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Wannabe an AUGUST mom?!? Join Here!!!

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I see no one had started a new board so I am going to start the new one for the next month!! August Due Dates welcomed.

My Est. Due Date will be Aug 3rd if I get that this cycle. This is my 13th cycle TTCing and we are trying BBT/ Fertilaid for Men/OPKS.

Any Ladies want to join?!?!

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755 Replies • 11 years ago



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Roxanne when are you going to the doctor for bloods! If you havent scheduled it yet i would get on that asap... tests can really cause alot of unnecessary stress so i wouldnt test again until the first morning urine... or just get blood test to be sure! Praying for you and sending you tons of sticky vibes!!!

Cristi your welcome! Hope your feeling ok...

Afm: 7 dpo trying to wait patiently to test at least until 10 dpo. Feel a full feeling in my tummy and am going to the bathroom alot! But that could be that im drinking tons of water lol. Have been very irritable and not in a good mood these last 3 days. And have a sharp pain when peeing... feels like i am straining to get the urine out of my bladder... anyone else have these symptoms and get a bfp?

11 years ago

Cristi I'm so very sorry.

Roxanne I agree with the others. Stop testing and call your doc. You'll drive yourself crazy!

AFM I'm currently 10dpo and my temps have been pretty consistent but I haven't been the most accurate when it comes to testing the last few days. I normally temp at 5:30 in the morning but I've been waking at 4:45. I haven't had any urges to POAS this month. In fact I'm sort of dreading the next few days and the possibility of testing if I'm late. I'm sick of seeing negative tests. I don't have any symptoms so I definitely don't feel like its my month. I think we're gonna try preseed next cycle.

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11 years ago

I exercised every muscle in my willpower not to test this morning. I KNOW I'm pregnant one second and KNOW I'm not the next (secretly, and not to jinx myself, I really know I am). I couldn't do it, I had to. 10dpo, BFN, but after I tested, there were definite signs of implantation bleeding. Brown blood in slimy CM! I should have wiped before I POS. It would have deterred me.
I'm still 5 days away from expecting AF, who is always here as expected and spotting is unheard of. I have had dull headaches last all day long (I never get headaches) despite drinking huge amounts of water. Obviously because of that, I am peeing insanely often. Gassy and I mean gassy. My kid giggles all day long saying "Mama tooted. That's so funny!". I was even nervous about going to my BILs because of it. I'm tired, but sometimes I feel like i need a nap just after walking upstairs. Like seriously.
Here's another gross one... Pooping. I am pooping nearly every time I go to the bathroom. They are normal in every way but the frequency is ridiculous.
Snappy and irritable are applicable words to describe my temperament lately. Before I knew I was pregnant with my first, I left my wonderful, loving husband, stayed the night in a hotel with my dogs, a car load of stuff and had planned on driving 2000 miles away in the morning. Permanently, because I was so annoyed (for weeks)with every single thing about him, our house... Everything. I took a test that morning and BAM. BFP. I was elated, came back home and gave him the news. I was 8 weeks. The crankiness lasted for the first 6 months. It's a miracle we survived it. I am not at that extreme yet, but I'm on my way. I noticed changes starting 8dpo. Other mentionables include vivid dreaming, pulling/tugging cramps, tender breasts, increased sense of smell and a stuffy nose (???), bloating, general discomfort.. The brown discharge, emotions, headaches and bowels are the big giveaways for me. Lord I hope I'm right! Since I used my last test it will be easy to wait until AF is late to test again but Honestly i feel like if AF doesn't come Wednesday, I won't even bother testing because by then I will already know. (Either that I'm pregnant, or I'm crazy). Baby dust ladies!

11 years ago

MarsMama - I had to laugh about the part when you left b/c I am the same way anymore when I get all emotional while TTC. I think I'm not going home, I'm just going to drive and stop somewhere and not come back for a while. Then I think about all the reasons I can't do that and then go home. My DH thinks I am crazy but he gets it!

11 years ago

Cristi- words cannot express how I'm feeling right now for you! I'm so sorry sweetie! Like the girls said, it's all in God's timing and His master plan, and everything happens for a reason. Be strong. Have hope. It will happen FOR SURE and your baby will be perfect!

