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January 2018 Babies!!

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Hi everyone, I don't believe i have seen any threads for January 2018 babies yet so i thought i would start. I am CD 3 and if i conceive this month i will be due on or about 6th January 2018. It's been a year and a half trying and one miscarriage. Hubby lives in another country so i am timing this for when i see him for Easter. I am on clomid this month plus some other supplements - I must say i feel like a science project now. I just really want this to work out this month. Trying to stay positive and hoping for the best. Supposed to ovulate between the 13th and 18th of April. Fingers crossed.

Best of luck to all of you trying to conceive this month!!

581 Replies • 7 years ago



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@hopeful, thanks! I'm trying not to psych myself out because I don't want to be disappointed but I am staying positive So glad your baby's heartbeat went up!

7 years ago

@hopeful, so happy to hear that all went well, and thats a great strong heartbeat! Yea, nurse said that to me too, that its just satarted beating, I could bearly hear it. So far all its been good for me, except sickness and tired, but that will reassure me that lil bub is growing in there! Now I have 3 weeks until next scan, can not wait! its so different this time around, with my ds I felt so great all way true pregnancy, boss had to make me leave job for maternity lol sure enought week after I left he came lol but this time feeling like crap, and will have to tell at work, cos started to show already, I guess with second one shows faster.

7 years ago

So I dunno why I took a hpt tonight at 10.30pm. I was out with friends and two of them were pg we were talkin about babies. One of them mentioned my bbs looked bigger so i thought I would take a test which is 13dpo today and CD29 aF due 2mw and I got BFN!!!

I am so disappointed because we bd so much this cycle and around O that I thought there was a good chance. I know I am not out until AF shows but I really thought this month after 6 monthe off bc and 5th month ttc that maybe this was it.

Maybe there is something wrong with me fertility wise! I hope not but I wish I could understand this.

Not looking forward to having another cycle ttc!.

7 years ago

@GinSue - please don't get disheartened ... At an average a women with no fertility issues take atleast a year to conceive ... And as you said until af arrives ur still in ...

@nikolina - last time I was pregnant and miscarried, I was always tired and nauseated .. I used to have terrible morning sickness.... but this time around I have only bloating ... weird .. and this one seems to be our healthy baby (fingers crossed) ...

7 years ago

Hello ladies I hope everyone has been doing good. Congrats on everyone who got the this month. I have been taking a break for awhile because I was mentally drained by TTC and the disappointments. For those who remember me I was supposed to start Clomid contingent on the results of my ultrasound and whether my cyst has grown. I got the results back yesterday and unfortunately is worse than what I expected. not only did the cyst on my left ovary grow but it grew to the 3.2 in diameter which means its now covering my fallopian tubes so they have to remove my ovary and tube. It's not the news I wanted but the upside is I wont have pain on that side anymore. Ugghhh the joys of being a women.. ( In my sarcastic voice)


7 years ago

Hey ladies, I hope all has been well. I have been lurking seeing what everyone is up to and bug congrats to everyone who got there . I myself have nothing but terrible news to share. Some of you may know me from the Jan babies group and how DH and I were trying for 7 years to conceive without any luck :(. Any way I went to my doctors to start Clomid but she wanted me to do an ultrasound to see if my cyst came back and of course just as my luck would have it, not only did it come back it grew so big that it is covering my tubes and blocking the opening so I have to have both removed so I will only 1 ovary and tube. to make matters worse they found a mass at the opening of my uterus that they have to remove so I am not happy at all. The only good news is that the doctor said that because of the mass blocking the entrance it could have been the reason I did not get pregnant all these years. I am so stressed about this because it is a major surgery and doctor said I should be back to normal after 4-6 weeks. Which means I wont be able to start trying again until maybe September. I know I am dampering the mood with this sadness, but I need you guys this is really scary and I am super nervous. I find out the surgery date next week so of course I can not stop thinking about it.


6 years ago

Oh my gosh ladybugsmom I am so sorry to hear about this! Sounds awful! I hope you are ok. I suppose now you know what the problem is and once you are back to normal hopefully you will get your BFP. Try not to stress about it I cannot even begin to imagine how difficult it is but at least you have an answer now. Keep your chin up and be positive about the surgery and recovery and you will be back to yourself in no time x

6 years ago

Hi LadybugsMom,

Sorry to hear that your going through so much...
But it is good news if they have finally found the reason to your infertility..
Surgeries are always scary .. I had 2 in the past ... Don't worry .. u wont feel a thing when the procedure is done ... There will be some pain afterwards but that too will be gone very soon... Stay positive hun ...

When is your surgery scheduled to happen?

6 years ago

@ginsue thank you so much for your support I am going to need it. I did have a cyst removed from that side back in December of 2015 and even with that I could not get up and walk around until about 5 days later and with my endo I bled so heavily I had to go back to the doctor. Ughh I am just completely stressed out.

@hopeful I don't know when the surgery date w ill be until the nest week on the 5th :(. Even though I have had surgery to remove the cyst prior that was small this is a huge surgery removing parts. I can not even wrap my head around this. I am just suuuuper stressed.


6 years ago

@Ladybugsmom - may god give you the strength to bear the pain..... You will be in my prayers.. Hoping that you will recover fast and get a bfp soon after ....

6 years ago

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