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First time TTC; going crazy!

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Hello all, I have found this site while going crazy during this two week wait. I am inexperienced with symptoms and waiting and what to expect...I would appreciate anyone's advice...

My LMP was 2/11, I'm sure I ovulated between 2/25-2/27...I began with breast heaviness & soreness on 2/28 which is unusual for me to start with that early before AF. And it as continued - still sore boobs/swollen. I have noticed I've been a little more tired; requiring a nap the other day and going to bed earlier. And finally, on 9 or 10 DPO, (yesterday) I started with some dull lower abd cramping/pressure on & off all day... I have tested the last couple days because I am so impatient!!!! And obviously BFN... I know it is too early... Does it sound like I may have a chance?? Maybe I'm making up these symptoms?? AF is due 3/11... and I'm thankful for working 12 hour shifts the next couple days to distract myself! Please advise!!!

323 Replies • 11 years ago



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Abennett, i pray this is ur cycle. the 6th shd be the charm for u and ur man. use all the aids available and hopefully 1 swimmer will be fast n strong enough to catch the egg.

so now my update ladies, i think i entered wrong data here after i came back from vacation, so i can actually be 12 dpo today instead of 14. i put up a test with fmu this morning but i dont see anything on it and i dont feel anything other than a twing here and there, but that can also be AF approaching.
if we dont concieve this cycle, it will be off to the doctor, it will be our 10months trying and we are both ready to start testings.

Wats up Ashley..... FX for every1 including me

11 years ago

Hey ladies!

ABennett- Sorry to hear AF was late! That is so frustrating! GL using the aids. Are you gonna use baby Aspirin as well? I think I might try that and tea.

Reneee- I hope you can get some good news/advice/aids from your doctor. It is time for your BFP! You have waited patiently enough! Damn TTC...this is such a test of patience which is necessary for motherhood!

As for me, I am now CD27/12DPO. I have been spotting for the past 5 days now. I am so sick of spotting. This happened in previous cycles as well. I was excited when I thought it would stay super light and only last a day or two. I almost need a tampon. A few times when I peed, the toilet was so red from the blood and it made its way to my underwear also. :(

Guessing this is a sign of AF coming for a visit. I'm not even going to bother testing. Found out another girl I "met" on here is pregnant. She is so young and kinda stopped trying. Always the story, right? When you don't try blah blah blah? Ill update in a few days. AF is due either the 30th or 31st. I'm sure ill be back for round 4.

User Image Ashley&Bryan 6.1.12

11 years ago

so a very dramatic update ladies, just like 1 hr after i wrote my last update, i started having af cramps, AF started roaring her ugly head, i was so surprised i started laughing. here i was adjusting dates and being hopeful even though i knew cervix was confirming Af days ago, now i give up end of cycle 9. starting cycle 10. i am calling to make an appointment with gp tomorrow. really excited things will be moving on.
But am so happy i determined ovulation with just cm and no aids whilst on vacation, we bded when we shd, so i dont know y us whyyyyyyyy??????. just a lil frustrated.

@Ashley n Abennett, next cycle shd be BFP for at least one of us. we need a lil hope. its getting too depressing. Baby dusttt!!!!!

11 years ago

Reneee- so sorry to hear that! Maybe you will get some answers when you go see the doctor. It's bound to happen soon! Hang in there and keep your head up. Everything happens when it is supposed to happen. It just hasn't been the right time for you yet. It will come :)
Ashleylauren- maybe I will start taking those baby aspirins. Haven't really thought of it before!

11 years ago

hello ladies, hope ure all well and ur families too. as u know, i always add something every cycle n this 1 i have decided to start recording BBT. i choose to do it orally as its more practical for me. i started cycle day 3 , and am now on day 5. i am really excited about how it works as its my first time doing it and it is a sure tool to know that i really ovulate. i will use it together with opk and cervix checking.

in other news i have a doc apt on the 12. june and july are vacation months here, so know even as gp will send us to the specialist we wont be called to treatment until like 6 months and if i was referred to an obgy, we wont be called in until earlies august, but pray we can even do it on our own b4 any treatments. dp and 1 are looking so forward to it. we will finally get the ball rolling.

i also ordered some macaroot and soy isoflavones online. there are many restrictions on importing herbs in my country but i finally managed to get an online shop in the uk willing to send to me. i just pray immigration doesnt seize them. they like seizing things hehehehe. i have cut down the acupunture fron once a week to once every 2 weeks. i dont think i will be adding any more aids until tests are done. i am 90% sure though that i have borderline PCOS, my cycles are too irregular, but since theres a lot of help for this condition, so am forever hopeful.

have a lovely wknd ladies and wishing us a BFP filled cycle.

11 years ago

Hey ladies-

Just checking in and as this forum is named, I am going crazy. I got AF early while on vacation. I guess the upside of that was I didn't have to waste the one HPT I brought with me. My cycle was 26 days instead of the usual 29.

As for this cycle, I am on CD12 and waiting to ovulate. I had lots of EWCM yesterday, so I was really hoping for it to have happened yesterday. My BBT suggests otherwise, so I'll keep doing my Pre-Seed/Soft Cup regimen until I have. I was going to buy OPKs yesterday, and after I saw the EWCM, I decided against it. As long as you BD enough to cover your O, you really don't need OPKs if your cycles are somewhat regular.

