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Private Testers Support Group Part 3!

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A "secret" group for a not-secretly awesome group of ladies. :)

As I said in the last thread, I'm CD 9 and nothing exciting is happening, unless you count patchy depression and seasonal affective disorder "exciting" :-/

576 Replies • 10 years ago



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afmedic--I see. I'm sure you'll be where you need to be by the deadline. As long as you aren't gaining EXCESS weight then it will come off relatively easily. That's what I've read anyway and it makes a lot of sense. Some people retain a lot of water--in that case it isn't excess at all even if the scale seems to be higher than we'd like it to be. I'm hoping I don't get any significant swelling or anything. I'm probably going to be receiving some hand me downs from a few friends with baby girls and I'll gladly accept!

10 years ago

Hey there!!

Amag, I told you!! SO happy for you and can't wait to hear how this all goes for you :)

Law, HI! The ceremony went really well today, thanks for the nice thoughts! How did your day go?

Blue, thanks for the thoughts as well! That's so strange and I am going with you have a LO in there and the tests just aren't showing...fx'd for you still!!

SMH, hope all is well :)

AFMed, so happy to hear from you!! I am going to civilians for my OB and RE.

Luv, hey lady! How are you today? I agree with you about my fibroids, which I seriously think is the main issue we are having. OB and RE both think we are connecting, just not implanting...

Holly, hi! I am an Army Reserve Officer, just switched from Finance to Contracting. How are you doing?

Cam, hope you are doing well!

AFM, found out tonight another sorority sister is expecting...her third. I am happy, but it's still hard from time to time. I am on CD24, not really feeling any different...just abiding my time.

10 years ago

bluerose that is so strange! Sorry you still have BFNs. I looked at your chart again and also couldn't find another clear point where you might have O'd. So weird! I will keep hoping it'll somehow become clear!

lawbride thanks! Allergic to wheat, yeah you should not eat bread then! Doesn't it make you feel sick? I am still temping as I have been for 14 months, temps are dropping so I am definitely out!

JLH sorry about the sorority sister news! Hard to be super psyched for people like that even though you like them and all. Do the docs have a solid game plan for your fibroids? I am excited for you!

amag I know, doctors are such boobs I swear. You are lucky you got pregnant off a "fresh" cycle, if you do FET you have to inject oil progesterone (very painful) for TWELVE WEEKS. It's nuts. My friend is dealing with that right now. Your numbers are awesome! Yay what a relief!!

SMH hello!

afmedic hope everything is going well for you! Yes I am glad DH will be here when I'm fertile! Definitely out this month but thanks for the optimism!

AFM 14 DPO and temps are dropping and I started spotting today. Finally had AF-like cramps today, too. Usually I get them from like 8 DPO on. Last two days have been a legit hormone nightmare. For 24 hours I was sobbing at the drop of a hat. Then I'd be fine. Then I'd be sobbing again. Worst rollercoaster of my life. My body is f***ing DONE with the Clomid, I think. I told a friend that I have been red-lining progesterone for the last 5 months. It's been ridiculous. I finally am starting to feel more emotionally stable in the last few hours. At this point I just hope AF comes tomorrow and I feel normal again. I bought L-arginine to help my lining (and for DH to also take to help his sperm count) and evening primrose oil for uterus and CM in the FP. I am psyched because Femara is covered by insurance since it's technically not a fertility drug. Only cost me $1.61! Praying to god that I have fewer side effects. I've been reading stories about women who had thin lining from Clomid, then got pregnant their first Femara cycle. Trying to stay positive for this coming month.

Also turns out DH is going to France in May, which is good, the week he's gone I will not be fertile!

10 years ago • Post starter

luv: Sorry you have been all over the place. I am actually really surprised I didn't have any side effects emotionally to any of the meds while I was on them and feel very lucky in that aspect. Hopefully you will be able to get your LO with your first cycle and the femara doesn't mess with you like the clomid did. I would really love to see you get your BFP, you have been on this ride just as long as I have!!

Blue: that sucks that they cant get you in until the 14th!! Everything sounds like you have a LO brewing but it would drive me nuts!! im keeping my fingers crossed for you in the meantime!!

jada: I know its not easy to hear when someone else finds out they are pregnant. Its not that you are not happy for them its still just hard to deal with when you are trying for so long and nothing. I had that happen with my bestfriend. in October she found out she was expecting her second and called to tell me. she was afraid to tell me cause she was afraid I wouldn't be happy or would be upset. and its not that I wasn't just disappointed with myself. the part that got me was when she said she understood how I felt after trying for three months she almost gave up!! I was like really? try going on two years at that point then tell me how you feel. She really hasn't called me much which im afraid is due to my reaction. she lives in florida and I live in ma so we don't talk that often anyways. im hoping you will have a solid game plan and things will move quickly for you!!

10 years ago

Hey ladies, hope you all had a great Saturday!

Luv, you are right, but I'm trying and praying to stay's hard though! How are you feeling?? Well on CD1 I am to call the RE office and they will schedule the uterine SIS, which is similar to an HSG from my understanding. This will give the doc a better understanding of where the fibroids are. Then he plans to perform another myomectomy, but laparoscopic versus being opened like my first one. He hopes that will then create a less hostile environment!

