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December Testers Support Group!

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Hi everyone! This is a close-knit group of women who support each other throughout our cycles as we struggle through the rollercoaster of TTC.

We love new people so please feel free to join us with an introduction and just describing your journey with TTC so far :)

The best way to get support is to give support, so join the conversation and no drop-ins please! We are all in this together and we are here for friendship and sisterhood!

611 Replies • 10 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

581 - 590 of 611 Replies | Last Page

@ttc: that sounds promising! Hope it is your BFP!!! My temps dropped again so AF is surely on its way. I am 13 dpo (or 12 according to FF) so I am sure I would have gotten a BFP by now if I were pregnant.

Hope everyone is well and getting all positive signs towards their BFP's!

10 years ago

Thanks Dev. My fingers are crossed!!

10 years ago

Im out,AF arrived this morning.:(
GL for everyone who still in the game

10 years ago

Still no BFP on HPT, still no AF, as of now 5 days late. went to GP today and done blood work, and it was positive, they didn't say what level was, so going to make appointment for OB doctor. Now I will be going crazy because HPT still isn't picking up, thinking something is wrong. has anyone had this happen?

10 years ago

Kentucky: I haven't had it happen to me but have heard of it happening to other people. Some women they just don't work for them but they go on to have healthy pregnancies.

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10 years ago

@ MamaKB18 thanks, after I had MC in Aug. I am just a worrier. With that Pregnancy HPT showed really early, and levels where always good until I had MC, but the sac was empty at 7 weeks then had MC. so I am hoping this time goes smooth. so for now I am going to keep testing everyday until I get a BFP on HPT and wait for dr. appointment. which with holidays it is almost a month before I can get in to see him. so until then I am going to take my positive and glow, and pray that everything goes normal. good luck to everyone else and the ones that are out this month already start working on next month. who knows I maybe working on it with you or not. IDK this is going to drive me crazy.

10 years ago

Had my midcycle U/S this morning and it was a disaster.

(1) My lining was still thin...only 5mm and that was with estrogen shots and red raspberry tea! UGH

(2) No decent size follies. She measured one at 7.5, but normally by now I have at least one follicle that is 18-21. She said it looks like my ovaries took a break this month. Grrrrrr!

(3) My OPKs are pretty dark, so I think I may be surging soon. For nothing!

Yesterday, I had O pains and EWCM, so there is the slimmest possibility that I already ovulated, but my RE does not think so because she could not see a collapsed follicle on the U/S. What does this all mean?

(1) No IUI this cycle. I cancelled it. Instead of coming back in a few days to see if the follicle has increased in size, we will just BD and let nature take its course.

(2) Next month, I will have an HSG to ensure my tubes aren't blocked and everything else is working. IUI or medicated cycle next month either.

(3) She said due to my advanced maternal age, we may have to consider donor eggs if we are unsuccessful after a few months. That was tough to hear. I'm not there yet! I'll try TCM and acupuncture before that!

In short, I wanted a BFP for Christmas, but instead, I got a 2-month wait under the tree. When I left the doctor's office, I sat in my car and just sobbed. I think I'm going to take the next 2 months off actively TTC until I know more about my situation. I don't want anymore disappointment for a while.

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10 years ago

Im here!!! Hoping to receive a BFP for an early Christmas gift.We have been trying to conceive for 3 months now and we have two other children. Such anticipation!! Im getting excited because i have missed my AF this month and that's not normal for me. I wish all of you wonderful woman the best of luck and may you all get BFP soon. Ill be looking to see!!!

10 years ago

@Holly: I'm sorry to hear that you had a rough day. I guess all I can say is just take it one day at a time. Easier said than done. Miracles happen every day so here's hoping that your miracle is on its way very soon.

@Kentucky: Congrats on the positive! I have had friends who have had BFN on HPT for the first few months of pregnancy and had perfect full term babies. I can understand the stress that you must be feeling right now though with your history. I hope all is in your favor and you will soon see the two lines to reassure your mind that everything is a-okay.

10 years ago

@ Holly, I am so sorry hun. Try to keep your head up and think positive. I know that isn't the easiest thing right now. We are all here for you. It might do you some good to absolutely know you won't be conceiving the next 2 months. It will save you the stress of the tww and then you can start fresh again. Best of luck to you. I think I am going to take a break from actively ttc for a couple of months as well and let nature run its course.

10 years ago

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