I would really love to conceive this month. If I could pick a month out of any of the year, it would be June. My EDD would be right around my birthday. That would make me soooo happy. Last month, we wanted to get our BFP, but didn't stress about it too much. This month, I really want it...a lot.

I also paid $5 for a reading for a lady a lot of people on FB swear by, her name is SunFairy Christe or something like that. I haven't had it yet, but I'll let ya guys know what she says. I got a basic reading that only includes conception time and gender.

Hope we get some good news this month. FX and baby dust for those of us still waiting.

User Image Ashley&Bryan 6.1.12

11 years ago

Hey ladies-

Just checking in and as this forum is named, I am going crazy. I got AF early while on vacation. I guess the upside of that was I didn't have to waste the one HPT I brought with me. My cycle was 26 days instead of the usual 29.

As for this cycle, I am on CD12 and waiting to ovulate. I had lots of EWCM yesterday, so I was really hoping for it to have happened yesterday. My BBT suggests otherwise, so I'll keep doing my Pre-Seed/Soft Cup regimen until I have. I was going to buy OPKs yesterday, and after I saw the EWCM, I decided against it. As long as you BD enough to cover your O, you really don't need OPKs if your cycles are somewhat regular.

I would really love to conceive this month. If I could pick a month out of any of the year, it would be June. My EDD would be right around my birthday. That would make me soooo happy. Last month, we wanted to get our BFP, but didn't stress about it too much. This month, I really want it...a lot.

I also paid $5 for a reading for a lady a lot of people on FB swear by, her name is SunFairy Christe or something like that. I haven't had it yet, but I'll let ya guys know what she says. I got a basic reading that only includes conception time and gender.

Hope we get some good news this month. FX and baby dust for those of us still waiting.

User Image Ashley&Bryan 6.1.12

11 years ago

Ashleylauren, maybe you will hit it right this month! Let me know how that reading goes. Very curious about those.
I am on cd 15 and no sign of O yet. I usually O around cd18. I am using opk's so hopefully we will catch it this time. For some reason, I am very optimistic this month. I've been chilled about it. I guess I got a little of my excitement back. I keep telling myself this is the month! I hope I'm right. Maybe it could be for all of us. Wouldn't that be something!! Well hope you ladies are finding things to pass the time. I hate waiting! Haha!
Talk to y'all soon :)))

11 years ago

Where is everyone in their cycles? I am currently CD17/3DPO. I have absolutely no symptoms. Just hoping I don't spot this month, since I have every other month. It kinda worries me. My doctor told me the first month not to worry about it, but I don't know whether to believe her or not. I may find another doctor if it persists. She was really cool and younger, but she was super laid back and spent more time discussing her personal life instead of talking about me and TTC. Granted she gave me a bunch of packs of prenatals and a recommendation for me and my husband for a SA and fertility work up since I just wanted to be super sure everything was fine before we really got into trying. Hmmmm...we will see. And, I never went to the RE. Figured it was too early to worry about that despite that my husband and I are both 30.

So, the psychic said I would find out I was pregnant July of this year OR give birth in July of next year. She said my first two children would be boys. We shall see!

I'm trying to keep optimistic although it is hard when I feel exactly the same. I know many woman experience no symptoms. I also just started Insanity two days ago and ordered Shakeology (look it up...people apparently love this stuff). I need to lose a little weight before I get pregnant. It would make me feel a lot better if I was healthier before conceiving. :)

Hope we have some BFPs to share this month.

User Image Ashley&Bryan 6.1.12

11 years ago

hello hello, i know uve missed me. hehehe i am just taking things easy and being hopeful. CD17 here and still no O. so we are just waiting. so since almost every1 here bbt charting has FF, i also joined there too. Fertility friend was very quick to say i Od on CD 9 but just was just fake , i think a lil fever i had around that time is to blame.

so my maca root arrived last saturday labelled "dried foods" smart pple, cos it wasnt seized and u shd have seen me doing my happy dance. i take it with my juice and apart from feeling really hot the first day i took it, i dont feel so much change. DP on the other hand, hated it from the word go and had a hard time swallowing it, he says hes had hot flashes since he started taking it and is convinced its doing something good in his body. He takes it now without me saying a word. He wants a baby as bad as me. His nephews son was born on sunday,an adorable lil boy and his nephew is like 2 yrs older than him.

we also went to the doctor yesterday.i printed out my cycles from this site and went all prepared and showed him everything. thank God for this site, i have been referred to the best fertility specialist in the area.but we have to wait for like 2-3 months. GP gave me an open test form to take hormones n etc. i have decided to wait and take it as a cd3 test eventhough i know the specialist will ask for it again. my doctor asked DP to contact his doc , so he can also take a sperm count test so that things so faster for us. dp sees his doc next week.

@Ashley, the worst feeling is not being taken seriously. But at the same time , no doctor will be too worried until u have tried for 1 yr, so take it easy my dear. i just have a feeling u might be the first amongst us to get her BFP. About ur reading, i hope it comes true ....Amen. i also sent our pix to a member here who read us and said we will concieve naturally. about 2 yrs ago, even when i wasnt even ttc, i was told my first will also be a boy. so i know our time will come.

@ Abennett i hope uve Od and i pray its ur month dear.
Babydust !!!

11 years ago

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