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New Cycle .. who’s with me??

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Hi Ladies!

CD 1 here!! Another failed TTC attempt. Here’s to hoping for a bfp this cycle!!

153 Replies • 4 years ago



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Well AF showed up tonight so CD1 for me. As odd as it might sound I find myself most relaxed while I’m having my period. No testing, no waiting just living life haha. Hope you ladies all end the week with BFPs!!!

4 years ago

Oh no Colie! I’m sorry that sucks, but yes I do understand that strangely relaxing feeling. It’s kinda like you go back to reality and are able to enjoy life again lol that 2ww really does something to us ladies. It just becomes draining! I’m trying so hard to not let it drain me and take over my life this cycle. I am still doing bbt, but this is because I’m still learning my cycles and picking up on patterns. Still trying to pin point the exact O day each cycle. Other than that though, just trying to stay busy, not test or symptom check. Stay connected with us Colie! And go ahead and indulge in all the stuff you can’t while your pregnant lol

4 years ago • Post starter

Nadine: My first pregnancy gave me super sore nips but not uncommon from preaf syso I didn't know. BUT they never went away so that should have been a clue..LOL.. Nothing out if the ordinary for any of the others though. I like the thought that for some of us it is truly a surprise. ???? I hope you all get to experience that soon no matter if you have kiddos or not.

Colie: Relax away! I am right behind ya. Should be in the morning or late tonight. My pina coladas are calling...just a lil rum. Need a treat this cycle.

Jrosie: You are now tracking your body and more aware of whats normal for you. I dont care what age you are. If you have been tracking for 6 months and no pregnancy Id go in cor cd 3 bloods to check fsh,lh and E2...heck you can do it at anytime....also get thyroid checked. You never know it could just be one thing slightly off balanced but getting your hubbys sperm checked too in the process. I know mine has ok sperm amount, movement just the morphology isnt the best.

Ok better get back to work. Have a super weekend everyone Babydust!!

4 years ago

Cheering you ladies on! Hope to see some BFPs soon!

Luv I enjoyed a big glass of wine last night and I think I’m going to go out for tacos and margaritas for dinner tonight!

4 years ago

Colie: YUM!!! Love me some me tacos!! Have fun if you do go!!!????

4 years ago

Cd1 for me.

4 years ago

Drink one for me!!! Lol

4 years ago • Post starter

Cheers luv! Hope you’re all doing well! Jrosie when are you planning on testing?

CD3 today and I had my LH levels tested today along with an ultrasound of my uterus and ovaries. Hopefully I get some answers this cycle!

4 years ago

Colie- that great, looking forward to hearing good results!

Well I Haven’t been sure when I wanted to test, I have been purposely not really thinking about it because I didn’t want to. Like I have said before, I haven’t had any symptoms what so ever this cycle. I always have something going on right after O, but not this time. However, this morning Towards the end of my workout I almost felt like I was going to throw up! Maybe I was pushing myself a little more than usual. But ever since that, Ive had the worst indigestion and some nausea and a slight headache. I am anywhere between 7-9 dpo. So after this experience today, I’m starting to think I might test tomorrow morning. I’ll see how I feel and what my temp says.
I’m really trying to not test and just try a different approach to being less stressed and be more relaxed during the 2ww. I’ve pretty much been denying and coming up with any excuse of why I’m not pregnant when I feel the slightest thing in my body, but what I feel today is hard to deny. Maybe I just ate too much last night for dinner ... lol

4 years ago • Post starter

Eeek Jrosie I’m super excited for you girl! Any updates?

4 years ago

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