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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hey ladies,

Thanks for all of the kind words! I really appreciate each of you.

Hope you all had a great weekend. I didn't leave the house at all today...and the hubby didn't go to drill today so we had a nice time this morning :) Just been catching up on my shows...did a little laundry but still need to iron some clothes for the dh.

10 years ago

amag thanks girl I hope you're right! Glad you haven't had any nasty side effects too. It can be hard enough to do IVF so side effects would have just SUCKED!

JLH I'm doing ok! I love your plan. Do they have any idea yet how long it'll take to get those fibroids under control? I'd guess they could make major progress quickly once they know exactly what they're dealing with!

michgurl 20 DPO holy cow! Are you temping? Maybe it's not 20 DPO? I had a cycle where I thought I was 28 DPO and I wanted to scream!!! Turns out I think I O'd two weeks late. So confusing. I am excited for you to go back to school, hopefully you won't have to deal with lame bosses since YOU will be the boss ;)

lawbride that is good that wheat isn't TOO bad for ya. Because bread is super yummy! Is it a gluten allergy or something else in wheat?

bluerose lands sakes! Hopefully your cycle will make sense soon. It's crazy. FX for you girl! Are you still gonna try and get a blood test tomorrow if you don't have AF?

afmedic woohoo for a new car! How are you feeling lately??

JLH catching up on shows sounds like a great weekend! Hope you get that ironing done quick :)

AFM CD 2 now. AF started yesterday afternoon. Feel much better emotionally! Surprised by how heavy my flow was today because my lining is supposedly so thin. My game plan for this month now includes L-arginine (for me AND DH) and evening primrose oil. It's time to get serious!! Start Femara tomorrow and I hope it's not unpleasant!

10 years ago • Post starter

Good morning ladies nothing new going on here just hanging in there and trying to be

Luv: how are you feeling!! sorry about AF but at least you are on to a new game plan and hoping things go smoothly for you!

Jada: Wishing you all the best with your plan as well. Hoping this new plan will work out and move along smoothly.

blue: how are you doing sweety!! hope al lis well for you!!

10 years ago

amag-trying to be good in what way? I hope you're succeeding nonetheless :)

Luv--it's something else in wheat because I'm not allergic to gluten although I am allergic to several other gluten containing grains.

Jada--what a relaxing day! That sounds lovely!

mich--I see. Well, I hope it gets better! It must suck to be unhappy with your work situation.

blue--I am so mystified by your cycle this month. I hope you figure out whatever's going on soon!

afm--I'm so exhausted. I don't know why. I just feel could be that I wound up taking a 2 hour walk to/from Ikea yesterday and I don't know..I just haven't been feeling like myself lately. My body is kinda achey and I'm just TIRED! I also haven't really been sleeping :( Sorry to be a pooper--I just can't seem to get it together.

10 years ago

@afmedic109- congrats on the new vehicle! I went vehicle shopping yesterday as well!

@michgurl30- I am hoping too. I am working nights this week again. So hopefully I can run to the city possibly Thursday. If not, I have an appt. Monday.

@JLHart22- Sounds like you had a nice relaxing day! We all need those every now and then!

@luvtowalkfast- I can't go in today. I am about to go to bed :(. I wish I could! Good luck this cycle!!

@lawbride88- Sorry to hear you are feeling so off! Hope you feel better soon.

24 dpo. No changes what-so-ever. Just living in the world of everyone else's pregnancy announcements. Looked at a new truck yesterday I may buy. Hoping to maybe run to a walk in Thursday or Friday. Hoping I am one of those rare cases of hcg not metabolizing in my urine? haha I don't know.

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10 years ago

Morning ladies!

Law, hope you feel better soon! That's a lot of walking I can only imagine how you are feeling from that alone. I heart Ikea though, we are using some of thier products in the new house! The weekend was relaxing for sure!

Amag, thanks for that!! I'm with Law good how?? LOL. How was the weekend?

Luv, hey your headspace right now. Having a plan can do that, it does for me anyways...I think that after the procedure of dealing with the fibroids we should be able to try right away. Most of what I read says that too...having my first myo in 2009 and the lapse of time allowed others to grow. So I am praying that if we do the SIS this month, and the procedure next month perhaps we will be on our way in June??

10 years ago

Blue, hope you sleep well! I think a blood test is a must...can't wait to hear what happens :)

10 years ago

blue--I'm stumped. I wish you could just do a blood test!

jada--yeah, it was a lot. I, too, love Ikea! I love the living room and kitchen set ups.

10 years ago

Just doing a quick update before I head to work. Had a little bit of pink spotting before going for my nap. So I am thinking af is just around the corner. Kinda pissed I am having to try another cycle but happy I will have an answer. And can head in for my cd 2-4 blood work!

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10 years ago

amag I'm doing ok! Excited about this month's plan. How are you feeling? Any symptoms?

lawbride no wonder you're tired, do not overdo it no matter how tempted! You have your hands full with the academics so doing crazy exercise will just poop ya ;)

bluerose sorry about the spotting but at least you have an answer of sorts! I think this cycle will be good. Bloodwork hopefully will come back great!

JLH yay June is very soon! Only two time is flying. FX that it all goes well scheduling-wise!

AFM nothing happening! Hoping I will be less bloated tomorrow.

10 years ago • Post starter

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