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March 2014 Due Date?

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Ladies, I just got my BFP today at 9DPO. This is my second conception and the first ended in a missed miscarriage Feb, 2013. I've been experiencing frequent urination, breast tenderness and nausea. Looking forward to this one sticking, so excited we got a chance to conceive this month. Sending positive vibes out to all the other ladies.

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65 Replies • 11 years ago



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Ladies I had my first prenatal appointment today and I got confirmation the pregnancy is progressing well! We got to see our baby's heartbeat again which was strong at 150BPM, we are now officially adjusted to 9 weeks with an EDD of 3/7/14. Was extremely impressed with the OBGYN clinic we ended with and looking forward to the journey of the birth of our child. Hoping all is going well with you and have faith that it will all work out for the best. Let me know how you're feeling!

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10 years ago • Post starter

Hi everyone - sorry haven't written in awhile. Everything is going okay - haven't been vomitting although feeling nauseous all the time and it sucks. We have our '12 week' appt next Tuesday so I'm excited to see some fingers and toes and see our baby. Definitely GETTING BIGGER! My pants do not button any longer and I had to get a new bra (woo-hoo) a week ago - I grew one cup size already (yay! - hope it stays).

I am trying to hold off as long as I can with the maternity clothing but I think over the next month or two when I need to buy fall clothing I will be headed for the maternity section ;). Right now I just have the belly band from Target that works wonders!

Started reading Baby Bargains - a great book that a friend of mine who recently had a baby recommended. it goes through every brand of baby stroller, crib, bottles, etc and gives you a rating - also an area for you to jot down things to remember when you go shopping for baby registry! Check it out.

Hope everyone is doing well - will update you all next week after we see our wee one again!

10 years ago

Hi everyone! Checking in to see how everyone has been doing. We finally made it into the second trimester and I can see an end to the nausea/vomiting. I bought my first set of maternity clothes and bras last week and wondering why I waited so long! Appetite has returned full force and I've regained 3.5 lbs of the 10 I lost during the first trimester so feeling good about that. Nursery room remodeling is under way, we won't find out the baby's gender until 10/18 but we've decided for a pale yellow on the walls cause that matches with either boy or girl nursery set we'd like to buy :)

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10 years ago • Post starter

hey Janel! was just wondering how you were doing the other day. Glad to hear your vomiting and nausea have subsided and your gaining weight again! Geez lady you are on top of things already with the nursery! Good for you... I keep telling my husband that I want it ready for paint when we find out the sex... which incidentally guess what day we find out the sex!!... yep.. 10/18 is my appt as well. It's nice to be literally sharing this pregnancy with someone.

I broke down and bought maternity clothes the other weekend... the belly band was just getting too tight and the only pants I fit in that buttoned close were my pants I usually have to wear a belt to keep up.... so I went to Kohl's and bought two pairs - one black and one jean... gotta say... Maternity clothing is NOT flattering!

Where did you go to buy maternity clothes? or atleast were are you planning to go:? Some of my friends were telling me to check out Old Navy - so I'm headed there this weekend since Labor Day usually brings lots of sales....

If Old Navy doesn't work I'm headed for JCPenney

10 years ago

SMB, how amazing that we have appointments on the same day! I'm not sure if I shared, but my best friend is currently pregnant and we're due 3 days apart. Its such an amazing feeling to have others going through this experience with. I got my maternity clothes from Motherhood Maternity, the clothes there are more in line with the newer styles and you can't really tell that they are maternity! They do have an online website if there isn't one in your town. The local JCPENNY, KOHLS and OLD Navy did not have maternity sections at their stores so I was forced to go to the mall but did catch some good sales. I'm excited about starting so early with the nursery and the first coat of paint went up today and second coat tomorrow. Floors after that and then I can purchase a crib :) Right about then we'll find out the gender. Soo glad things are going well for you, keep me posted :)

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10 years ago • Post starter

Ladies, I hope you are all doing well! Just hit the 17 week mark and getting excited for the anatomy screening ultrasound on 10/18...can't wait to find out if its a boy or a girl. How is everyone?

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10 years ago • Post starter

I was thinking about this forum this morning. Glad you are doing well. We had our 16 week appt Monday and turned out someone was a show off and e found out we are having a boy. We are super excited.

Had a scare about 6 hours before our appt at 3am in the morning I woke up with stomach pain. Thought I had to go to the bathroom and when I sat on the toilet wind up passing a clot of some sort and had bright red blood and then that was it. Scared the crap out of me and still does even though doc said everything was normal and great.

Our son was kicking and moving at our appt and placenta placement is good and cervix is closed and strong. They have no idea where it came from. Still a bit shook up from it but each passing day gives a little more

We have our 20 anatomy scan on 10/18 too! Good

10 years ago

SMB so glad you are doing well! Keep me posted about your ultrasound 10/18. What has your baby's heartbeat rate been at your visits?

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10 years ago • Post starter

Same to you! Baby heart rate was 167 and this last time 153. All above normal ranges. If your thinking heart rate affects sec of baby it's a myth. I did all the wives tales and they all said girl, even Chinese gender calendar, peeing in a cup of baking soda.. All said girl and we are clearly having a boy

10 years ago

SMB, thanks for sharing! I agree it is an old wives tale but since you and I are mirroring each other so closely during this pregnancy I was curious! 2 more weeks and we'll know the gender of our baby...I'll keep you posted. Any names picked yet?

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10 years ago • Post starter

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