Roxanne- I hope you get a positive blood test, I cannot imagine the rollercoaster you're going through right now with the light positive tests! Praying for you too!

Jess- Good luck!!! Symptoms sound good for you!!

Marsmama- ALL those symptoms look VERY promising.. I think you'll be getting a here soon lady!!

Welcome to all the new ladies!! This forum is on fire right now with all the ... I hope it stays this way!!

AFM- All day yesterday I was cramping on and off haven't felt like this before it seemed like it was a pretty big ovulation day... It also fell with my acupuncture appt. so I had acupuncture on my ovulation day, I hope to God it helped!!

Much love to all you ladies!!

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11 years ago

Hi all, we have been ttc for 5months. Today is 10 dpo and I am really struggling with the TWW. I will do a test tomorrow and again in 3days. Feeling tired, having really vivid dreams and dull ache right side on and off since O. I am really looking forward to seeing a lot of BFPs in here. Good luck everyone, you are all giving me extra strength.

11 years ago

Oh my heavens. I just logged in from Mexico to find out how Cristi's appt went and this the opposite of what I was hoping to see! Sweetie I'm so very sorry. I wish I could give you a real hug but please accept the one I'm sending you mentally. And sadly so many on these boards have been through some form of pregnancy loss. It's not fair and I'm so sorry this is happening to you.

Unless your Dr has indicated a medical necessity, you don't have to take the meds right away. Maybe even take a few days to come to peace with this. Some women even wait a few days to see if the process starts naturally. Also I've heard from a lot of ladies to take the tylenol half an hour before the meds.

Also bear in mind that you may be hormonally funky next cycle. A bunch of us have had a cycle or two that were unpredictable after a loss. We're all here for feedback and support if that happens. Again I'm so sorry for your loss.

Roxanne I seriously second all the suggestions to get your betas. It's better to know for sure and you're just torturing yourself hun. I hate to see what this is doing to you. I'm hoping for the best for you.

Best of luck to all you ladies. I'll try to check in again sometime soon.

Btw, I'm out AGAIN and starting to think this will never happen. However I'm enjoying my guilt-free margaritas by the pool and intend to have one for each lady on this board. Xoxo

DS born 01/2011. Preg loss 10/2012. TTC over 35. User Image

11 years ago

Thank you Lynn! It has begun and all I can do with each pain and trip to the restroom is cry! I am determined to maintain a positive outlook but think it won't start until after it is all over.

Thank you Miracle. God's time is what I keep telling myself.. right now it is just hard because it has begun.

GrantsMama, Thank you so very much. I have come to terms and am at peace with it. Like I told my husband, I just wanted to get the process going so that I would be able to heal. We did the meds today at 11 am. The dr said within a couple of hours I would feel cramps and usually around 12 hours the process will start... HA... not with me... the process started with 2 1/2 hours. My body was ready and I believe emotionally I was ready too. I think I will be at peace (again) when it is all said and done. I will for sure be seeking feedback and support after while trying to get my cycles back on track! Oh boy! This has been an emotional couple of days... they have me taking ibuprofen and tylenol w/ codene only this afternoon after the nurse called to check on me, she called back and said we are switiching the tylenol out with Vicodin. The goal is for me to sleep through the most painful parts if I can. Sorry for the long winded spill here. How is your trip to Mexico? How are you doing? Miss you on the forum! Thank you for the hug!

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11 years ago

Cristi - I don;t think there is anything I can say to make it feel any better. I have never experienced loss and I can't imagine. But I think I can speak for the other ladies to say we are here if you want to vent, yell, etc. etc. I hope in a couple days you feel better physically and emotionally.

11 years ago

Thank you PBC... that means a lot to me!

I want to take a moment to say THANK YOU to all of you. You all have taken the time out to send a virtual hug, say a prayer, or just send words of support and encouragement! I don't know how I would have been able to go through what I am going through now without my DH and all of you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I will keep you all posted on any changes! I am still praying for all of you to get your BFPs soon..... and I mean very soon! :)

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11 years ago

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