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Wannabe an AUGUST mom?!? Join Here!!!

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I see no one had started a new board so I am going to start the new one for the next month!! August Due Dates welcomed.

My Est. Due Date will be Aug 3rd if I get that this cycle. This is my 13th cycle TTCing and we are trying BBT/ Fertilaid for Men/OPKS.

Any Ladies want to join?!?!

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755 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hello Ladies! I hope you don't mind another addition to the crew - Myself and DH have been trying for 5 months for our first and.... I wanna be an august mum! Very exciting if I am because I would be due the day before hubby's bday! (according to the thing on here) I know my cycles are shorter so it'd be about 3-4 days before that...

Well i'm CD2 so really just plotting along waiting til the dance is possible again :)

I'm a bbt charter, cm and cp checker so if i can offer advice, let me know :)

I'm doing something a bit different with my bbt chart this month though. I'm gonna temp just before I feel like i'm about to ovulate, just after, then wait most of the tww rather than temping every day. I know my average post o and pre o temps now so if i temp on about 11-12DPO I should know whether af is coming or not gonna show. Fingers crossed I can practice what I preach! Anyone else done anything like that before?

11 years ago

Hi Ladies!! I'm hoping to be an August mom as well. I was in July forum, but fell off. I had my O date wrong so now my EDD, if I get a BFP this cycle, is Aug.1.

We're TTC #5. My children are 13, 8, 4, and 2.

Today is my O day so it's about to be on and poppin in a couple of hours, lol! Praying we get our BFP because I'm a little impatient.

to you all!

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11 years ago

@GrantsMama, Yummymummy and MzThangg, Welcome to the August board. Fingers crossed and baby dust your way.
Also, @Grantsmama, hope that your cycles sort themselves out and you get your bfp again soon :)

Afm, im on cd14 and just waiting to ovulate sometime in the next 7 days..... Am trying to bd at least every other day as dont want to put pressure on dp too much as he is a bit stressed from work lately. May try and squeeze in an extra day when i ovulate so its at least 2/3 days in a row after my first/only positive opk this cycle.......

11 years ago

Hi everyone!
Jumping from the July forum!
I am CD 2 today, cycle buddies with Grantsmama!

BD timing was off last cycle so I wasn't upset about Af and didn't bother testing.

I O around CD 11 so there should (hopefully) be plenty of action next weekend!

I take prenatal vitamins and an additional 100mg B6 vitamin daily as I had a shorter luteal phase and now it's consistently 13 days with more abundant CM.

I stopped symptom spotting as it was driving me crazy.

Good luck to everyone getting ready for their TWW!


11 years ago

I still havnt started but should start if on time like normal November 29 then I would go to the Sept board but it could come any time so I could be an August mom. So who knows I either need this witch to show up or find out that I o'd late and I havea bfp. I'm on day 33. Good luck to all u ladies and lots of baby dust Ur way :)

11 years ago

Hello, All! This is my second cycle TTC. My cycles are a bit off coming off of b/c pills. If I become pregnant this cycle, I'll be due mid August 2013. I'm trying Fertilitea this cycle. I cannot use Pre-Seed becsuse I'm severely allergic to the parabens it contains. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I do have a bicornuate uterus, so that is kind of working against me. I'm going to TTC on my own for six cycles and if nothing happens, my Doctor has some other options for us. My separation in my uterus may even be able to be removed, but I wanted to try on my own first before doing surgery or any other option. Good luck, everyone and Baby Dust!!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

11 years ago

Welcome new ladies!

Well I talked a big game, but 11 straight days of BD is not as easy as when we were younger and a new couple. Life is so exhausting! 3 days on, 2 days off, but tonight the business is going down. CM is perfectly egg whitey and right on time.

11 years ago

Hi all! I have been following for a while but this is my first post. Ttc #2 for almost 9 months. Doing it,opk., and just started. Pre seed. Last month I I'd on Cd at Cd 17 but still negative opk. Cm seems egg white but not sure what is going on. My cycles range from 27 -32 days.

Right now calculators say July 31 but if I have still not od then maybe will be August. Be for three days straight and every other before. Really hoping this is the month but have not had best track record.

Baby dust and prayers to all

11 years ago

Also had a temp drop today at before. 98 and before that 97.8

At a loss...hope thi doesn't. Mean that I wont ovulate this month

11 years ago

Hi everyone. I jumped from the July thread too. Tested positive but had a chemical pregnancy. Bad cramps and heavy bleeding but it's stopping now even though it's only cd2. This is our 25th month of ttc and our 5th on clomid. One more to go before we are referred for ivf. Does anyone know if you're more likely to conceive the month after a chem pregnancy? Baby dust to all

11 years ago

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