Amag, it's amazing how everyone looks at their situation and honestly unless they have been in the others position they will never truly understand. I have another sorority sister who is now pregnant via IVF and she has shared her story with me, which I appreciate because it helps to know that we aren't alone in this journey. And that there is hope just as in your case! I know we all will never "meet" but having this support system means so much!! How was your day?

AFM, I had a busy day, but got a lot done! Worked out, got a massage, got my oil changed, ordered stuff for the new house, ensured the painters got my vision right I'm tired now! CD25 just counting down....

10 years ago

@JLH: Yea it's good to have a plan this time around. Before I just took what I wanted or what I thought I would need to fulfill the requirements for my major. Haha I'd want to bang my head against a wall if it does bite me in the butt with my LO.

@holly: Thanks!

@law: I figure if I can manage my time without wasting too much of it once I start classes then I should do fine. Though I'll still have to make sure that I'm prepared for whatever these classes require and study as much as possible.

@luv: I just hope my study skills aren't too horribly rusty. I already plan on asking for help when I go to take my English courses, because I absolutely hate English. Hope the Femara does help. lol I think I'd want to choke someone too if it ends up not working.

Today is CD32 and 20 DPO.... took an HPT and got a negative once again so on to the next cycle. I'm really wanting to just tell my bosses that I quit, cause I'm sick of losing hours almost every week. This week I'm losing 6.5 hours. By this time next week I'll have lost two days worth of pay over the last month. I'm finally going to file a grievance this week with the union steward where I work. Mostly because one of my coworkers was going to give me her hours for Monday so that I didn't lose any hours, but one of our departments managers said NO. Ugh I'm so irritated!

10 years ago

Luv--I'm sorry girlie. If you want to rant, Vent, or just feel down we are here for you. It sucks to go through cycle after cycle but I'm hopeful for you. I think you're getting closer to figuring all of this out. Did you get an estrogen prescription? Hopefully they are receptive to your concerns and address them! Wheat doesn't make me feel just makes me bloated, itchy, and my stomach hurts after eating too much of it. It's tolerable but not ideal of course.

Mich--what is all of this in response to? I must have missed that. I'm sorry you're having to deal with a loss of hours,..that must be stressful. Hopefully they either stop or you can find a better job without these concerns. Are you looking elsewhere?

Jada--((hugs)) how's your day been? Any Sunday plans? I hope you feel better soon. I know it can be bittersweet when people find out they're expecting..,.we understand that pain. So, what did you buy for the house? How was your massage? That sounds so nice right now!

10 years ago

@JLHart22- I completely understand that feeling. So many people around me are expecting. And you want to be happy for them. It's just hard when you have been hurting for so long :(. Hopefully this is the cycle for you!

@luvtowalkfast- Sorry to hear you have been so emotional! I am excited for you to try this new medication! Happy to hear you have a new course of action and I really hope dit works for you! And yay for being cheap!

@amag11- Haha yeah, it drives me nuts as well!

@michgurl30- I am sorry to hear work is being so shitty! Hopefully something can get figured out for you!

Tested negative again yesterday (with first response). Temp is quite high this morning. Cramps have died down a lot. Breasts are a little more sore and swollen. Was going to see if I could get a blood test req from a walk in yesterday. All labs within and hour radius of here are closed on Saturdays haha. So we built a to make an exercise room for our new bowflex. Oh, I have also started charting more seriously again just in case my body throws in another ovulation? haha

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10 years ago

Jada- I wish I could make you feel better, it is so hard. You truly deserve your turn, and I will continue to pray for you!!! I am glad you are getting in to RE with tri-care, I was just asking if it was Civillian cause I know some base have RE, in our area the Naval base does it and then some women are even sent to Walter reed a bit further away for IVF, of course they have to pay for but from what I hear it is not as expensive as the civilian sector.

Luv- Sorry you were feeling down, But very happy that it is stabilizing and Supper happy DH will be gone when you are not fertile.

MIch- Sorry for the work issues I hope it all works out.

Blue- Man I hope you figure out what is going on, I also looked at your chart and can't say for sure. I hope you get an answer soon. I can not imagine how frustrating this is for you!

Well DH surprised me yesterday, a Long time ago I told him when I made rank I wanted to trade in my truck and seeing as we both currently have trucks I thought an SUV would be more practical. Well yesterday we went car shopping, and he worked out an amazing deal, and I ended up getting a practically new 2013 Toyota 4 Runner. I am so happy he is such a good haggler!!!

10 years ago

@law: Yes it makes me very nervous. I know it won't stop not unless I switch departments would it possibly stop. I would find a better job where I wouldn't be concerned about losing hours but I really can't right now. Which is why I'm going back to school so that I can.

@blue: Honestly I don't expect much from where I work... there's always bound to be shitty weeks. Unfortunately I tend to just put up with it though it makes me have panic attacks every once in awhile.
Sorry you got another negative test. Definitely strange that you are still getting negative tests despite having some good preggo symptoms. Are you planning on trying to get in to have a blood test done during the week?

@medic: It probably won't work out until I actually find another job. Just gotta deal with things for the time being. Once I've gotten my first degree in business management I'll look for another job.

How are you ladies doing?

10 years ago

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