the more you put in the easier the test will be.

Law: How are things with you? Sweet you made the DH a special dinner.

Smh: So sorry bding is painful. It helps with labor though so if you can get in some more without the pain...go for it!

Luv: Hope it isnt snowing too much. Or you can use this as an excuse to get some EOD bding in.

AFmedic: Trust you are feeling better today!

AFM: completed a 5k this morning and I think I broke my body! Luv...hats off to you girlie! Once per year is enough for me.

10 years ago

Hey my ladies you would not believe how hard I tried to get cancelled today as well as I tried to find someone to replace me no such luck...sooo I'll study some more whenever I get off then go to sleep then in the morning the class is at 1230 pm I'll make it. Thanks guys for the encouragement

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10 years ago

Jada--new bras (again) and our first baby purchases (an outfit and blanket).

Janise--how are you girlie?

Cam--good luck today!

10 years ago

Sorry I have been MIA, I have not been feeling to good.

SMH- Stripping the membranes is where they insert a finger in your cervix, and basically strip the sac of water away from the wall of the uterus. Doing so releases hormones that help stimulat labor. Aint gonna lie it hurt when I had it done

Luv- Glad you are aware of water intox, have seen bad things happen to good people because of it.

Cam- Wish it was 70's here this weather is just so bi poloar

Jada I hope you enjoyed your long weekend. Praying for good results on the SA

AMag- Sorry you have been down in the dumps. I hope things start to look up!

Law- Glad the storm was not too bad.

Jan- Congrats on the 5K good job

10 years ago

@So_much_hope- Mmm and ice cream sundae bar sounds amazing!

@luvtowalkfast- hopefully the snow melts soon! Do you ovulate today?

@Camasia- Good luck on your test today! And thanks for the hot weather. We could use some. haha

@JLHart22 - Glad to hear the af is completely gone!! Good luck this month!

@Janise- Great job completing 5k!! Hope your body recovers quickly from it. haha

@lawbride88- Aww thats exciting, the baby purchases!! I hate buying bras! I have to get them from the UK or spend about $150 per bra here. :(

AFM, I believe I am at 2 dpo. Got the bding in and hoping for the best. One day this will work and people will be shocked. Haha I am pretty sure they have all given up asking "are you pregnant yet/are you still trying?" It is a holiday here today. So the man is home. And I picked up a night shift. So a few hours of time and a half anyway. Hope everyone has a good week!

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10 years ago

Hey chickadees!

Cam GL on your test today! :)

SMH hope you are feeling okay today. That kid is coming any second!

JLH that is weird that they claimed the timing was off, hopefully they can give you some answers anyway! FX for great numbers!

amag I totally understand the "why is it so hard" feeling. I get it every time I have to do an IUI. I think of it like a marathon, some people finish in 3 hours like it's nothing, and aren't even sore. Some people have to claw and crawl to get to the finish. But we can all finish! Be strong girl :)

lawbride a nice dinner sounds perfect for V-day! Going out is overrated :)

janise congrats on the 5K! Hey, that's a big deal. 5Ks are hard. I never do them because I feel like I have to go "fast" and I am not good at that. I'd rather take my time with a half marathon because I feel like being slow is no big deal. Going fast for 3 miles is tough! Hope you aren't too sore today :)

afmedic I believe it! I think the real danger is if people don't watch their electrolyte intake, it's so easy to get into a "health kick" and go super-low sodium and drink a ton of water but it's not safe! I make sure I eat potatoes and get lots of potassium. How are you doing?

bluerose the snow is coming down really hard today! It feels like it will never end!!! Looked at your chart and it looks good, definitely looks like 2 DPO! Hooray TWW!

AFM CD 15, no positive OPK, temps are low. I will almost certainly ovulate tomorrow or Wednesday. I think if I get a positive OPK tomorrow morning we will do IUI tomorrow afternoon so I don't miss it. DH can take the afternoon off work which is good if I have another allergic reaction. I feel good about my BD and everything so I'm hopeful that this will be my month. Definitely been cranky lately from the Clomid but oh well. Hope you ladies are doing well!

10 years ago • Post starter

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