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Anyone hoping for a March baby?

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About me:

On month #11. So, so impatient. Tired. Going crazy. And getting scared :(

On 2nd round of Clomid, 50 the first time around, 100 this time.

Currently (Friday, 6/22) on CD 13.

This site says if we were to conceive this round, we'd be due March 17 - St. Patrick's Day. Thats gotta be a good (lucky) sign, right?

Just looking for some gals around the same cycle day/ boat as gets a little tiring trying to talk to your DH about these things!

Baby dust!

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268 Replies • 12 years ago



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Oh.... I forgot to say I'm sorry about your job loss angeluv. Possibly one door is closing and another door is opening? Good luck on the job hunt and keeping your Ob-gyn! I completely sympathize, it is so hard to find an Ob that you like, let alone love! Try to stay positive and look for other opportunities!

DH (39) Me (33) Married since June 2011 TTC #1 since April 2012 CP July 2012 User Image

12 years ago

I just caved in and got Dh to get me a few tests :P haha oops he thinks it's too early but my POAS addiction took over. I'm really excited to test, I'm hoping for a BFP this early but I'm sure I wont have one though. (I'm 8 DPO)

" rel="nofollow"> Victoria & Aaron TTC baby #1

12 years ago

Hey all!

Welcome musicmommy! Don't give up hope yet! You still have some time for some s! :)

pinkbride - I am just like you - such a planner and I HATE not being in control of ANYTHING. My Mom keeps telling me to just "let go and let God," but I'd sure be glad to let God hurry up!!! I'm impatient for sure. Hopefully the next 5 days go by fast for you - and thanks for the info on the Softcups. Sounds neat - you just buy those anywhere you'd buy tampons, etc? Why have I never heard of these things before? Not sure I'd try them during AF (ew....), but they sound like they'd be a great solution

angeluv - hang in there girlie! You sound so down , but understandably so. Keep your head up though - we're all in this stupid boat of ttc together That sucks about your job......sorry for the bad news Hopefully something will turn up soon for you - both in the baby world AND job world! And totally agree on this website kind of making us think we should be feeling all these things when really we don't necessarily need to be nauseous and have sore boobs 3 seconds after conceiving to be pregnant. It's a good tool to have, it's just none of us should get TOO hung up on if we are or aren't feelng something.

jooli - if someone can figure out how to "relax" while ttc, i'd sure love their tricks. People have backed off now that they know that we're having some trouble, but in the beginning if I heard "Just relax, it'll happen in its own time, when you're not even thinking about," ONE MORE TIME, that person was getting throat punched. It's a hard thing to go through,'s hard to understand for our freaking HUSBANDS, for crying out loud, let alone friends and/ or family who may have conceived on their first flippin' try (we all know those people )! Keep us updated, you're a couple days ahead of me, so hoping for a for you!

Vicki - hoping for you but don't get discouraged if you get a negative or two! Keep us updated!

Well it was a long work day followed by a fun happy hour (only had one glass of wine when I really could've used a bottle....ha!) - and it is time for BED. Ready for FRIDAY! Good night, WMM!

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12 years ago • Post starter

I took one and it was clear as day it was a BIG FAT NEGATIVE. My DH started taking out his sarcastic humor and joked about telling me he was right that it was too early.
Dude I know It's too early, I just wanted something to pee on to be honest. xP

I will test again in a day or two. Maybe tomorrow, since DH bought 2 boxes of three tests FRER 6 days sooner.

I want a BFP soo bad right now. My Dh and I are going soo well, we have money, a stable home, no fights everyday, or deployment. I want a baby while it's going soo well for us and between us :(
this is soo depressing...

" rel="nofollow"> Victoria & Aaron TTC baby #1

12 years ago

I know the feeling of peeing on stuff - wow that sounds weird! But its becoming normal for me to pee in a cup now! I am 3 DPO, nothing going on, feeling rather well.

I keep looking at my bbs every night thought thinking...are they bigger, are they bigger. I am not well endowed there so I keep hoping I will see some magical growth and then know something is up.

I think I will probably test around AF, or maybe a couple days before b/c I wont be able to stand it!

12 years ago

Hi Ladies!!! I'm a newbie :)..
I am so hoping for a March baby!! I am currently 6dpo.. yesterday I got a tiny amount of pink spotting only when i wiped.. and again today! AF is due in 9 days.. Is it possible for implantation to happen 5 dpo???? I am hoping so badly that its possible!!! I'm trying not to get anxious.. will test next Sunday.. i have everything crossed lol..
Good Luck to everyone!

12 years ago

I'm a newbie as well**
Three months TTC! Never been pregnant? I m so hoping for a March baby same day March, 17, 2013. Today I am 6dpo some mild symptoms, no implantation bleeding!! Ovulated June, 24, 2012 HOPE March 17, 2012 will = baby!!

12 years ago

Wo I've been flat out at work and now look how many replies there are on this awesome thread!! Hi newbies. I'm now 15dpo and still but also got a this morning! I really do feel pregnant though, have sore bbs, dry mouth, hunger pangs, cramping, tiredness, headache (constant), strong smelling urine, bloating - but am convincing myself? DP thinks I do every month!

pinkbride I am a planner too but one thing we learned from our mc was that when it comes to ttc and pregnancy, any sense of control is out the window! We were due in Oct and planned our jobs, when I would take maternity leave, when to tell our friends and families - then it just all ended . Anyway, enough sad stuff!

angeluv - how's job hunting going?

Like a coupla you other WMM I'm trying to be good and have decaf instead of regular coffee and limit myself to one glass of wine once a week! I also don't take any meds apart from thyroid meds - just want to keep my body free of gunk. Anyway, time for a nap now to dream of . Please wish for me

See ya WMM xoxo

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12 years ago

Hey Ladies, good Luck to some of you testing soon

Can I join your WMM Clang? you all seem to be so lovely!

I am on CD8 and my EDD 29 March 2013, so I am a bit behind you ladies!

I had a MC at the end of March 2012, and my cycles are 28 days spot on!

On CD6 I had a pains in my left ovary, quite strange really - can you ovulate so early? I have some opk's on order and wont arrive until Mon 2 July, so we BD just in case!

Good Luck Ladies xxx


12 years ago

Big temp drop this morning... Expect to see AF soon frustrated since this will be the second super long cycle with a short LP (I'm 10DPO) since my MC I'm not sure what my LP was before the MC since we conceived the first cycle of charting, but I O'd on CD21 that cycle. I'm hoping that the MC didn't really mess up my body long term. Feeling really down today. Best wishes to the rest of you hoping to get your !

"Baby Sprout" 3/17/2012 User Image

12 years ago

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